Germany to Host Top Climate Talks if No East Europe Candidate: UN

'Cop28 UAE' logo is displayed on the screen during the opening ceremony of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) under the theme of 'United on Climate Action Toward COP28', in Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 16, 2023. REUTERS/Rula Rouhana
'Cop28 UAE' logo is displayed on the screen during the opening ceremony of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) under the theme of 'United on Climate Action Toward COP28', in Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 16, 2023. REUTERS/Rula Rouhana

Germany to Host Top Climate Talks if No East Europe Candidate: UN

'Cop28 UAE' logo is displayed on the screen during the opening ceremony of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) under the theme of 'United on Climate Action Toward COP28', in Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 16, 2023. REUTERS/Rula Rouhana
'Cop28 UAE' logo is displayed on the screen during the opening ceremony of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) under the theme of 'United on Climate Action Toward COP28', in Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 16, 2023. REUTERS/Rula Rouhana

The United Nations on Monday said next year’s top climate talks will take place in Germany if countries fail to designate an eastern European host, amid a reported impasse caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A decision should theoretically be taken at COP28 in Dubai but there is no deadline, a spokesperson for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) told AFP.

“In case there is no agreement in the Eastern Europe group, COP29 would be held in Germany,” which has hosted the UNFCCC secretariat in the city of Bonn since 1996, the spokesperson added.

The same source added that the UAE would preside over the talks as the chair of the COP28.

An eastern European country is due to host the 2024 talks after this year’s COP28. But Russia is reportedly opposing an EU member holding the event as tensions with the bloc run high during the war in Ukraine.

The 23 countries that make up the COP grouping known as the Eastern European states must unanimously agree on the host country.

The Financial Times has reported that the UAE was offering to host the talks for a second year.

The COP28 presidency office said the host of the next UN climate summit needed to be agreed under the proper procedures. “This is not even on our radar. We remain focused on delivering ambitious climate action at COP28,” it added.

At the same time, Germany was “not keen” to host the summit at the Bonn headquarters of the UNFCCC, two people familiar with the discussions said, on the grounds that the city was not large enough to accommodate the huge crowd that would descend on its confines for the fortnight’s duration.

The German foreign ministry said: “It is important that the EEG group reaches a decision on the COP presidency following the procedures of the UNFCCC.”

Bonn has already hosted two COPs, last doing so in 2017 when the Fijian presidency could not host thousands of delegates for logistical reasons.

Iran: Pezeshkian Uses Ashura Day to Court Conservatives

A photo posted online showing Iranian President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian attending a religious procession for Ashura on Jomhouri Street in central Tehran
A photo posted online showing Iranian President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian attending a religious procession for Ashura on Jomhouri Street in central Tehran

Iran: Pezeshkian Uses Ashura Day to Court Conservatives

A photo posted online showing Iranian President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian attending a religious procession for Ashura on Jomhouri Street in central Tehran
A photo posted online showing Iranian President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian attending a religious procession for Ashura on Jomhouri Street in central Tehran

Newly elected Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian used the Ashura procession in Tehran to gain favor with hardline conservatives. This follows his promises to ease hijab laws and expand internet access for Iranians.

Over the past ten days, Pezeshkian has visited mosques and hussainiyas, meeting with religious leaders and processions to strengthen his support among conservatives in central and southern Tehran, including Azeri Turk religious sites.

His meetings targeted religious chanters and groups linked to notable politicians like Ali Akbar Velayati, an advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Ashura was the first major religious event since Pezeshkian’s election, following the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash. Conservative media expressed satisfaction with Pezeshkian’s speech.

Velayati gave Pezeshkian a symbolic white banner from a shrine, similar to one he had received from Revolutionary Guard leaders. Another banner was presented by Saeed Haddadian, a “Maddahi” reader close to the Supreme Leader’s office, with Quds Force commander Esmail Qaani present.

During the Ashura commemorations, Pezeshkian joined worshippers on Jomhouri Street, a key area in Tehran linking government and parliament sites. A widely shared video shows him chanting in a procession for Azeri Turks, his ethnic group.

Abdollah Kanji, editor-in-chief of Tehran’s Hamshahri newspaper, praised President-elect Pezeshkian for his talent in religious chanting, saying, “The president has a gift for religious chants. This is wonderful... Intellectuals, don’t be embarrassed... don't complain.”

The Jamaran website, linked to Ayatollah Khomeini’s foundation, saw Pezeshkian’s participation in Ashura ceremonies as a counter to the “sanctification of elections” and claims that his government leans toward “religious secularism.”

The site noted, “Pezeshkian’s presence among religious groups with unique political views is significant.”

The site added, “Pezeshkian aims for consensus, not pointless societal conflicts. Many problems require unity and empathy to solve. Over-glorifying elections can lead to lingering resentments.”

Reformist sites noted Pezeshkian attended at least 11 religious gatherings while his advisors are finalizing the cabinet lineup, expected to be presented to parliament by mid-August.

Five Working Groups

Former Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, head of the “Government Transition Committee,” reported on the formation of five committees tasked with evaluating candidates for 19 ministries, as well as deputies, presidential assistants, and heads of government-affiliated organizations.

The five working groups are:

Political, Defense, and Security Group: Evaluates candidates for the Ministries of Defense, Interior, Foreign Affairs, Justice, and Intelligence, and the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. Nominees need parliamentary approval.

Economic Group: Reviews candidates for the Ministries of Economy and Industry, the Central Bank, and the Planning and Budget Organization.

Infrastructure Group: Assesses nominees for the Ministries of Oil, Energy, Agriculture, Communications, Roads, and Urban Development.

Cultural Group: Considers candidates for the Ministries of Education, Higher Education, Culture and Media, Tourism, and Sports.

Social Group: Evaluates nominees for the Ministries of Welfare and Health, as well as organizations dealing with women's affairs, the Martyrs Foundation, the environment, and employment issues.

Zarif stated that each committee will propose three candidates for each position and has held nine meetings so far. However, no final decisions have been made, and current speculations are baseless.