Groundwater Depletion Accelerating in Many Parts of the World, Study Finds

A man digs with a shovel in agricultural farmland irrigated by groundwater from wells in the area outside of Qamishli in northeastern Syria on December 14, 2023. (AFP)
A man digs with a shovel in agricultural farmland irrigated by groundwater from wells in the area outside of Qamishli in northeastern Syria on December 14, 2023. (AFP)

Groundwater Depletion Accelerating in Many Parts of the World, Study Finds

A man digs with a shovel in agricultural farmland irrigated by groundwater from wells in the area outside of Qamishli in northeastern Syria on December 14, 2023. (AFP)
A man digs with a shovel in agricultural farmland irrigated by groundwater from wells in the area outside of Qamishli in northeastern Syria on December 14, 2023. (AFP)

The groundwater that supplies farms, homes, industries and cities is being depleted across the world, and in many places faster than in the past 40 years, according to a new study that calls for urgency in addressing the depletion.

The declines were most notable in dry regions with extensive cropland, said researchers whose work was published Wednesday in the journal Nature. On the plus side: they found several examples of aquifers that were helped to recover by changes in policy or water management, they said.

“Our study is a tale of bad news and good news,” said Scott Jasechko, a professor of water resources at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the study's lead author. “The novelty of the study lies in its global scope.”

Groundwater is one of the largest freshwater sources anywhere in the world, making the depletion of aquifers a significant concern. Overpumping aquifers can make land sink and wells run dry — and threatens water resources for residential development and farms that use it to irrigate fields.

Jasechko and his colleagues analyzed groundwater data from 170,000 wells and nearly 1,700 aquifers across more than 40 countries that cover 75% of all groundwater withdrawals. For about a third of the aquifers they mapped, they were able to analyze groundwater trends from this century and compare them to levels from the 1980s and 1990s.

That yielded a more robust global picture of underground water supplies and how farms, and to a lesser extent cities and industries, are straining the resource almost everywhere. It also points to how governments aren't doing enough to regulate groundwater in much or most of the world, the researchers and other experts commented.

“That is the bottom line,” said Upmanu Lall, a professor of environmental engineering at Columbia University and director of the Columbia Water Center who was not involved in the study. “Groundwater depletion continues unabated in most areas of the world."

In about a third of the 542 aquifers where researchers were able to analyze several decades of data, they found that depletion has been more severe in the 21st century than in the last 20 years of the previous one.

In most cases, that's happening in places that have also received less rainfall over time, they found. Aquifers located in drylands with large farm industries — in places such as northern Mexico, parts of Iran and southern California — are particularly vulnerable to rapid groundwater depletion, the study found.

But there are some cases for hope, Jasechko said.

That's because in about 20% of the aquifers studied, the authors found that the rate at which groundwater levels are falling in the 21st century had slowed down compared to the 1980s and '90s.

“Our analysis suggests that long-term groundwater losses are neither universal nor irreversible,” the authors wrote. But in a follow-up interview, one of them, University College London hydrogeology professor Richard Taylor, said that pumping too much groundwater can irreversibly damage aquifers when it causes land to subside or slump, and the aquifer can no longer store water.

In Saudi Arabia, groundwater depletion has slowed this century in the Eastern Saq aquifer, researchers found, possibly due to changes the desert Kingdom implemented — such as banning the growth of some water-intensive crops — to its farming practices in recent decades to curb water use.

The Bangkok basin in Thailand is another example the study highlighted where groundwater levels rose in the early 21st century compared to previous decades. The authors cited groundwater pumping fees and licenses established by the Thai government as possible reasons for the improvement.

And outside Tucson, Arizona, they pointed to a groundwater recharge project — in which surface water from the Colorado River is banked underground — as another example where groundwater levels have risen considerably in the 21st century.

“That means there is an ability to act, but also lessons to be learned,” Taylor said.

Hydrologists, policy makers and other water experts often describe groundwater as a local or hyper-local resource, because of the huge differences in how water moves through rocks and soils in individual aquifers.

“You can’t extrapolate from one region to another, but you can clearly map the fact that we are depleting faster than we are accreting," said Felicia Marcus, a former top water official in California and a fellow at Stanford University’s Water in the West Program who was not involved in the research.

That, said Marcus, means “you’ve got to intervene.”

From Deluges to Drought: Climate Change Speeds up Water Cycle, Triggers More Extreme Weather

People walk through a part of the Amazon River that shows signs of drought, in Santa Sofia, on the outskirts of Leticia, Colombia, Oct. 20, 2024. (AP)
People walk through a part of the Amazon River that shows signs of drought, in Santa Sofia, on the outskirts of Leticia, Colombia, Oct. 20, 2024. (AP)

From Deluges to Drought: Climate Change Speeds up Water Cycle, Triggers More Extreme Weather

People walk through a part of the Amazon River that shows signs of drought, in Santa Sofia, on the outskirts of Leticia, Colombia, Oct. 20, 2024. (AP)
People walk through a part of the Amazon River that shows signs of drought, in Santa Sofia, on the outskirts of Leticia, Colombia, Oct. 20, 2024. (AP)

Prolonged droughts, wildfires and water shortages. Torrential downpours that overwhelm dams and cause catastrophic flooding.

Around the globe, rising temperatures stoked by climate change are increasing the odds of both severe drought and heavier precipitation that wreak havoc on people and the environment.

Rainfall can disappear for years only to return with a vengeance, as it did in California in 2023, with record-setting rain and snowfall. That led to heavy vegetation growth that provided fuel for the devastating January wildfires in Los Angeles after drought returned.

But how can global warming cause both drier and wetter extremes? Here's what experts say:

It's all about the water cycle

Water constantly moves between the Earth and its atmosphere. But that system — called the hydrological cycle — is speeding up as global temperatures get hotter, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal and gas.

A hotter atmosphere sucks up more water vapor from bodies of water and vegetation and soil.

Over land, this atmospheric demand and loss of surface moisture leads to longer and more intense droughts, even causing some arid areas to expand. Though rain falls less often, when it does, it's often in intense and destructive deluges.

That's because the atmosphere holds 7% more water vapor for every degree Celsius.

“Basically, global warming is turning the atmosphere into a bigger sponge so it can soak up more moisture ... and then when the conditions are right for rainfall, it’s like squeezing that sponge,” said Jonathan Overpeck, a climate scientist at the University of Michigan. "You get more moisture coming out faster."

Oceans play outsized role

Oceans absorb most of the planet’s extra heat. That causes the water to expand and ice to melt at the poles, raising sea levels. The warmer water also provides fuel for larger hurricanes and cyclones that can dump massive amounts of water in a short time.

In 2023, for example, heavy one-day rains from Mediterranean storm Daniel caused massive flooding across eastern Libya that overwhelmed two dams, sending a wall of water through the coastal city of Derna that destroyed entire neighborhoods and swept bridges, cars and people out to sea. Climate scientists say climate change made that storm far more likely.

Snowpack is diminishing

Climate change also is affecting snowpack, a critical part of the hydrological cycle.

Melting snow helps fill reservoirs and waterways, including for drinking and agriculture. But less snow is falling in general, and what does often is absorbed by thirsty soil.

What's more, because winters are becoming warmer overall, the growing season is longer, meaning snowmelt also is being lost through evapotranspiration of plants. But, just like rain, climate change also can cause more intense and sometimes damaging snowstorms.

“All this stuff is related to warming, which we know with perfect confidence is almost all due to human activity,” Overpeck said. “The good news is, we know how to stop it if we want to.”