EU Will Not Recognize Venezuela Election Result Until All Votes Counted, Borrell Says 

People carry Venezuela's national flag to protest the election results that awarded Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro with a third term, in Maracaibo, Venezuela July 30, 2024. (Reuters)
People carry Venezuela's national flag to protest the election results that awarded Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro with a third term, in Maracaibo, Venezuela July 30, 2024. (Reuters)

EU Will Not Recognize Venezuela Election Result Until All Votes Counted, Borrell Says 

People carry Venezuela's national flag to protest the election results that awarded Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro with a third term, in Maracaibo, Venezuela July 30, 2024. (Reuters)
People carry Venezuela's national flag to protest the election results that awarded Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro with a third term, in Maracaibo, Venezuela July 30, 2024. (Reuters)

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Wednesday the bloc could not recognize Venezuela's election result until all votes were counted and records provided, amid international concerns over the integrity of the vote.

The election authority in Venezuela said President Nicolas Maduro had won a third term in office on Sunday with 51% of the vote to extend a quarter-century of socialist rule, despite exit polls that pointed to an opposition win.

Borrell said the electoral commission had announced the vote results on the basis of 80% of ballots counted, while the Venezuelan opposition had published very different results.

"That is an additional reason for not recognizing the results until they will be fully and independently verified," he told reporters during a visit to Vietnam.

The members of the 27-nation bloc will decide on possible next steps only after the full results are made available, he added.

Protesters took to the streets in Venezuela on Tuesday, demanding that Maduro acknowledge he lost the election, as a major international observer concluded the vote was undemocratic.

The government denounced the demonstrations as an attempted coup.

The US-based Carter Center, which observed the vote, said late on Tuesday the election could not be considered democratic as it "did not meet international standards of electoral integrity".

Hundreds Rescued after India Landslides that Killed 151, Many Missing

Rescuers help residents to move to a safer place, at a landslide site after multiple landslides in the hills, in Wayanad, in the southern state of Kerala, India, July 30, 2024. REUTERS/Stringer
Rescuers help residents to move to a safer place, at a landslide site after multiple landslides in the hills, in Wayanad, in the southern state of Kerala, India, July 30, 2024. REUTERS/Stringer

Hundreds Rescued after India Landslides that Killed 151, Many Missing

Rescuers help residents to move to a safer place, at a landslide site after multiple landslides in the hills, in Wayanad, in the southern state of Kerala, India, July 30, 2024. REUTERS/Stringer
Rescuers help residents to move to a safer place, at a landslide site after multiple landslides in the hills, in Wayanad, in the southern state of Kerala, India, July 30, 2024. REUTERS/Stringer

Nearly 1,000 people have been rescued after landslides in the hills of Wayanad district in India's Kerala state, authorities said on Wednesday, with at least 151 people dead and many still missing.
Heavy rain in one of India's most attractive tourist destinations collapsed hillsides early on Tuesday sending torrents of mud, water and tumbling boulders through tea and cardamom estates and small settlements. It was the worst disaster in the state since deadly floods in 2018.
At least 151 people died and 187 were still missing, the state chief minister's spokesman, P.M. Manoj, told Reuters by phone.
The Indian Army said it rescued 1,000 people and has begun the process to construct an alternate bridge after the main bridge linking the affected area to the nearest town of Chooralmala was destroyed.
"The landslides happened at the top and then affected the lower valley areas where people were staying. Focus right now is to search the entire uphill area for stranded people and recover as many bodies (as possible)," M R Ajith Kumar, a state law and order official, told Reuters.
Nearly 350 of the 400 registered houses in the affected region have been damaged, Asianet TV reported, citing district officials.
After a day of extremely heavy rainfall that hampered rescue operations, the weather department expects some respite on Wednesday, although the area is likely to receive rain through the day.