SDRPY Accelerates Work on Yemen's Heijat Al-Abed Road Rehabilitation Project

The road lacks essential traffic safety elements (Photo by SPA)
The road lacks essential traffic safety elements (Photo by SPA)

SDRPY Accelerates Work on Yemen's Heijat Al-Abed Road Rehabilitation Project

The road lacks essential traffic safety elements (Photo by SPA)
The road lacks essential traffic safety elements (Photo by SPA)

The rehabilitation project for Heijat Al-Abed Road, a vital route connecting Taiz with other governorates, is progressing rapidly under the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY). This road is crucial for the lives of 5 million Yemenis, and the project aims to improve its efficiency, implement safety measures, reduce accidents, and alleviate the daily challenges faced by commuters, SPA reported.
Rehabilitating this essential road will ensure safe traffic flow and facilitate the movement of people and goods, including essential supplies like food and medicine, while reducing costs and travel time. Additionally, the project will create immediate employment opportunities and benefit various sectors, including the economy, services, education, and more.
With a significant elevation difference of 1,000 meters from the highest to the lowest point, the road lacks essential traffic safety elements, such as concrete barriers for vehicle protection, and is prone to rockfalls.
Rehabilitating the rain drainage system and constructing new drainage channels are also essential to prevent water penetration into the road pavement layers.

This project is part of 229 projects and initiatives implemented by SDRPY across various Yemeni governorates. These initiatives serve the Yemeni people in key sectors, including education, healthcare, water, energy, transportation, agriculture and fisheries, development and support of Yemeni government capacities, and developmental programs.

Saudi Environment Ministry Unveils Plans to Build Coffee City in Al-Baha Region

The objective is to enhance local coffee production by increasing coffee trees - SPA
The objective is to enhance local coffee production by increasing coffee trees - SPA

Saudi Environment Ministry Unveils Plans to Build Coffee City in Al-Baha Region

The objective is to enhance local coffee production by increasing coffee trees - SPA
The objective is to enhance local coffee production by increasing coffee trees - SPA

The Saudi Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture has announced an investment opportunity to establish a coffee city in Qalwah Governorate, Al-Baha Region.

The objective is to enhance local coffee production by increasing coffee trees to at least 300,000, aligning with the goals of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, SPA reported.
The ministry has identified the area for the city to be approximately 5,545,744 square meters.

Interested parties can submit their bids through the Furas platform.

The deadline for submitting bids is September 9, 2024, and bids will be reviewed on September 10, 2024.