Real-Time Occupancy E-Service Keeps Prophet's Mosque Crowds Flowing Smoothly

Technical advancements are playing a key role in improving services for worshippers and visitors to the Prophet's Mosque. (SPA)
Technical advancements are playing a key role in improving services for worshippers and visitors to the Prophet's Mosque. (SPA)

Real-Time Occupancy E-Service Keeps Prophet's Mosque Crowds Flowing Smoothly

Technical advancements are playing a key role in improving services for worshippers and visitors to the Prophet's Mosque. (SPA)
Technical advancements are playing a key role in improving services for worshippers and visitors to the Prophet's Mosque. (SPA)

Technical advancements are playing a key role in improving services for worshippers and visitors to the Prophet's Mosque in Saudi Arabia's city of al-Madina during Ramadan. One such innovation is the "occupancy status of prayer halls" service, SPA said on Thursday.
Available in Arabic, English, and Urdu, this user-friendly service enables visitors to obtain real-time capacity information about all prayer areas in the mosque before arrival.
Users can view live the occupancy levels for 12 designated locations, including the eastern, western, and northern expansions, courtyards (including the new western courtyards, and the rooftop prayer area).
Accessible via a link, the online page displays occupancy status in four clear color codes: green, “available”, yellow, "almost busy", red, “busy”, and gray "unavailable".
This real-time information helps worshippers plan their visit effectively, and this ensures a smooth flow of movement throughout the mosque and its courtyards. It also helps authorities activate crowd-management plans during peak prayer times.

Red Sea Film Foundation Participates in Toronto International Film Festival

Red Sea FF is participating in the 2024 TIFF with a diverse program
Red Sea FF is participating in the 2024 TIFF with a diverse program

Red Sea Film Foundation Participates in Toronto International Film Festival

Red Sea FF is participating in the 2024 TIFF with a diverse program
Red Sea FF is participating in the 2024 TIFF with a diverse program

The Red Sea Film Foundation (Red Sea FF) is participating in the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) with a diverse program.

Three films supported by the Red Sea FF have been selected for screening within the TIFF's program, a move that reinforces the Red Sea Film Foundation's ongoing efforts to highlight Arab cinema on the global stage.

As part of its participation, the Red Sea FF is hosting a panel discussion in collaboration with TIFF's Conference Center, titled "Bridging Cinematic Cultures: Making Films with the Arab World."

This panel aims to explore prospects for cooperation between international and Arab filmmakers. It will feature a select group of experts, led by Managing Director of the Red Sea Film Foundation, Shivani Pandya Malhotra, alongside Founder of Dubai-based film sales outfit Cercamon, Sebastien Chesneau; Paris-based filmmaker Hind Meddeb; and Founder and Producer of OFFSHORE, Fabrice Préel-Cléach.

"Our Red Sea-supported films at TIFF this year depict the breadth of talent from across the Arab and African regions, showcasing the spectrum of genres and themes that these talented directors are bringing to the international stage,” Managing Director of the Red Sea Film Foundation Shivani Pandya Malhotra said.