Iran Says It Puts Imaging Satellite Successfully into Orbit amid Tensions with West

The Iranian flag waves in front of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) headquarters, before the beginning of a board of governors meeting, in Vienna, Austria, March 1, 2021. REUTERS/Lisi Niesner
The Iranian flag waves in front of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) headquarters, before the beginning of a board of governors meeting, in Vienna, Austria, March 1, 2021. REUTERS/Lisi Niesner

Iran Says It Puts Imaging Satellite Successfully into Orbit amid Tensions with West

The Iranian flag waves in front of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) headquarters, before the beginning of a board of governors meeting, in Vienna, Austria, March 1, 2021. REUTERS/Lisi Niesner
The Iranian flag waves in front of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) headquarters, before the beginning of a board of governors meeting, in Vienna, Austria, March 1, 2021. REUTERS/Lisi Niesner

 Iran claimed on Wednesday that it successfully launched an imaging satellite into space, a move that could further ratchet up tensions with Western nations that fear its space technology could be used to develop nuclear weapons.
Iran's Communication Minister Isa Zarepour said the Noor-3 satellite had been put in an orbit 450 kilometers (280 miles) above the Earth's surface, the state-run IRNA news agency reported. It was not clear when exactly the launch took place, The Associated Press said.
There was no immediate acknowledgment from Western officials of the launch or of the satellite being put into orbit. The US military did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Iran has had a series of failed launches in recent years.
Zarepour said the aerospace arm of Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard, which has had success in launching satellites in the past, had carried out the most recent launch.
Authorities released footage of a rocket taking off from a mobile launcher without saying where the launch occurred. Details in the video corresponded with a Guard base near Shahroud, some 330 kilometers (205 miles) northeast of the capital, Tehran. The base is in Semnan province, which hosts the Imam Khomeini Spaceport from which Iran’s civilian space program operates.
The Guard operates its own space program and military infrastructure parallel to Iran’s regular armed forces and answers only to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
It launched its first satellite into space in April 2020. But the head of the US Space Command later dismissed it as a “tumbling webcam in space” that would not provide vital intelligence. Western sanctions bar Iran from importing advanced spying technology.
The United States has alleged that Iran’s satellite launches defy a UN Security Council resolution and has called on Tehran to undertake no activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons.
The US intelligence community’s 2022 threat assessment claims the development of satellite launch vehicles “shortens the timeline” for Iran to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile because it uses similar technology.
Iran has always denied seeking nuclear weapons and says its space program, like its nuclear activities, is for purely civilian purposes. US intelligence agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency say Iran abandoned an organized military nuclear program in 2003.
Over the past decade, Iran has sent several short-lived satellites into orbit and in 2013 launched a monkey into space. The program has seen recent troubles, however. There have been five failed launches in a row for the Simorgh program, another satellite-carrying rocket.
A fire at the Imam Khomeini Spaceport in February 2019 killed three researchers, authorities said at the time. A launchpad rocket explosion later that year drew the attention of then-President Donald Trump.
Tensions are already high with Western nations over Iran's nuclear program, which has steadily advanced since Trump five years ago withdrew the US from the 2015 nuclear agreement with world powers and restored crippling sanctions on Iran.
Efforts to revive the agreement reached an impasse more than a year ago. Since then, the IAEA has said Iran has enough uranium enriched to near-weapons grade levels to build “several” nuclear weapons if it chooses to do so. Iran is also building a new underground nuclear facility that would likely be impervious to US or Israeli airstrikes. Both countries have said they would take military action if necessary to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.
Iran has expressed willingness to return to the 2015 nuclear deal but says the US should first ease the sanctions.

North Korea is Again Flying Balloons Likely Carrying Trash toward South Korea

The tit-for-tat Cold War-style campaigns between the two Koreas are inflaming tensions on the Korean Peninsula, with the rival threatening stronger steps and warning of grave consequences - The AP 
The tit-for-tat Cold War-style campaigns between the two Koreas are inflaming tensions on the Korean Peninsula, with the rival threatening stronger steps and warning of grave consequences - The AP 

North Korea is Again Flying Balloons Likely Carrying Trash toward South Korea

The tit-for-tat Cold War-style campaigns between the two Koreas are inflaming tensions on the Korean Peninsula, with the rival threatening stronger steps and warning of grave consequences - The AP 
The tit-for-tat Cold War-style campaigns between the two Koreas are inflaming tensions on the Korean Peninsula, with the rival threatening stronger steps and warning of grave consequences - The AP 

North Korea again launched a raft of balloons likely carrying trash toward South Korea on Wednesday, Seoul officials said, the 10th such balloon incident in less than two months following South Korea's resumption of frontline propaganda broadcasts.

The tit-for-tat Cold War-style campaigns between the two Koreas are inflaming tensions on the Korean Peninsula, with the rival threatening stronger steps and warning of grave consequences, The AP reported.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement the North Korean balloons are flying north of Seoul on Wednesday morning after crossing the border. It urged the South Korean people to be alert for falling objects.

Since late May, North Korea has floated more than 2,000 rubbish-carrying balloons on a series of launch events, dropping waste paper, scraps of cloth, cigarette butts and even manure on South Korea. North Korea has argued its balloon campaigns are a response to South Korean activists scattering political leaflets across the border via their own balloons.

Experts say North Korea considers South Korean civilian leafleting activities a major threat to its efforts to crack down on the inflow of foreign news. In furious responses to past South Korean leafletting, North Korea destroyed an empty South Korean-built liaison office in its territory in 2020 and fired at incoming balloons in 2014.

The North’s balloon flying hasn’t caused major damages in South Korea. But it has caused security jitters among many people who think North Korea could use balloons to drop more hazardous materials like chemical and biological agents next time.

South Korea said Sunday it was bolstering its anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts from its loudspeakers along the land border because North Korea was continuing launches of trash-carrying balloons.

The latest South Korean broadcasts included K-pop songs and news on BTS member Jin’s torch-bearing ahead of the Paris Olympics and the recent defection of a senior North Korean diplomat. The broadcasts also called the mine-planting works by North Korean soldiers at the border “hellish, slave-like lives,” according to South Korean media.

Experts say South Korean propaganda broadcasts can demoralize frontline North Korean troops and residents, posing a blow to the North’s efforts to limit access to outside news for its 26 million people. South Korean officials have previously said broadcasts from their loudspeakers can travel about 10 kilometers (6 miles) during the day and 24 kilometers (15 miles) at night.