Woman Refuses to Straighten Her Hair for Friend’s Wedding

Woman questions whether she was wrong after refusing to straighten hair for friend’s wedding (Getty Images)
Woman questions whether she was wrong after refusing to straighten hair for friend’s wedding (Getty Images)

Woman Refuses to Straighten Her Hair for Friend’s Wedding

Woman questions whether she was wrong after refusing to straighten hair for friend’s wedding (Getty Images)
Woman questions whether she was wrong after refusing to straighten hair for friend’s wedding (Getty Images)

A woman has questioned whether she was in the wrong after she defied a bride’s wishes by keeping her hair curly.

Whether it’s a dress code or a drink limit, weddings tend to come with their own set of rules to follow a certain aesthetic or ensure the event goes smoothly. In this case, one wedding required all guests to show up with straight hair, The Independent reported.

Taking to Reddit’s popular confession forum, a candid woman questioned whether she was in the wrong for not abiding by her cousin’s hairstyle rule. The 24-year-old started by explaining that the “straightened hair” rule came from her cousin’s 25-year-old partner. His now-wife wanted everyone who didn’t have natural curly or wavy locks to forget their usual hairdo and straighten everything out.

Oddly enough, the bride has been working for a hair brand that specializes in protecting and enhancing natural curls.

“She’s gotten into the brand overtime and often wears her hair curly, and wants everyone else to not make the same mistake she did by straightening it and ruining her curls for a period of time,” the Reddit user admitted.

But when it came time for the wedding, the Reddit writer decided to keep her hair curly. However, she wrote that her cousin and his wife had no idea her natural hair wasn’t straight.

“When I showed up to the wedding with my naturally curly hair, his wife went ballistic [and] said that only people with naturally curly hair were supposed to keep their hair curled. She claims I’ve never had curly hair,” the original poster confessed.

She continued: “I tried to tell her the calmest way possible that [that is] simply not true and I would rarely wear my hair naturally. But followed the rules for the wedding.”

The bride didn’t believe she was telling the truth, according to the post. Instead, her cousin’s partner assumed the Reddit user was trying to “ruin” the wedding by making a mockery of the rule. Unfortunately, her cousin thought she was lying too.

“As a present I bought them a very nice TV for their new house,” the Redditor went on to say. “I ended up getting kicked out for not following ‘dress code’ on my way out so I grabbed my TV and left. Once my cousin figured out it was the TV he and his wife had been wanting, he tried to convince her to let me back in.”

When the bride caught wind of what was at stake, she apologized to the writer and told her she “believed” her, according to the Reddit post. The Reddit user said the apology encouraged her to return to the party. However, once she’d returned, she said she was again judged for her hair choice.

“Halfway through the night one of her bridesmaids poured water on my head to see if my hair would straighten when it didn’t and I was sopping wet and my $400 dress. I picked up my TV and left,” she said.

Since then, the woman said her cousin and his wife have been badgering her, arguing she shouldn’t have left and taken the TV – but readers disagreed.

The overwhelming majority of Reddit readers thought the cousin and his wife were completely in the wrong.

“You get called a liar for following an asinine wedding rule. They wanted you back for the gift,” one person proclaimed.

Mount Everest's Highest Camp Littered with Frozen Garbage, Cleanup Likely to Take Years

This image provided by the Peak Promotion shows a member of the Nepal government-funded team using a spade to remove frozen trash en route the Mount Everest, Nepal, Tuesday, April 27, 2021. (Peak Promotion via AP)
This image provided by the Peak Promotion shows a member of the Nepal government-funded team using a spade to remove frozen trash en route the Mount Everest, Nepal, Tuesday, April 27, 2021. (Peak Promotion via AP)

Mount Everest's Highest Camp Littered with Frozen Garbage, Cleanup Likely to Take Years

This image provided by the Peak Promotion shows a member of the Nepal government-funded team using a spade to remove frozen trash en route the Mount Everest, Nepal, Tuesday, April 27, 2021. (Peak Promotion via AP)
This image provided by the Peak Promotion shows a member of the Nepal government-funded team using a spade to remove frozen trash en route the Mount Everest, Nepal, Tuesday, April 27, 2021. (Peak Promotion via AP)

The highest camp on the world’s tallest mountain is littered with garbage that is going to take years to clean up, according to a Sherpa who led a team that worked to clear trash and dig up dead bodies frozen for years near Mount Everest’s peak.
The Nepal government-funded team of soldiers and Sherpas removed 11 tons of garbage, four dead bodies and a skeleton from Everest during this year's climbing season.
Ang Babu Sherpa, who led the team of Sherpas, said there could be as much as 40-50 tons of garbage still at South Col, the last camp before climbers make their attempt on the summit.
“The garbage left there was mostly old tents, some food packaging and gas cartridges, oxygen bottles, tent packs, and ropes used for climbing and tying up tents,” he said, adding that the garbage is in layers and frozen at the 8,000-meter altitude where the South Col camp is located.
Since the peak was first conquered in 1953, thousands of climbers have scaled it and many have left behind more than just their footprints, The Associated Press reported.
In recent years, a government requirement that climbers bring back their garbage or lose their deposits, along with increased awareness among climbers about the environment, have significantly reduced the amount of garbage left behind. However, that was not the case in earlier decades.
“Most of the garbage is from older expeditions,” Ang Babu said.
The Sherpas on the team collected garbage and bodies from the higher-attitude areas, while the soldiers worked at lower levels and the base camp area for weeks during the popular spring climbing season, when weather conditions are more favorable.
Ang Babu said the weather was a big challenge for their work in the South Col area, where oxygen levels are about one-third the normal amount, winds can quickly turn to blizzard conditions and temperatures plunge.
“We had to wait for good weather when the sun would melt the ice cover. But waiting a long time in that attitude and conditions is just not possible,” he said. “It's difficult to stay for long with the oxygen level very low.”
Digging out the garbage is also a big task, since it is frozen inside ice and breaking the blocks is not easy.
It took two days to dig out one body near the South Col which was frozen in a standing position deep in the ice, he said. Part way through, the team had to retreat to lower camps because of the deteriorating weather, and then resume after it improved.
Another body was much higher up at 8,400 meters and it took 18 hours to drag it to Camp 2, where a helicopter picked it up.
The bodies were flown to Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital in Kathmandu for identification.
Of the 11 tons of garbage removed, three tons of decomposable items were taken to villages near Everest's base and the remaining eight were carried by porters and yaks and then taken by trucks to Kathmandu. There it was sorted for recycling at a facility operated by Agni Ventures, an agency that manages recyclable waste.
“The oldest waste we received was from 1957, and that was rechargeable batteries for torch lights,” said Sushil Khadga of the agency.
Why do climbers leave garbage behind?
"At that high altitude, life is very difficult and oxygen is very low. So climbers and their helpers are more focused on saving themselves," Khadga said.