Russia's Top Diplomat Accuses US, South Korea and Japan of Preparing for War with North Korea

Sergey Lavrov (AA)
Sergey Lavrov (AA)

Russia's Top Diplomat Accuses US, South Korea and Japan of Preparing for War with North Korea

Sergey Lavrov (AA)
Sergey Lavrov (AA)

Russia’s top diplomat accused the United States, South Korea and Japan on Wednesday of preparing for war with North Korea.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a UN news conference that this new military bloc brought together by the United States is building up military activity and conducting large-scale exercises. The United States, South Korea and Japan have described their combined military drills as defensive in nature and necessary to cope with growing North Korean nuclear threats, The Associated Press said.
All of a sudden South Korea’s rhetoric “became even more hostile towards Pyongyang,” Lavrov said. “In Japan as well, we hear aggressive rhetoric” and it is seriously talking about setting up NATO infrastructure with US assistance.
Lavrov said the objective of the military bloc is clearly stated: “They’re preparing for war with the DPRK,” the initials of North Korea’s official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
The Russian minister said the United States and its Asian allies have also been talking about developing their cooperation. “It’s quite wishy-washy the way they phrased it, but they said something like nuclear-related cooperation,” he said.
Last week, the three countries conducted combined naval exercises involving an American aircraft carrier in their latest show of strength against nuclear-armed North Korea.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been on a provocative run of weapons testing and threats that raised regional tensions to their highest point in years. Senior diplomats from the three allies were to meet in Seoul to discuss the worsening standoff with Pyongyang.
On the other hand, Lavrov said Russia’s relationship with North Korea is “proceeding nicely, it's developing quite actively.”
“We see that the DPRK is trying to be independent, not to dance anybody’s tune,” he said.
Kim is one of the few world leaders openly supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine. Kim has been actively boosting the visibility of his ties with Russia in an attempt to break out of diplomatic isolation and strengthen his footing, as he navigates a deepening nuclear standoff with Washington, Seoul and Tokyo.
When asked about Lavrov’s comments, South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lim Soosuk said they reflected North Korea's "constantly false and misleading claims as it tries to shift the blame to the outside world while developing nuclear weapons and missiles under its own schedule.”
He accused North Korea of further raising tensions with its weapons demonstrations this month, including missile tests and artillery test-firings near a disputed sea boundary with the South.
“Our government has consistently expressed a willingness to engage in dialogue with North Korea without any preconditions,” Lim said during a briefing.
The alignment between Moscow and Pyongyang has raised international concern about alleged arms cooperation. North Korea has been accused of providing Russia with arms supplies to help prolong its warfighting in Ukraine, possibly in exchange for economic assistance and military technology.
Both countries have denied accusations by Washington and Seoul that North Korea has been shipping artillery shells, missiles and other military equipment to Russia in recent months.
Putin confirmed his willingness to visit the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, at a convenient time during his meeting with Kim in Russia’s Far East in September. Lavrov said the timing will be decided by the Kremlin.
Lavrov compared Kim’s recent announcement that North Korea would not pursue a peaceful unification with the South to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement saying there will be no Palestinian state after the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.
“It’s terrible when, instead of unity, we have trends which divide us,” the Russian minister said. “And yet, this is a systematic process across many regions, and the main contributor to that trend are those who believe to be the masters of the universe.”
Without naming the United States and former Western colonial powers, he said countries that told others how to live for half a millennium and believe they are “masters of the universe” ignore that the overwhelming majority of ex-colonies are now independent and want to buttress their cultural and religious identity.
These ex colonial states are “leaving the West behind,” pointing to the BRICS economic bloc of developing economies that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. countries. The BRICS members have invited Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Ethiopia to join.
Lavrov said “the ex-colonial powers have to face up to the reality in today’s world.”
“You shouldn’t just think that you’re so strong just because you have the dollar,” he said.

Demonstrators Stage Mass Protest against Netanyahu Visit, US Military Aid to Israel

Protesters held a demonstration inside the Cannon US Capitol office building on Tuesday, one day before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address Congress.- The AP
Protesters held a demonstration inside the Cannon US Capitol office building on Tuesday, one day before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address Congress.- The AP

Demonstrators Stage Mass Protest against Netanyahu Visit, US Military Aid to Israel

Protesters held a demonstration inside the Cannon US Capitol office building on Tuesday, one day before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address Congress.- The AP
Protesters held a demonstration inside the Cannon US Capitol office building on Tuesday, one day before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address Congress.- The AP

Protesters against the Gaza war staged a sit-in at a congressional office building Tuesday ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress, with Capitol Police making multiple arrests.

Netanyahu arrived in Washington Monday for a several-day visit that includes meetings with President Joe Biden and a Wednesday speech before a joint session of Congress, The AP reported. Dozens of protesters rallied outside his hotel Monday evening, and on Tuesday afternoon, hundreds of demonstrators took over the rotunda of the Cannon Building, which houses offices of House of Representatives members.

Organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, protesters wearing identical red T-shirts that read “Not In Our Name” took over the Rotunda of the Cannon Building, chanting “Let Gaza Live!”

After about a half-hour of clapping and chanting, officers from the US Capitol Police issued several warnings, then began arresting protesters — binding their hands with zip ties and leading them away one by one.

“I am the daughter of Holocaust survivors and I know what a Holocaust looks like,” said Jane Hirschmann, a native of Saugerties, New York, who drove down for the protest along with her two daughters — both of whom were arrested. “When we say ‘Never Again,’ we mean never for anybody.”

The demonstrators focused much of their ire on the Biden administration, demanding that the president immediately cease all arms shipments to Israel.

“We’re not focusing on Netanyahu. He’s just a symptom,” Hirschmann said. “But how can (Biden) be calling for a cease-fire when he’s sending them bombs and planes?”

It wasn't immediately clear how many protesters had been arrested.

Mitchell Rivard, chief of staff for Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Mich., said in a statement that his office called for Capitol Police intervention after the demonstrators “became disruptive, violently beating on the office doors, shouting loudly, and attempting to force entry into the office.”

Netanyahu's American visit has touched off a wave of protest activity, with some demonstrations condemning Israel and others expressing support but pressuring Netanyahu to strike a cease-fire deal and bring home the hostages still being held by Hamas.

Families of some of the remaining hostages were planning a protest vigil Tuesday night on the National Mall. And multiple overlapping protests are planned for Wednesday, when Netanyahu is slated to address Congress. In anticipation, police have significantly boosted security around the Capitol building and closed multiple roads for the entire week.

Biden and Netanyahu are expected to meet Thursday, according to a US official who spoke on condition of anonymity ahead of the White House announcement. Vice President Kamala Harris will also meet with Netanyahu separately that day.

Harris, as Senate president, would normally sit behind foreign leaders addressing Congress, but she’ll be away Wednesday, on an Indianapolis trip scheduled before Biden withdrew his reelection bid and she became the likely Democratic presidential candidate over the weekend.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that he would meet with Netanyahu on Friday.