Pollution of Potent Warming Gas Methane Soars and People Are Mostly to Blame 

Excavators transfer coal at the coal terminal of Lianyungang Port in Lianyungang, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on January 22, 2024. (AFP)
Excavators transfer coal at the coal terminal of Lianyungang Port in Lianyungang, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on January 22, 2024. (AFP)

Pollution of Potent Warming Gas Methane Soars and People Are Mostly to Blame 

Excavators transfer coal at the coal terminal of Lianyungang Port in Lianyungang, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on January 22, 2024. (AFP)
Excavators transfer coal at the coal terminal of Lianyungang Port in Lianyungang, in China's eastern Jiangsu province on January 22, 2024. (AFP)

The amount and proportion of the powerful heat-trapping gas methane that humans spew into the atmosphere is rising, helping to turbocharge climate change, a new study found.

Tuesday’s study said that in 2020, the last year complete data is available, the world put 670 million tons (608 million metric tons) of methane in the air, up nearly 12% from 2000. An even more significant finding in the study in Environmental Research Letters was the source of those emissions: those from humans jumped almost 18% in two decades, while natural emissions, mostly from wetlands, inched up just 2% in the same time.

Methane levels in the air are now 2.6 times higher than in pre-industrial times, the study said. Methane levels in the air had plateaued for a while in the early 2000s, but now are soaring. Humans cause methane emissions by burning fossil fuels, engaging in large-scale agriculture and filling up landfills.

“Methane is a climate menace that the world is ignoring,” said study lead author Rob Jackson, head of the Global Carbon Project, which is a group of scientists who monitor greenhouse gas emissions yearly. “Methane has risen far more and much faster than carbon dioxide.”

Carbon dioxide is still the biggest threat, added Jackson, a Stanford University climate scientist. Humans, mostly through the burning of coal, oil and natural gas, put 60 times more carbon dioxide in the air than methane and it lasts thousands of years.

Because methane leaves the atmosphere in about a decade, it's a powerful “lever” that humans can use to fight climate change, Jackson said. That's because cutting it could yield relatively quick benefits.

In 2000, 60% of the methane spewed into the air came from direct human activity. Now it's 65%, the study found.

“It's a very worrying paper, but actually not a big surprise unfortunately,” said climate scientist Bill Hare, CEO of Climate Analytics, who wasn't part of the research. He said for the world to keep warming to an agreed-upon limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times, the world needs to cut carbon dioxide emissions nearly in half and methane by more than one-third.

But Jackson said the current trend with methane emissions has the world on target for warming of 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit), twice the goal of the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

Jackson's study mostly focused on where the methane is coming from, both by location and source.

Geographically, everywhere but Europe is increasing in human-caused methane emissions, with large jumps in Asia, especially China and India, Jackson said.

In the last 20 years, methane emissions from coal mining, oil and gas have jumped 33%, while landfill and waste increased 20% and agriculture emissions rose 14%, according to the study. The biggest single human-connected source of emissions are cows, Jackson said.

Cornell University climate scientist Robert Howarth faulted the study for not sufficiently emphasizing methane emissions from the boom in shale gas drilling, known as fracking. He said that boom began in 2005 and coincided with a sharp rise in methane emissions, including a spike of about 13 million tons (11.7 million metric tons) in the United States alone since then.

Jackson said the rise in natural methane from tropical wetlands was triggered by warmer temperatures that caused microbes to spew more gas. He called it disturbing because “we don't have any way of reducing” those emissions.

In 2021, countries promised to do something about methane, but it's not working yet, Jackson said.

Though Jackson's data runs only through 2020, he said global monitoring of methane levels in the air show that “we know that concentrations in the last four or five years rose faster than at any time in the instrument record. So that alone tells us that the global methane pledge is not having a substantive effect on methane emissions and concentrations.”

University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver, who wasn't part of the research, said: “We have a lot more work to do if we want to avoid the most dire consequences of global warming.”

South America’s Rivers Hit Record Lows as Brazil Drought Impact Spreads 

The Paraguay River is pictured, amid smoke coming from wildfires in neighboring countries, as the river has hit a record low water level due to a major drought, in Villeta, Paraguay September 7, 2024. (Reuters)
The Paraguay River is pictured, amid smoke coming from wildfires in neighboring countries, as the river has hit a record low water level due to a major drought, in Villeta, Paraguay September 7, 2024. (Reuters)

South America’s Rivers Hit Record Lows as Brazil Drought Impact Spreads 

The Paraguay River is pictured, amid smoke coming from wildfires in neighboring countries, as the river has hit a record low water level due to a major drought, in Villeta, Paraguay September 7, 2024. (Reuters)
The Paraguay River is pictured, amid smoke coming from wildfires in neighboring countries, as the river has hit a record low water level due to a major drought, in Villeta, Paraguay September 7, 2024. (Reuters)

South America's Paraguay River, a key thoroughfare for grains, has hit a record low in Paraguay's capital Asuncion, with water levels depleted by a severe drought upriver in Brazil that has hindered navigation along waterways in the Amazon.

The depth of the Paraguay River, measured versus a "zero" index rather than the riverbed, has dropped below minus 0.82 meter, breaking the previous record low in October 2021, data from the national Meteorology and Hydrology Directorate shows. The body expects the river will keep falling with no rain forecast.

The Parana River in Argentina is also near year lows around grains hub Rosario. Both the Paraguay and Parana rivers start in Brazil, eventually joining and flowing into the sea near Buenos Aires. They are important routes for soy, corn and other trade.

"In the northern section (of the Paraguay waterway), navigation is practically halted due to the extreme drop in water levels," the Paraguayan oilseed and grain crushing chamber CAPPRO told Reuters in written comments.

The chamber, whose grain-trader members handle some 60% of Paraguay's soybean exports, said the low river was hitting shipments, though the impact was capped as it was not peak trading season.

"Vessels have had to transport volumes below the average of their normal cargo capacity," said CAPPRO. "This has generated delays and made travel times longer." The chamber's members include ADM, Bunge and Cargill.


The Paraguay-Parana system is a waterway of more than 3,400 kilometers (2,113 miles) that runs through Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, as well as landlocked Paraguay and Bolivia.

Paraguay is the world's No. 3 soybean exporter and roughly 80% of grains travel along waterways to seaports downriver. Argentina is the top exporter of processed soy, most of which goes down the Parana from around river port city Rosario.

Paraguay's deputy director for the Meteorology and Hydrology Directorate, Jorge Sanchez, said the outlook for river levels in the coming months was not encouraging, even with the traditional October-November rainy season ahead.

"This would alleviate the level of the river, but it's not expected to be enough," Sanchez said.

Less rain than normal is expected in the second half of the year due to the La Nina weather phenomenon, which brings drier, cooler conditions in Paraguay and Argentina, though it usually heralds wetter weather farther north in Brazil.

Sanchez said this year, however, La Nina was delayed and its effects would be seen only between October and November. "There is a lot of variability due to climate change," he added.

In Brazil, where record wildfires have also occurred, the low water levels are leaving some communities in the Amazon isolated, as well as hitting soy and corn shipments in center-west states such as Mato Grosso, Brazil's number one grains growing area.