Father of Chemistry Honored at King Salman Science Oasis

Jabir ibn Hayyan conducted experiments and discovered essential chemical compounds that continue to be used today - SPA
Jabir ibn Hayyan conducted experiments and discovered essential chemical compounds that continue to be used today - SPA

Father of Chemistry Honored at King Salman Science Oasis

Jabir ibn Hayyan conducted experiments and discovered essential chemical compounds that continue to be used today - SPA
Jabir ibn Hayyan conducted experiments and discovered essential chemical compounds that continue to be used today - SPA

Jabir ibn Hayyan, a renowned Muslim scientist, known as the "father of chemistry" for his pioneering contributions to the field is being honored at the STEAM 2024 Science and Technology Festival at the King Salman Science Oasis.
Born in 721AD, he conducted experiments and discovered essential chemical compounds that continue to be used today.
The renowned scholar Ibn Khaldun recognized Ibn Hayyan's immense contributions, referring to him as "the imam of chemistry writers". In fact, chemistry itself was sometimes called "the science of Jabir" in honor of his groundbreaking work, according to SPA.
Ibn Hayyan's innovative work, including the distillation process, significantly impacted the development of chemistry both in the Islamic world and in the West.
His writings were translated into Latin to spread knowledge and ideas far and wide.
Among his notable discoveries are hydrochloric acid (spirit of salt), sulfuric acid (oil of vitriol), gold water (royal water), and silver nitrate (hell's stone). He also explored practical applications of chemistry, such as steel production, waterproofing, and artificial pearl creation.

Saudi Arabia Joins Arab World in Celebrating 'Arab Meteorology Day'

(FILES) A picture taken on April 15, 2016 shows fishing boats moored along the coast of the Tunisian island of Kerkennah. (Photo by FETHI BELAID / AFP)
(FILES) A picture taken on April 15, 2016 shows fishing boats moored along the coast of the Tunisian island of Kerkennah. (Photo by FETHI BELAID / AFP)

Saudi Arabia Joins Arab World in Celebrating 'Arab Meteorology Day'

(FILES) A picture taken on April 15, 2016 shows fishing boats moored along the coast of the Tunisian island of Kerkennah. (Photo by FETHI BELAID / AFP)
(FILES) A picture taken on April 15, 2016 shows fishing boats moored along the coast of the Tunisian island of Kerkennah. (Photo by FETHI BELAID / AFP)

Saudi Arabia will join the Arab world on Sunday to celebrate "Arab Meteorology Day," which is held under the theme "Climate Impact and Adaptation Programs."

The day, observed annually on September 15, highlights the growing challenges faced by Arab nations to address the impact of climate change and related environmental and economic issues.

This year’s celebration aims to spotlight the collaborative Arab efforts to enhance resilience against climate change and ensure a sustainable future.

It also seeks to raise awareness about the impact of climate change, promote adaptation programs to ensure the sustainability of natural resources and infrastructure, strengthen regional cooperation among Arab countries in knowledge and expertise exchange, and support research and development in weather and climate forecasting.