On Belgian Coast, Fishing on Horseback -- and Saving a Tradition

Once practiced throughout Europe, the custom of shrimp-fishing on horseback has all but died out. Nicolas TUCAT / AFP
Once practiced throughout Europe, the custom of shrimp-fishing on horseback has all but died out. Nicolas TUCAT / AFP

On Belgian Coast, Fishing on Horseback -- and Saving a Tradition

Once practiced throughout Europe, the custom of shrimp-fishing on horseback has all but died out. Nicolas TUCAT / AFP
Once practiced throughout Europe, the custom of shrimp-fishing on horseback has all but died out. Nicolas TUCAT / AFP

Panniers strapped to their haunches, a team of horses waded collar-deep through North Sea waters -- hauling wide nets along the Belgian coast as cawing seagulls swirl all around.
In the saddle, clad head to toe in yellow oilskins, riders steered them parallel with the beach in Oostduinkerke -- the last place on Earth, they say, where the tradition of shrimp-fishing on horseback lives on, AFP reported.
Once practiced throughout Europe, the custom has all but died out -- but a community of enthusiasts has kept the flame going in this coastal town, earning a spot on UNESCO's intangible heritage list.
They do not fish for profit, but the rare spectacle they offer has become a tourist draw for the small town, situated half an hour from the French border.
Back in the day, historians explain, poor farmers used to ride to the coast to fish -- as a way to supplement their diet.
At first they pulled their nets by hand, later using mules then eventually workhorses able to haul much larger, heavier loads. The method was used in Belgium, the Netherlands, northern France and the south of England.
On this sunny day in late October, a group of five headed out at low tide to fish for grey shrimp.
"This is the only place in the world where shrimp-fishing is still practiced with horses," fisherman Gunther Vanbleu told AFP as he sorted his catch on the beach -- surrounded by a curious crowd of smartphone-wielding onlookers.
"You're working with your horse, you're in the sea and the combination of everything at the same time -- the pleasure of catching fish or catching shrimp, all of that together makes it fun," he said.
This time around, some 200 people gathered -- in rubber boots or barefoot -- to watch the afternoon show under crisp blue skies.
"There is always a lot of interest from people, because it is unique," Vanbleu said.
Not for sale
The day's catch -- a few kilograms of shrimp -- is not for sale: it will be cooked up by the dozen families who keep the tradition going and shared among friends.
But the sight alone continues to draw tourists from April to October.
"I think that this will always exist in the municipality," said Vanbleu.
After the custom won UNESCO recognition in 2013, a committee was set up whose purpose is to ensure it is kept alive, he explained.
"I think that it will continue forever," he said.
Asked about the possible impact of climate change, Vanbleu said he has seen some shifts over the years.
"We do notice that something has changed a little, such as the temperature of the water -- it's maybe a little warmer than usual."
"And we are seeing other animal species arrive here," he said. "Maybe if the water gets too warm, the shrimp will move to colder water... in 30 or 40 years."
"If it comes to that, we will see," said Vanbleu -- who for now, come rain or shine, plans to keep riding out to sea.

Scientists Uncover Ancient Insect Preserved in Amber that Snatched its Prey

This illustration provided by Xiaoran Zuo in March 2025 depicts an ancient parasitic wasp found in Myanmar that may have seized prey with its Venus flytrap-like back end. (Xiaoran Zuo via AP)
This illustration provided by Xiaoran Zuo in March 2025 depicts an ancient parasitic wasp found in Myanmar that may have seized prey with its Venus flytrap-like back end. (Xiaoran Zuo via AP)

Scientists Uncover Ancient Insect Preserved in Amber that Snatched its Prey

This illustration provided by Xiaoran Zuo in March 2025 depicts an ancient parasitic wasp found in Myanmar that may have seized prey with its Venus flytrap-like back end. (Xiaoran Zuo via AP)
This illustration provided by Xiaoran Zuo in March 2025 depicts an ancient parasitic wasp found in Myanmar that may have seized prey with its Venus flytrap-like back end. (Xiaoran Zuo via AP)

An ancient wasp may have zipped among the dinosaurs, with a body like a Venus flytrap to seize and snatch its prey, scientists reported Wednesday.
The parasitic wasp's abdomen boasts a set of flappy paddles lined with thin bristles, resembling “a small bear trap attached to the end of it,” said study co-author Lars Vilhelmsen from the Natural History Museum of Denmark.
Scientists uncovered over a dozen female wasps preserved in 99-million-year-old amber from the Kachin region in northern Myanmar, The Associated Press reported. The wasp’s flaps and teeth-like hairs resemble the structure of the carnivorous Venus flytrap plant, which snaps shut to digest unsuspecting insects. But the design of the wasp's getup made scientists think its trap was designed to cushion, not crush.
Instead, researchers suggested the flytrap-like structure was used to hold a wriggly insect still while the wasp laid an egg, depositing a baby wasp to feed on and drain its new host.
It's a playbook adapted by many parasitic wasps, including modern-day cuckoo and bethylid wasps, to exploit insects. But no known wasp or any other insect does so with bizarre flaps quite like this one.
“I've seen a lot of strange insects, but this has to be one of the most peculiar-looking ones I've seen in a while,” said entomologist Lynn Kimsey from the University of California, Davis, who was not involved with the research.
Scientists named the new wasp Sirenobethylus charybdis, partly for the sea monster from Greek mythology that stirred up wild whirlpools by swallowing and expelling water.
The new study was published in the journal BMC Biology and included researchers from Capital Normal University and the Beijing Xiachong Amber Museum in China.
It's unclear when the wasp went extinct. Studying unusual insects like this one can help scientists understand what insects are capable of and how different they can be.
“We tend to think that the cool things are only found today," said Gabriel Melo, a wasp expert at the Federal University of Paraná in Brazil, who had no role in the study. "But when we have this opportunity, we see that many really exceptional, odd things already happened.”