RSIFF Continues Support of Cinema Projects in Post-Production Phase

The Red Sea Film Festival Fund called on the filmmakers interested in receiving support for their cinema project to submit their applications. (Red Sea Film Festival Fund)
The Red Sea Film Festival Fund called on the filmmakers interested in receiving support for their cinema project to submit their applications. (Red Sea Film Festival Fund)

RSIFF Continues Support of Cinema Projects in Post-Production Phase

The Red Sea Film Festival Fund called on the filmmakers interested in receiving support for their cinema project to submit their applications. (Red Sea Film Festival Fund)
The Red Sea Film Festival Fund called on the filmmakers interested in receiving support for their cinema project to submit their applications. (Red Sea Film Festival Fund)

The Red Sea Film Festival Fund announced this week that it has launched the first round of its fourth edition dedicated to supporting cinema projects in post-production phase.

The fund called on filmmakers willing to receive a post-production grant, and those interested in receiving support for their cinema projects in the completion, distribution and screening phases, to submit their applications and projects to maximize their winning chances.

The fund stated that it has started to accept the applications as of February 6, from Arab and African filmmakers, opening the door for features (at least 60 minutes), as well as documentaries and animation films.

The fund also urged filmmakers to stay tuned to the forthcoming rounds and all the related information on the terms, conditions and applications.

The Red Sea Fund has launched a campaign to support more than 100 projects, with grants of up to $500,000 for each project in all phases of production: development, production, or under development.

Ancient Egyptian Coffin Given New Life in Britain

Staff at Swansea University welcome back the artifact. Photo: Swansea University
Staff at Swansea University welcome back the artifact. Photo: Swansea University

Ancient Egyptian Coffin Given New Life in Britain

Staff at Swansea University welcome back the artifact. Photo: Swansea University
Staff at Swansea University welcome back the artifact. Photo: Swansea University

An ancient Egyptian coffin was given a new life after it has been returned to Swansea University's Egypt Center in Wales.

The artifact, believed to date from about 650 BC, is now back at the university after thousands of hours of conservation work at Cardiff University, where it was painstakingly cleaned, reconstructed and consolidated to prevent it from deteriorating further, according to BBC.

The coffin, originally made for a man called Ankhpakhered in the Greek city of Thebes, was transported back under the watchful eye of the center’s curator Dr. Ken Griffin.

Staff described the finished project as “beyond our wildest dreams.”

“The coffin was gifted to us by Aberystwyth University in 1997 but details about its history are sketchy,” Griffin said.

He added: “It actually ended up being used as a storage box at one time, with other Egyptian objects placed in it for safekeeping.”

The university’s Phil Parkes explained that the wooden coffin was covered in textile and then had a thin layer of decorated plaster over the top.

He said: “Much of that textile had become detached over time and was just hanging loose.”

Parkes added that the separate wooden head was detached and there were a couple of large pieces of wood missing, the side of the base had fallen off and it was in a very sorry condition overall.