Gaza War Protesters Temporarily Take over Building on University of Chicago Campus

Demonstrators stand as workers dismantle a pro-Palestinian encampment, as the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas continues, at DePaul university in Chicago, Illinois, US, May 16, 2024. (Reuters)
Demonstrators stand as workers dismantle a pro-Palestinian encampment, as the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas continues, at DePaul university in Chicago, Illinois, US, May 16, 2024. (Reuters)

Gaza War Protesters Temporarily Take over Building on University of Chicago Campus

Demonstrators stand as workers dismantle a pro-Palestinian encampment, as the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas continues, at DePaul university in Chicago, Illinois, US, May 16, 2024. (Reuters)
Demonstrators stand as workers dismantle a pro-Palestinian encampment, as the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas continues, at DePaul university in Chicago, Illinois, US, May 16, 2024. (Reuters)

A group protesting the war in Gaza and demanding that the University of Chicago divest from companies doing business with Israel temporarily took over a building on the school’s campus.

Members of the group surrounded the Institute of Politics building around 5 p.m. Friday while others made their way inside, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

The brief occupation came as other colleges across the country, anxious to prepare for commencement season, either negotiated agreements with students or called in police to dismantle protest camps.

The Chicago protest follows the May 7 clearing of a pro-Palestinian tent encampment at the school by police. University of Chicago administrators had initially adopted a permissive approach, but said earlier this month that the protest had crossed a line and caused growing concerns about safety.

On Friday, campus police officers using riot shields gained access to the Institute of Politics building and scuffled with protesters. Some protesters climbed from a second-floor window, according to the Sun-Times.

The school said protesters attempted to bar the entrance, damaged university property and ignored directives to clear the way, and that those inside the building left when campus police officers entered.

“The University of Chicago is fundamentally committed to upholding the rights of protesters to express a wide range of views,” school spokesperson Gerald McSwiggan said in a statement. “At the same time, university policies make it clear that protests cannot jeopardize public safety, disrupt the university’s operations or involve the destruction of property.”

No arrests or injuries were reported.

Students and others have set up tent encampments on campuses around the country to protest the Israel-Hamas war, pressing colleges to cut financial ties with Israel. Tensions over the war have been high on campuses since the fall but the pro-Palestinian demonstrations spread quickly following an April 18 police crackdown on an encampment at Columbia University.

The demonstrations reached all corners of the United States, becoming its largest campus protest movement in decades, and spread to other countries, including many in Europe.

Lately, some protesters have taken down their tents, as at Harvard, where student activists this week said the encampment had “outlasted its utility with respect to our demands.” Others packed up after striking deals with college administrators who offered amnesty for protesters, discussions around their investments, and other concessions. On many other campuses, colleges have called in police to clear demonstrations.

More than 2,900 people have been arrested on US campuses over the past month. As summer break approaches, there have been fewer new arrests and campuses have been calmer. Still, colleges have been vigilant for disruptions to commencement ceremonies.

The latest Israel-Hamas war began when Hamas and other gunmen stormed into southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing around 1,200 people and taking an additional 250 hostage. Palestinian fighters still hold about 100 captives, and Israel’s military has killed more than 35,000 people in Gaza, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, which doesn’t distinguish between civilians and combatants.

On Thursday, police began dismantling a pro-Palestinian encampment at DePaul University in Chicago, hours after the school’s president told students to leave the area or face arrest.

Philippine Tanker Carrying 1.4 Mln Liters of Oil Capsizes off Manila

A handout photo from the Philippine Coast Guard shows part of MT Terra Nova oil tanker after it capsized in Manila Bay. Handout / Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)/AFP
A handout photo from the Philippine Coast Guard shows part of MT Terra Nova oil tanker after it capsized in Manila Bay. Handout / Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)/AFP

Philippine Tanker Carrying 1.4 Mln Liters of Oil Capsizes off Manila

A handout photo from the Philippine Coast Guard shows part of MT Terra Nova oil tanker after it capsized in Manila Bay. Handout / Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)/AFP
A handout photo from the Philippine Coast Guard shows part of MT Terra Nova oil tanker after it capsized in Manila Bay. Handout / Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)/AFP

A Philippine-flagged tanker carrying 1.4 million liters of industrial fuel oil capsized and sank off Manila on Thursday, authorities said, as they raced to contain a spill.
The MT Terra Nova was heading for the central city of Iloilo when it capsized in Manila Bay, nearly seven kilometers (4.3 miles) off Limay municipality in Bataan province, near the capital, in the early hours, said Agence France Presse.
The vessel went down as heavy rains fueled by Typhoon Gaemi and the seasonal monsoon have lashed Manila and surrounding regions in recent days.
An oil spill stretching several kilometers has been detected in the busy waterway.
"We are racing against time and we will try to do our best to contain it immediately and stop the fuel from leaking," Philippine Coast Guard spokesman Rear Admiral Armando Balilo said at a briefing.
He warned that if all the oil in the tanker were to leak, it would be the biggest spill in Philippine history.
"There is a big danger that Manila will be affected, even the shoreline of Manila, if the fuel will leak, because it is within Manila Bay," Balilo said.
Thousands of fishermen and tour operators are dependent on the waters for their livelihoods.
Transport Secretary Jaime Bautista said 16 of the 17 crew members had been rescued from the stricken vessel.
A search was underway for the missing crew member, but Bautista said strong winds and high waves were hampering response efforts.
Four of the crew were receiving medical treatment.
A photo released by the coast guard showed the MT Terra Nova almost entirely submerged in rough seas.
Investigation ordered
An oil slick stretching about 3.7 kilometers was being carried by a "strong current" in an easterly, north-easterly direction, the coast guard said in a report.
Coast guard Commandant Admiral Ronnie Gavan said he ordered a probe into the incident.
Marine environmental protection personnel have been mobilized to help contain the slick.
"It will definitely affect the marine environment," Balilo said, describing the amount of oil on the ship as "enormous".
One of the worst oil spills in the Philippines was in February 2023, when a tanker carrying 800,000 liters of industrial fuel oil sank off the central island of Mindoro.
Diesel fuel and thick oil from that vessel contaminated the waters and beaches along the coast of Oriental Mindoro province, devastating the fishing and tourism industries.
The oil dispersed over hundreds of kilometers of waters famed for having some of the most diverse marine life in the world.
In 2006, a tanker sank off the central island of Guimaras spilling tens of thousands of gallons of oil that destroyed a marine reserve, ruined local fishing grounds and covered stretches of coastline in black sludge.