South Korea Asks China to Play ‘Constructive Role’ against North’s Threats

South Korea's Foreign Minister Park Jin talks to China's Communist Party's foreign policy chief Wang Yi prior to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Plus Three Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia, 13 July 2023. (Reuters)
South Korea's Foreign Minister Park Jin talks to China's Communist Party's foreign policy chief Wang Yi prior to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Plus Three Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia, 13 July 2023. (Reuters)

South Korea Asks China to Play ‘Constructive Role’ against North’s Threats

South Korea's Foreign Minister Park Jin talks to China's Communist Party's foreign policy chief Wang Yi prior to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Plus Three Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia, 13 July 2023. (Reuters)
South Korea's Foreign Minister Park Jin talks to China's Communist Party's foreign policy chief Wang Yi prior to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Plus Three Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia, 13 July 2023. (Reuters)

South Korea's Foreign Minister Park Jin on Friday called on China to play a "constructive role" in curbing North Korea's threats, after Pyongyang launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) this week.

The remarks were made during a meeting with Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi on the sidelines of an Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) meeting in Jakarta, where Park "strongly denounced" North Korea's ICBM launch.

It is a common interest of Seoul and Beijing for North Korea to stop provocations and return to dialogue, his office said.

"Minister Park ... stressed that it was more important than ever for the Chinese side to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula," Seoul's foreign ministry said in a statement.

For several years, the United Nations Security Council has been divided over how to deal with Pyongyang.

China and Russia have said that more sanctions will not help to ease tensions, while Washington accuses Beijing and Moscow of emboldening North Korea by shielding it from more sanctions.

Relations between South Korea and China have also worsened since China's ambassador last month warned South Korea against making a wrong bet when it comes to Sino-US rivalry.

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol had already angered China in April by saying the Taiwan issue was not merely an issue between China and democratically governed Taiwan, but a "global" issue similar to North Korea. Beijing claims Taiwan as part of its territory.

"The Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests, and concerns the political foundation and basic faith of China-South Korea relations," Wang told Park at the ASEAN meetings, according to a Chinese foreign ministry readout on Saturday.

"It is hoped that the South Korean side will abide by the one-China principle and handle it prudently and properly."

China is willing to work with South Korea on rebuilding mutual trust and pushing their strategic partnership back to a healthy track, Wang said.

The two sides also exchanged views on the situation on the Korean Peninsula and other international and regional issues, China's foreign ministry said, without giving details.

Brazil Apologizes for Post-WWII Persecution of Japanese Immigrants

Eneá de Stutz e Almeida, right, president of the Amnesty Commission lowers her head as she apologizes in Brasilia, Brazil Thursday, July 25, 2024. The Brazilian government on Thursday apologized for human rights violations in the persecution and internment of Japanese immigrants in the years after World War II. (Kyodo News via AP)
Eneá de Stutz e Almeida, right, president of the Amnesty Commission lowers her head as she apologizes in Brasilia, Brazil Thursday, July 25, 2024. The Brazilian government on Thursday apologized for human rights violations in the persecution and internment of Japanese immigrants in the years after World War II. (Kyodo News via AP)

Brazil Apologizes for Post-WWII Persecution of Japanese Immigrants

Eneá de Stutz e Almeida, right, president of the Amnesty Commission lowers her head as she apologizes in Brasilia, Brazil Thursday, July 25, 2024. The Brazilian government on Thursday apologized for human rights violations in the persecution and internment of Japanese immigrants in the years after World War II. (Kyodo News via AP)
Eneá de Stutz e Almeida, right, president of the Amnesty Commission lowers her head as she apologizes in Brasilia, Brazil Thursday, July 25, 2024. The Brazilian government on Thursday apologized for human rights violations in the persecution and internment of Japanese immigrants in the years after World War II. (Kyodo News via AP)

The Brazilian government on Thursday apologized for human rights violations in the persecution and internment of Japanese immigrants in the years after World War II.

“I want to apologize on behalf of the Brazilian state for the persecution your ancestors suffered, for all the barbarities, atrocities, cruelties, tortures, prejudice, ignorance, xenophobia and racism,” said Eneá de Stutz e Almeida, president of the Amnesty Commission, an advisory board of Brazil’s Ministry of Human Rights that analyzes amnesty and reparation requests to victims of political persecution in the country, The AP reported.

The board approved the apology plea in a session in Brasilia attended by members of the Brazilian government and prominent members of the Japanese community. Flags of both countries were displayed on the table where the speakers sat.

A report by the Amnesty Commission acknowledged that 172 immigrants were sent to a concentration camp off the coast of São Paulo, where they were mistreated and tortured from 1946 to 1948.

"The documents indisputably demonstrate the political persecution and justify the declaration of political amnesty for the Japanese community and their descendants,” said the commission's rapporteur, Vanda Davi Fernandes de Oliveira.

The reparation request was filed in 2015 by the Okinawa Kenjin of Brazil Association, which stated that after the outbreak of World War II, members of the Japanese community were mistreated and discriminated against.

Brazil joined the Allies in 1942 and cut diplomatic relations with Japan, after which the Brazilian government confiscated Japanese-owned properties and immigrants were not allowed to gather or speak Japanese publicly.

Mario Jun Okuhara, who documented the persecution and supported the complaint, said his ancestors were imprisoned, tortured and accused of being spies and saboteurs.

“They were not at war; they were struggling to survive, seeking a place in the sun, and educating their Brazilian-born children,” Okuhara said Thursday. “Japanese immigrants shouldn't be held responsible for the errors of their government during the war. They were civilians working in agriculture and other sectors, fully integrated into Brazilian society.”

Brazil is home to the world’s largest Japanese community outside Japan, with over 2.7 million Japanese citizens and their descendants. The first ships from the Asian country arrived in Brazil in 1908, and immigration peaked between World War I and II.

Okuhara said the ceremony represented a moment to honor their ancestors and bring some emotional comfort to the Japanese community. “We can't erase the atrocities committed against our parents and grandparents, but we can learn from these sad episodes and prevent them from happening again to anyone, regardless of their origin or ethnicity,” he said.