Philippines 'to Assert our Rights' after China Sea Deal

This file photo taken on April 23, 2023 shows the grounded Philippine navy ship BRP Sierra Madre, where marines are stationed to assert Manila’s territorial claims at Second Thomas Shoal in the Spratly Islands, in disputed waters of the South China Sea. FILE PHOTO/Agence France-Presse
This file photo taken on April 23, 2023 shows the grounded Philippine navy ship BRP Sierra Madre, where marines are stationed to assert Manila’s territorial claims at Second Thomas Shoal in the Spratly Islands, in disputed waters of the South China Sea. FILE PHOTO/Agence France-Presse

Philippines 'to Assert our Rights' after China Sea Deal

This file photo taken on April 23, 2023 shows the grounded Philippine navy ship BRP Sierra Madre, where marines are stationed to assert Manila’s territorial claims at Second Thomas Shoal in the Spratly Islands, in disputed waters of the South China Sea. FILE PHOTO/Agence France-Presse
This file photo taken on April 23, 2023 shows the grounded Philippine navy ship BRP Sierra Madre, where marines are stationed to assert Manila’s territorial claims at Second Thomas Shoal in the Spratly Islands, in disputed waters of the South China Sea. FILE PHOTO/Agence France-Presse

Manila insisted Monday it will continue to "assert our rights" over a hotspot South China Sea reef, after reaching a deal with Beijing for resupplying Filipino troops stationed on a grounded warship.
The Philippine foreign ministry also rejected suggestions by China that the "provisional arrangement" announced Sunday required Manila to give Beijing "prior notification" and verification of deliveries to the BRP Sierra Madre on Second Thomas Shoal, Agence France Presse said.
China claims almost the entire South China Sea, including Second Thomas Shoal, which lies about 200 kilometers (120 miles) from the western Philippine island of Palawan and more than 1,000 kilometers from China's nearest major landmass, Hainan island.
"The principles and approaches laid out in the agreement were reached through a series of careful and meticulous consultations between both sides that paved the way for a convergence of ideas without compromising national positions," foreign ministry spokeswoman Teresita Daza said in a statement.
"The (Chinese foreign ministry) spokesperson's statement therefore regarding prior notification and on-site confirmation is inaccurate," Daza said.
Daza said the Philippines "will continue to assert our rights and jurisdiction in our maritime zones", which included Second Thomas Shoal.
The fish-rich shoal has been a focus of violent clashes between Chinese and Philippine ships in recent months as Beijing steps up efforts to push its claims to almost the entire South China Sea.
A Filipino sailor lost a thumb in the latest June 17 confrontation when Chinese coast guard members wielding knives, sticks and an axe foiled a Philippine Navy attempt to resupply its troops.
A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said Monday Beijing had agreed to an arrangement with the Philippines over Filipino resupply missions "based on our principled position" that the shoal was part of Chinese territory.
"Should the Philippines need to send living necessities to the personnel living on the warship, China is willing to allow it in a humanitarian spirit if the Philippines informs China in advance and after on-site verification is conducted," the spokesperson said.
But it would "absolutely not accept" the delivery of large amounts of construction materials to the ship and attempts to "build fixed facilities or permanent outpost".
The resupply arrangement followed talks with Beijing this month when the countries agreed to "de-escalate tensions" and increase the number of communication channels to resolve maritime disagreements between them.
A handful of Filipino troops are stationed on the decrepit BRP Sierra Madre that was deliberately grounded on Second Thomas Shoal in 1999 to assert Manila's claims to the area.
They require frequent resupplies for food, water and other necessities as well as transport for personnel rotations.

Internet Hasn't Been Restored in Bangladesh despite Apparent Calm Following Deadly Protests

Bangladeshi soldiers stand guard at the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, amid the anti-quota protests in Dhaka on July 21, 2024. (Photo by Munir UZ ZAMAN / AFP)
Bangladeshi soldiers stand guard at the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, amid the anti-quota protests in Dhaka on July 21, 2024. (Photo by Munir UZ ZAMAN / AFP)

Internet Hasn't Been Restored in Bangladesh despite Apparent Calm Following Deadly Protests

Bangladeshi soldiers stand guard at the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, amid the anti-quota protests in Dhaka on July 21, 2024. (Photo by Munir UZ ZAMAN / AFP)
Bangladeshi soldiers stand guard at the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, amid the anti-quota protests in Dhaka on July 21, 2024. (Photo by Munir UZ ZAMAN / AFP)

Internet and mobile data services are still down despite apparent calm in Bangladesh following a verdict that scaled back a controversial quota system for government jobs after weeks of relentless protests that turned deadly.
The government has also declared Monday a public holiday, with only essential services running. This comes after a curfew with a shoot-on-sight order was installed days earlier and military personnel could be seen patrolling the capital and other areas, The Associated Press said.
The South Asian country witnessed clashes between the police and mainly student protesters demanding an end to a quota that reserved 30% of government jobs for relatives of veterans who fought in Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971.
The violence has killed more than a hundred people, according to at least four local newspapers. Authorities have not so far shared official figures for deaths. On Thursday, communications were cut off as tensions escalated.
There was no immediate violence reported on Monday morning after the Supreme Court ordered the veterans’ quota to be cut to 5%, with 93% of jobs allocated on merit, the day before. The remaining 2% will be set aside for members of ethnic minorities as well as transgender and disabled people.
On Sunday night, some student protesters urged the government to restore internet services. Hasnat Abdullah, a coordinator of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement, told the Associated Press that they were withdrawing their calls for a complete shutdown, which they attempted to impose last week.
“But we are issuing an ultimatum for 48 hours to stop the digital crackdown and restore internet connectivity,” he said, adding that security officials deployed at various universities should be withdrawn, student dormitories reopened and steps taken so students can return to their campuses safely. Abdullah also said they wanted the government to end the curfew and ensure the country was back to normal within two days.
Students have also demanded some university officials to step down after failing to protect campuses. Sarjis Alam, another coordinator of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement, said that they would continue with their protests if all their demands weren't met. “We cannot step back from our movement like a coward,” he added.
Another key organizer of the student protests, Nahid Islam, told reporters that the internet shutdown had disrupted their ability to communicate and alleged that authorities were trying to create divisions among protesters. “I am mentally traumatized ... our unity is being destroyed,” he said.
The US Embassy in the capital Dhaka described Sunday the situation as “extremely volatile” and “unpredictable,” adding that guns, tear gas and other weapons have been used in the vicinity of the embassy. They said the Bangladeshi army had been deployed and urged Americans to be vigilant, avoid large crowds and reconsider travel plans.
The protests have posed the most serious challenge to Bangladesh’s government since Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina won a fourth consecutive term in January elections that the main opposition groups boycotted. Universities have been closed, the internet has been shut off and the government has ordered people to stay at home.
Protesters had argued the quota system was discriminatory and benefited supporters of Hasina, whose Awami League party led the independence movement, and wanted it replaced by a merit-based system. Hasina has defended the quota system, saying that veterans deserve the highest respect regardless of political affiliation.
The main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party has backed the protests, vowing to organize its own demonstrations as many of its supporters joined the student-led protests.
The Awami League and the BNP have often accused each other of fueling political chaos and violence, most recently ahead of the country’s national election, which was marred by a crackdown on several opposition figures.