Iranian Security Forces Kill More Cross-Border Couriers

Kulbars carry goods on their backs along the mountains of the Iran-Iraq border (Mehr)
Kulbars carry goods on their backs along the mountains of the Iran-Iraq border (Mehr)

Iranian Security Forces Kill More Cross-Border Couriers

Kulbars carry goods on their backs along the mountains of the Iran-Iraq border (Mehr)
Kulbars carry goods on their backs along the mountains of the Iran-Iraq border (Mehr)

An alarming number of border couriers, primarily from Iran’s Kurdish and Baluchi minorities, have been killed in the first eight months of 2024, as Tehran uses unlawful and lethal force against those who transport goods and fuel across Iranian borders as their only means of survival, said the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) on Thursday.

Headquartered in Washington, CHRI said at least 30 Kurdish border couriers, known as kulbars, were killed and 198 others injured by direct gunfire from Iranian government forces from January to August 2024.

Research undertaken by CHRI also found that six of the injured were children. One of them was 17-year-old Arian Mamandi from Sardasht, who was shot in the face by border guards and lost an eye.

Over the same eight-month period, at least 34 Baluchi fuel couriers, known as sukhtbars, were killed, and 39 others were injured by direct gunfire from government forces, CHRI’s research showed. One of those killed was 14-year-old Omran Baloch Zahi.

“The ongoing killings of border couriers are yet another example of the Islamic Republic’s use of disproportionate and lethal violence against Iran’s oppressed ethnic communities,” said Hadi Ghaemi, CHRI executive director.

“The Iranian government must immediately halt its unlawful use of lethal force against border couriers and instead focus on developing economic empowerment initiatives. This relentless violence against vulnerable populations must end,” Ghaemi said.

In July, Human Rights Watch and the Center for Supporters of Human Rights (CSHR) called on Iranian authorities under the new president to halt their use of excessive and lethal force at the Iran-Iraq border against predominantly Kurdish kulbars (border couriers), who come from marginalized communities.

“It is shameful that our youth have to engage in kulbari [transporting goods across border] for a piece of bread. We must establish a border that facilitates trade, not kulbari,” said Masoud Pezeshkian, the newly elected president of Iran, during his presidential campaign in Sanandaj in June.

Kremlin Says People Must Judge for Themselves if Putin Really Wants Kamala Harris to Win 

05 September 2024, Russia, Vladivostok: President of Russia Vladimir Putin speaks during the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum. (RIA Novosti/Kremlin/dpa)
05 September 2024, Russia, Vladivostok: President of Russia Vladimir Putin speaks during the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum. (RIA Novosti/Kremlin/dpa)

Kremlin Says People Must Judge for Themselves if Putin Really Wants Kamala Harris to Win 

05 September 2024, Russia, Vladivostok: President of Russia Vladimir Putin speaks during the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum. (RIA Novosti/Kremlin/dpa)
05 September 2024, Russia, Vladivostok: President of Russia Vladimir Putin speaks during the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum. (RIA Novosti/Kremlin/dpa)

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, asked if President Vladimir Putin's stated support for US presidential candidate Kamala Harris was serious or a joke, said on Friday that people would have to figure it out for themselves.

Putin told an interviewer on Thursday that he preferred Harris over Donald Trump, citing her "infectious" laugh as a reason why she might be less inclined to penalize Russia with sanctions.

He was smiling as he delivered the remark - one of several apparently teasing comments he has made in the course of the US campaign.

Asked if Putin had been serious, Peskov told reporters: "When he is asked about international affairs, he comments on them. As for his tone, people abroad who are interested must try to interpret that."

The White House said on Thursday that Putin should stop commenting on the November election.

Peskov said Putin's priority was Russia's wellbeing, and "American affairs cannot be, and are not, a concern that is at the top of the president's agenda".