Sunken Village Emerges in Greece as Drought Dries up Lake

The reappearing remains of buildings of the village of Kallio, which was intentionally flooded in 1980 to create a reservoir that would help meet the water needs of Greek capital Athens, are seen following receding water levels caused by drought, in Lake Mornos, Greece, September 3, 2024. (Reuters)
The reappearing remains of buildings of the village of Kallio, which was intentionally flooded in 1980 to create a reservoir that would help meet the water needs of Greek capital Athens, are seen following receding water levels caused by drought, in Lake Mornos, Greece, September 3, 2024. (Reuters)

Sunken Village Emerges in Greece as Drought Dries up Lake

The reappearing remains of buildings of the village of Kallio, which was intentionally flooded in 1980 to create a reservoir that would help meet the water needs of Greek capital Athens, are seen following receding water levels caused by drought, in Lake Mornos, Greece, September 3, 2024. (Reuters)
The reappearing remains of buildings of the village of Kallio, which was intentionally flooded in 1980 to create a reservoir that would help meet the water needs of Greek capital Athens, are seen following receding water levels caused by drought, in Lake Mornos, Greece, September 3, 2024. (Reuters)

From beneath the shrinking Lake Mornos in central Greece, the muddied remains of homes are reemerging nearly 45 years since the village that once stood here disappeared underwater.

After a winter of hardly any snow, a summer of punishing heatwaves and months of little rain and drought across much of Greece, the huge man-made lake which supplies water for nearly half the Greek population has dwindled to its lowest level in decades.

"Day by day, the water goes down," said Dimitris Giannopoulos, mayor of the broader Dorida municipality, who said nothing similar had been seen for 33 years.

Long stretches of cracked soil surround the ruins of the lost village of Kallio, which was flooded in 1980 to create a lake to meet the ever-increasing water needs of the capital, some 200 km away. Bricks lie among mounds of seashells.

Greece's arid Mediterranean climate has made it particularly susceptible to the effects of global warming, which has worsened summer wildfires including blazes that reached the outskirts of Athens last month. Scientists say extreme weather linked to climate change is now driving the decline of the lake.

"It is an alarm bell," said Efthymis Lekkas, professor of disaster management at the University of Athens.

"We don't know what will happen in the coming period. If we have a rainless winter, things will get difficult."

Giannopoulos gestures towards Mount Giona towering over the lake, which used to be snow-capped but saw none last winter, Greece's warmest on record. On the lake's receding rim, trees have taken on a yellowish hue.

"They lack water. This has never happened before," he said.

Wells in the area are drying up and surrounding villages, which do not take water from the lake, suffered water cuts this summer, he said. A local firefighter chief said the risk of wildfires loomed as the forests became drier.

The lake's surface area has shrunk from around 16.8 square km in August 2022 to just 12.0 square km this year, according to satellite images released by Greece's National Observatory.

Water reserves there and at the three other reservoirs supplying Attica, a region of around 4 million people which includes Athens, had dropped to 700 million cubic meters in August down from 1.2 billion cubic meters in 2022, the environment ministry said.

The state-run Athens water company EYDAP had begun supplying the network with additional sources of water, it said.

Former residents of Kallio were surprised to see the village again, but saddened at its state.

"I used to see it full and say it was a beach. Now all you see is dryness," said 90-year-old Konstantinos Gerodimos.

His 77-year-old wife Maria chimes in: "If it continues like this, the entire village will appear, all the way to the bottom, where the church and our home was."

Climate Change Puts South Korea's Beloved Cabbage Dish at Risk

Lee Ha-yeon, a recognized kimchi grand master and her apprentices prepare kimchi at the Kimchi Culture Institute in Namyangju, South Korea, August 21, 2024. REUTERS/Kim Soo-hyeon
Lee Ha-yeon, a recognized kimchi grand master and her apprentices prepare kimchi at the Kimchi Culture Institute in Namyangju, South Korea, August 21, 2024. REUTERS/Kim Soo-hyeon

Climate Change Puts South Korea's Beloved Cabbage Dish at Risk

Lee Ha-yeon, a recognized kimchi grand master and her apprentices prepare kimchi at the Kimchi Culture Institute in Namyangju, South Korea, August 21, 2024. REUTERS/Kim Soo-hyeon
Lee Ha-yeon, a recognized kimchi grand master and her apprentices prepare kimchi at the Kimchi Culture Institute in Namyangju, South Korea, August 21, 2024. REUTERS/Kim Soo-hyeon

South Korea's famous kimchi is falling victim to climate change, with scientists, farmers and manufacturers saying the quality and quantity of the napa cabbage that is pickled to make the ubiquitous dish is suffering due to rising temperatures.
Napa cabbage thrives in cooler climates, and is usually planted in mountainous regions where temperatures during the key growing summer season once rarely rose above 25 Celsius (77 Fahrenheit).
Studies show that warmer weather brought about by climate change is now threatening these crops, so much so that South Korea might not be able to grow napa cabbage one day due to the intensifying heat, Reuters reported.
"We hope these predictions don’t come to pass," plant pathologist and virologist Lee Young-gyu said.
"Cabbage likes to grow in cool climate and adapts to a very narrow band of temperatures," Lee said. "The optimal temperatures are between 18 and 21 Celsius."
In the fields and in kitchens - both commercial and domestic - farmers and kimchi makers are already feeling the change.
Spicy, fermented kimchi is made from other vegetables such as radish, cucumber and green onion, but the most popular dish remains cabbage-based.
Describing the effect of higher temperatures on the vegetable, Lee Ha-yeon, who holds the designation of Kimchi Master from the Agriculture Ministry, said the heart of the cabbage "goes bad, and the root becomes mushy."
"If this continues, then in the summer time we might have to give up cabbage kimchi," said Lee, whose title reflects her contribution to food culture.
Data from the government statistics agency shows the area of highland cabbage farmed last year was less than half of what it was 20 years ago: 3,995 hectares compared to 8,796 hectares.
According to the Rural Development Administration, a state farming think tank, climate change scenarios project the farmed area to shrink dramatically in the next 25 years to just 44 hectares, with no cabbage grown in the highlands by 2090.
Researchers cite higher temperatures, unpredictable heavy rains and pests that become more difficult to control in the warmer and longer summers as the cause for the crop shrinkage.
A fungal infection that wilts the plant has also been particularly troublesome for farmers because it only becomes apparent very close to harvest.
Climate change adds to the challenges facing South Korea's kimchi industry, which is already battling lower-priced imports from China, which are mostly served in restaurants.
Customs data released on Monday showed kimchi imports through the end of July was up 6.9% at $98.5 million this year, almost all of it from China and the highest ever for the period.
So far, the government has relied on massive climate-controlled storage to prevent price spikes and shortages. Scientists are also racing to develop crop varieties that can grow in warmer climates and that are more resilient to large fluctuations in rainfall and infections.
But farmers like Kim Si-gap, 71, who has worked in the cabbage fields of the eastern region of Gangneung all his life, fear these varieties will be more expensive to grow in addition to not tasting quite right.
"When we see the reports that there will come a time in Korea when we can no longer grow cabbage, it was shocking on the one hand and also sad at the same time," Kim said.
"Kimchi is something we cannot not have on the table. What are we going to do if this happens?"