Iran Bans Ex-President Rouhani from Running for Elite Assembly 

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during Kuala Lumpur Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 19, 2019. (Reuters)
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during Kuala Lumpur Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 19, 2019. (Reuters)

Iran Bans Ex-President Rouhani from Running for Elite Assembly 

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during Kuala Lumpur Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 19, 2019. (Reuters)
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during Kuala Lumpur Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 19, 2019. (Reuters)

Iran's hardline Guardian Council has banned former pragmatist President Hassan Rouhani from standing again in an election in March for the Assembly of Experts, which appoints and can dismiss the supreme leader, state media said on Wednesday.

The 88-member assembly, founded in 1982, supervises the most powerful authority but has rarely intervened directly in policy-making.

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is 84, so the new assembly is expected to play a significant role in choosing his successor since its members are only elected every eight years.

Close to moderates, Rouhani was elected president in a landslide in 2013 and 2017 on a promise to reduce Iran's diplomatic isolation.

But the mid-ranking cleric angered political hardliners who opposed any rapprochement with the US "Great Satan" after reaching a 2015 nuclear pact with six major powers.

The deal unraveled in 2018 when then-US President Donald Trump ditched the agreement and reimposed sanctions that have crippled Iran's economy. Efforts to revive the pact have failed.

"There was no reason given for the Guardian Council's decision," a source close to Rouhani told Reuters, adding that "no decision has been made yet for an appeal" as Rouhani has three days to object.

"Rouhani has been a member of the assembly since 1999 for three terms ... It will be interesting to see what the reason for his disqualification was."

The 12-member Guardian Council, which oversees elections and legislation, disqualified 80% of candidates running for the assembly in its last election in 2016.

Moderate politicians have accused the Guardian Council of disqualifying rivals, and said that excluding candidates from the race undermines the vote's legitimacy.

A low turnout for the upcoming elections is expected, with Rouhani saying last week that the majority of people do not want to vote and that this will favor the ruling minority which relies on low turnout.

With Rouhani's disqualification, the Guardian Council had made it clear that hardliners intended to keep moderates away from the assembly, a pro-reform insider said.

The Guardian Council has also disqualified hundreds of hopefuls running for the parliamentary election also to be held on March 1.

State media reported that only 30 mid-ranking moderate candidates have been qualified to stand for the 290-seat parliament. Around 12,000 hopefuls will run for parliament, state media reported.

China’s Xi Urges Missile Troops to Boost Deterrence, Combat Capabilities

 In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping, left, visits Aojiao Village of Dongshan County in the city of Zhangzhou during an inspection tour in southeastern China's Fujian province on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024. (Xie Huanchi/Xinhua via AP)
In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping, left, visits Aojiao Village of Dongshan County in the city of Zhangzhou during an inspection tour in southeastern China's Fujian province on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024. (Xie Huanchi/Xinhua via AP)

China’s Xi Urges Missile Troops to Boost Deterrence, Combat Capabilities

 In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping, left, visits Aojiao Village of Dongshan County in the city of Zhangzhou during an inspection tour in southeastern China's Fujian province on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024. (Xie Huanchi/Xinhua via AP)
In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping, left, visits Aojiao Village of Dongshan County in the city of Zhangzhou during an inspection tour in southeastern China's Fujian province on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024. (Xie Huanchi/Xinhua via AP)

Chinese state media reported on Saturday that President Xi Jinping on Thursday inspected a brigade of the People's Liberation Army's Rocket Force, urging the troops to boost their "deterrence and combat capabilities".

During the inspection Xi also urged the strategic missile troops to "resolutely fulfil the tasks entrusted by the Party and the people," state news agency Xinhua said.

The PLA Rocket Force, which oversees the country's conventional and nuclear missiles, has been tasked with modernizing China's nuclear forces in the face of developments such as improved US missile defenses, better surveillance capabilities and strengthened alliances.

During the inspection, Xi stressed the need to "adhere to political guidance, strengthen mission responsibility," and "promote high-quality development of the force construction," according to Chinese media outlet Cailianshe.

Last month China conducted a rare launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean, underscoring growing international focus on the country's nuclear build-up.

China's military has undergone a sweeping anti-corruption purge since last year, with several generals, including from the Rocket Force, and aerospace defense industry executives removed from the national legislative body.

In June, Xi said there were "deep-seated problems" in the Chinese military's politics, ideology, work style and discipline, adding "there must be no hiding place for corrupt elements in the army."