Labor Predicted to Rout Sunak's Conservatives as Britain Goes To Polls

FILE PHOTO: A polling station direction sign is attached to a street sign near the Elizabeth Tower, more commonly known as Big Ben, ahead of general elections, in London, Britain July 3, 2024. REUTERS/Maja Smiejkowska/File Photo
FILE PHOTO: A polling station direction sign is attached to a street sign near the Elizabeth Tower, more commonly known as Big Ben, ahead of general elections, in London, Britain July 3, 2024. REUTERS/Maja Smiejkowska/File Photo

Labor Predicted to Rout Sunak's Conservatives as Britain Goes To Polls

FILE PHOTO: A polling station direction sign is attached to a street sign near the Elizabeth Tower, more commonly known as Big Ben, ahead of general elections, in London, Britain July 3, 2024. REUTERS/Maja Smiejkowska/File Photo
FILE PHOTO: A polling station direction sign is attached to a street sign near the Elizabeth Tower, more commonly known as Big Ben, ahead of general elections, in London, Britain July 3, 2024. REUTERS/Maja Smiejkowska/File Photo

Britain looks set to elect Labor Party leader Keir Starmer as its next prime minister when voters go to the polls on Thursday, sweeping Rishi Sunak's Conservatives out of office after 14 often turbulent years.
Opinion polls put Starmer's center-left party on course for a landslide victory as voters turn their backs on the Conservatives following a period of infighting and turmoil that led to five prime ministers in eight years, Reuters said.
However, surveys show many voters simply want change, rather than fervently backing Labor, meaning Starmer could enter office with one of the biggest to-do lists in British history but without a groundswell of support or the financial resources to tackle it.
"Today, Britain can begin a new chapter," Starmer told voters in a statement on Thursday. "We cannot afford five more years under the Conservatives. But change will only happen if you vote Labor."
Sunak, who called the election months earlier than expected, has in recent weeks abandoned his call for a fifth consecutive Conservative victory, switching instead to warning of the dangers of an unchallenged Labor Party in parliament.
He issued a fresh rallying cry to voters for election day, saying a Labor government would hike taxes, hamper economic recovery and leave Britain more vulnerable at a time of geopolitical tension, charges Labor deny.
"They will do lasting damage to our country and our economy - just like they did the last time they were in power," Sunak said. "Don't let that happen."
If the opinion polls are correct, Britain will follow other European countries in punishing their governments after a cost of living crisis that stemmed from the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Unlike France it looks set to move to the center left and not further right.
Labor has held a poll lead of between 15 and 20 points since shortly after Sunak was chosen by his lawmakers in October 2022 to replace Liz Truss who resigned after 44 days, having sparked a bond market meltdown and a collapse in sterling.
Modeling by pollsters predicts Labor is on course for one of the biggest election victories in British history, with a likely majority in parliament that would exceed those achieved by Tony Blair or Margaret Thatcher, although a high number of voters are undecided and turnout could be low.
Such an outcome would have been unthinkable at Britain's last election in 2019 when Boris Johnson won a large victory for the Conservatives, with politicians predicting that the party would be in power for at least 10 years as Labor was finished.
Starmer, the former chief prosecutor of England and Wales, took over Labor from veteran socialist Jeremy Corbyn after it suffered its worst defeat for 84 years in 2019, and dragged it back to the center.
At the same time, the Conservatives in Westminster have imploded, ripped apart by scandal under Johnson and the rancor that followed the vote to leave the European Union, and a failure to deliver on the demands of its broad 2019 voter base.
While Johnson destroyed the party's reputation for integrity, Truss eroded its long-held economic credibility, leaving Sunak to steady the ship. During his time inflation returned to target from its 41-year high of 11.1% and he resolved some Brexit tensions, but the polls have not budged.
Sunak's election campaign has been hit by a string of gaffes. He announced the vote in driving rain, an early departure from a D-Day event in France angered veterans and allegations of election gambling among aides reignited talk of scandal.
The unexpected arrival of Nigel Farage to lead the right-wing Reform UK has also eaten into the Conservatives' vote, while the centrist Liberal Democrats are predicted to fare well in the party's traditional affluent heartlands.
Starmer could also benefit from a Labor recovery in Scotland, after the Scottish National Party embarked on its own self-destructive path following a funding scandal and looks set to lose its stronghold for the first time since 2015.
But Starmer may find his fortunes more sorely tested in Downing Street.
His campaign was built around a one-word promise of 'Change', tapping into anger at the state of stretched public services and falling living standards. But he will have few levers to pull, with the tax burden set to hit its highest since 1949 and net debt almost equivalent to annual economic output.
Starmer has consistently warned that he will not be able to fix anything quickly, and his party has courted international investors to help address the challenges.
Sunak has argued that his 20 months in charge have set the economy on an upward path and Labor should not be allowed to put that in jeopardy.
Voters will give their verdict on Thursday.
Polls open from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m. (0600-2100 GMT) and an exit poll at 10 p.m. will give the first sign of the outcome with detailed results expected early on Friday.

Floods Inundate Thailand's Northern Tourist City of Chiang Mai

Flooding hits the northern Thai city of Chiang Rai in the wake of Typhoon Yagi. Lillian SUWANRUMPHA / AFP
Flooding hits the northern Thai city of Chiang Rai in the wake of Typhoon Yagi. Lillian SUWANRUMPHA / AFP

Floods Inundate Thailand's Northern Tourist City of Chiang Mai

Flooding hits the northern Thai city of Chiang Rai in the wake of Typhoon Yagi. Lillian SUWANRUMPHA / AFP
Flooding hits the northern Thai city of Chiang Rai in the wake of Typhoon Yagi. Lillian SUWANRUMPHA / AFP

Chiang Mai, Thailand's northern city popular with tourists, was inundated by widespread flooding Saturday as its main river overflowed its banks following heavy seasonal rainfall.
Authorities ordered some evacuations and said they were working to pump water out of residential areas and clear obstructions from waterways and drains to help water recede faster, The Associated Press reported.
Dozens of shelters were set up across the city to accommodate residents whose home were flooded. The Chiang Mai city government said the water level of the Ping River, which runs along the eastern edge of the city, was at critically high levels and was rising since Friday.
However, the provincial irrigation office on Saturday forecast that the water level was likely to remain stable and recede to normal in about five days.
Thai media reported that efforts to evacuate elephants and other animals from several sanctuaries and parks on the outskirts of the city were continuing Saturday. About 125 elephants along with other animals were taken to safety from the Elephant Nature Park, from where some escaped on their own to seek higher ground. About 10 animal shelters in the area have been flooded.
Chiang Mai Gov. Nirat Pongsitthavorn said that the latest flooding, the second in six weeks, exceeded expectations.
Thailand's state railway suspended service to Chiang Mai, with trains on the northern line from Bangkok terminating at Lampang, about 1 1/2 hours ride to the south. Chiang Mai International Airport said it was operating as usual on Saturday.
Flooding was reported in 20 Thai provinces on Saturday, mostly in the north. At least 49 people have died and 28 were injured in floods since August, the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation said.
In the Thai capital Bangkok, the government said Saturday it will let more water flow out of the Chao Phraya Dam in the central province of Chai Nat over the next seven days, as it risks exceeding it capacity. The release of the water may affect residents downstream who live near waterways in Thailand’s central region, including Bangkok and surrounding areas.