King Fahd Medical City, Boston Oncology Sign MoU for Localization of Gene and Target Cell Therapy

The MoU was signed by King Fahd Medical City Chief Executive Officer Dr. Fahad AlGhofaili and Boston Oncology Chief Executive Director Dr. Abdullah Bajaaj. SPA
The MoU was signed by King Fahd Medical City Chief Executive Officer Dr. Fahad AlGhofaili and Boston Oncology Chief Executive Director Dr. Abdullah Bajaaj. SPA

King Fahd Medical City, Boston Oncology Sign MoU for Localization of Gene and Target Cell Therapy

The MoU was signed by King Fahd Medical City Chief Executive Officer Dr. Fahad AlGhofaili and Boston Oncology Chief Executive Director Dr. Abdullah Bajaaj. SPA
The MoU was signed by King Fahd Medical City Chief Executive Officer Dr. Fahad AlGhofaili and Boston Oncology Chief Executive Director Dr. Abdullah Bajaaj. SPA

Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd Medical City and Boston Oncology have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a project to localize gene and target cell therapy.

The project will be held at King Fahd Medical City, one of the components of the Riyadh Second Health Cluster, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported Monday.
The MoU was signed by King Fahd Medical City Chief Executive Officer Dr. Fahad AlGhofaili and Boston Oncology Chief Executive Director Dr. Abdullah Bajaaj.

The Saudi Deputy Minister for Planning and Development Eng. Abdulaziz Al-Rumaih attended the signing ceremony at the Saudi Ministry of Health.

AlGhofaili affirmed that the MoU aligns with the Medical City's plans towards the objectives of the Saudi Transformation Program in Healthcare Sector, which contributes to the enhancement of advanced healthcare services provided through the localization of modern techniques in treatment.

"The localization of therapeutic technology in the Kingdom is one of our main goals, which aligns with the Saudi Vision 2030 regarding health transformation programs,” SPA quoted AlGhofaili as saying.

“Therefore, we seek to develop local capabilities in the field of advanced medical treatment and technologies by enhancing cooperation with national and international institutions,” he added.

Baby Flamingos Saved from Drought-decimated Lake in Algeria

A rescued flamingo is pictured at a sanctuary. (Photo by AFP)
A rescued flamingo is pictured at a sanctuary. (Photo by AFP)

Baby Flamingos Saved from Drought-decimated Lake in Algeria

A rescued flamingo is pictured at a sanctuary. (Photo by AFP)
A rescued flamingo is pictured at a sanctuary. (Photo by AFP)

Around 300 pink flamingo chicks were rescued by volunteers in eastern Algeria after the salt lake where they hatched dried up following years of high temperatures and drought.

Thousands of flamingos migrate each year to nest in Lake Tinsilt, located around 450 kilometers (about 280 miles) southeast of the capital Algiers, Agence France Presse reported.

It is one of the largest wetlands in the country, with an area of more than 20 square kilometers.

"Barely a month ago there was water here," volunteer Mourad Ajroud told AFP on Friday, pointing to what is now a vast expanse of cracked earth littered with the carcasses of dead birds.

The disappearance of the lake, which locals and Algerian media attribute to high temperatures and a years-long drought, has driven the adult flamingos away.

They left behind their unhatched eggs and defenseless chicks, dozens of which have died from hunger, thirst, poaching and wolf attacks.

A group of volunteers provided their cars and trucks to transfer 283 pink flamingos about 50 kilometers away to Lake Mahidiya, about 50 kilometers away.

The wetland near Ain Mlila remains flush thanks to a steady flow of water from nearby rivers and lakes.

The rescue operation was initiated by local amateur photographer Tarek Kawajlia, who documents the wildlife in his area, and noticed the decrease in the size of the lake and the flight of birds.

The volunteers carry out "morning and evening patrols to follow the chicks until they recover and are able to fly, so that they can return next year to the sabkha (marsh) and life can resume its normal course," Kawajlia told AFP.

Ajroud, 53, said the group was not able to save all the birds.

"We couldn't transport them all," he said sadly, as another volunteer takes an injured bird to a veterinary clinic.

A few hours after the chicks were released at their new habitat, some adult birds joined them.

"The operation was successful and the parents found their little ones in a magnificent scene," Kawajlia said in a comment on one of his photos posted to Facebook.

Lake Tinsilt is one of the around 50 bodies of water in Algeria declared wetlands of international importance under the Ramsar international environment treaty to protect wetlands.

Last year, about a hundred pink flamingos died at Lake Telamine in western Algeria's Oran province due to wastewater pollution, according to environmental activists.