Saudi Arabia Participates in the 10th World Water Forum

Saudi Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley - SPA
Saudi Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley - SPA

Saudi Arabia Participates in the 10th World Water Forum

Saudi Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley - SPA
Saudi Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley - SPA

Saudi Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley said that the world faces significant challenges endangering water sustainability, particularly the excessive use of water due to economic growth and climate change, which contribute to the threat to water resources.

His statement came during the 10th World Water Forum, as he chaired the Saudi delegation's participation in the forum on behalf of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in Indonesia from May 18 to 25.
In his speech, he also also emphasized the need for international cooperation to ensure the safety of water resources.
Minister Al-Fadley highlighted that the Kingdom has prioritized water issues on the international agenda.

As a G20 member, the Kingdom continuously supports water issues. For instance, the Kingdom has launched the G20 Water Platform to promote international cooperation and encourage the exchange of expertise in the water sector.

Additionally, the Kingdom initiated the Global Water Organization, which aims to unite international efforts to address challenges threatening water security, SPA reported.
He also noted that the Kingdom is dedicated to participating in meetings and activities related to water issues and hosting forums on water security and sustainability. He mentioned that the Kingdom plans to host the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) next December, and the 11th World Water Forum in Riyadh in 2027, under the theme "Working for a Better Tomorrow," in alignment with the Kingdom's Vision 2030 for addressing water issues.

Upon Saudi Arabia's Request, UN Declares Nov. 24 as World Conjoined Twins Day

Permanent representative of Saudi Arabia to the UN Abdulaziz Al-Wasil, delivered a speech at the UNGA, while presenting the draft resolution about the designation for adoption. SPA
Permanent representative of Saudi Arabia to the UN Abdulaziz Al-Wasil, delivered a speech at the UNGA, while presenting the draft resolution about the designation for adoption. SPA

Upon Saudi Arabia's Request, UN Declares Nov. 24 as World Conjoined Twins Day

Permanent representative of Saudi Arabia to the UN Abdulaziz Al-Wasil, delivered a speech at the UNGA, while presenting the draft resolution about the designation for adoption. SPA
Permanent representative of Saudi Arabia to the UN Abdulaziz Al-Wasil, delivered a speech at the UNGA, while presenting the draft resolution about the designation for adoption. SPA

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed November 24 as World Conjoined Twins Day. This designation originates from an initiative put forth by Saudi Arabia, in collaboration with the nucleus group composed of Bahrain, Morocco, Qatar, and Yemen.
The commemorative day aims to raise awareness about conjoined twins from a humanitarian perspective and to celebrate the remarkable achievements in the field of conjoined-twin separation surgeries.
Permanent representative of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations Abdulaziz Al-Wasil, delivered a speech at the UNGA, while presenting the draft resolution about the designation for adoption.
Al-Wasil highlighted that the resolution aims to increase awareness about conjoined twins at various stages of their lives.
He emphasized that the international community, through the Sustainable Development Goals, committed to ensuring the health and well-being of all individuals, while ensuring that no one is left behind.
Al-Wasil added that this commitment underscores the need for fostering international and regional cooperation to ensure conjoined twins’ well-being and access to the highest quality healthcare, while promoting their human rights.
Al-Wasil highlighted human health as a priority for the Kingdom, showcasing its leading role regarding conjoined-twin separation.
The permanent representative expressed gratitude to the representatives of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) for their support throughout the drafting and negotiation phases of this resolution.