China, Russia Chide West at Annual Security Forum in Beijing 

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Col. Gen. Alexander Fomin speaks next to President of the Chinese PLA Academy of Military Science Yang Xuejun during the first plenary session of the 11th Xiangshan Forum in Beijing, Friday, Sept. 13, 2024. (AP)
Russian Deputy Defense Minister Col. Gen. Alexander Fomin speaks next to President of the Chinese PLA Academy of Military Science Yang Xuejun during the first plenary session of the 11th Xiangshan Forum in Beijing, Friday, Sept. 13, 2024. (AP)

China, Russia Chide West at Annual Security Forum in Beijing 

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Col. Gen. Alexander Fomin speaks next to President of the Chinese PLA Academy of Military Science Yang Xuejun during the first plenary session of the 11th Xiangshan Forum in Beijing, Friday, Sept. 13, 2024. (AP)
Russian Deputy Defense Minister Col. Gen. Alexander Fomin speaks next to President of the Chinese PLA Academy of Military Science Yang Xuejun during the first plenary session of the 11th Xiangshan Forum in Beijing, Friday, Sept. 13, 2024. (AP)

Chinese and Russian defense officials on Friday took swipes at the West at a military diplomacy forum in Beijing, with China pitching to the Global South and Russia saying the United States was shifting military conflicts to the Asia-Pacific.

In a wide-ranging speech to the annual Xiangshan Forum, China's defense minister, Dong Jun, said China would enhance military ties with its neighbors and with developing countries in particular.

"Major countries must take the lead in safeguarding global security, abandon a zero-sum mindset and refrain from bullying the small and the weak," Dong said, in a veiled criticism of the United States, which he did not name.

In a "multipolar" world, "no one can afford to be an outsider or onlooker", he added. "Countries, no matter big or small, developed or developing, should have an equal right to participate in international affairs and voice their needs, and uphold their legitimate rights and interests," Dong said.

Dong's remarks come as communications ease between the US and Chinese militaries despite roiling tensions over the South China Sea, Taiwan and Washington's concerns at Beijing's close relationship with Russia amid its 30-month-old invasion of Ukraine.

Dong made his remarks to representatives from 90 countries and international organizations at the tightly choreographed three-day forum, which ends on Saturday. He said that to solve regional tensions, regional countries should "seek strength through unity and rely on themselves for their own peace".

"We should put down arrogance and prejudice, never interfere in other countries' internal affairs, never violate other countries' rights and interests," Dong said.

Russian deputy defense minister Alexander Fomin was more explicit, saying in his speech that the United States was trying to contain China and Russia while preparing for war in Asia by creating new security blocs.

"Russia and China support the creation of a just, multipolar world order based on equality and mutual respect," he said.

"In order to create conditions to force Russia into negotiations based on Kyiv’s formulas, NATO countries plan to send troops to Ukraine," he added. "This is a dangerous game which can lead to a direct conflict of nuclear powers."

NATO has said repeatedly it has no plans to send troops to Ukraine.

Fomin’s rhetoric contrasted with Dong's vision of Beijing as a responsible international crisis mediator.

China is eager to promote itself as a responsible player in global conflicts, despite being entangled in long-simmering territorial spats in East Asia. This year's forum is themed "Promoting Peace for a Shared Future".

Some diplomats and analysts are watching closely for signs of further progress in the military relationship between the US and China on the fringes of the conference.

The US is represented by Michael Chase, deputy assistant secretary of defense for China, Taiwan and Mongolia.

Chase will head a US delegation for talks with Chinese military counterparts after the forum - building on defense coordination talks in Hawaii that resumed in January for the first time since September 2021, the Pentagon said.

Although some regional states have sent defense ministers to the forum, Western countries generally send lower-level delegations, preferring the long-standing annual Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore to discuss key security issues.

The forum comes after US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met Zhang Youxia, the vice-chairman of the China's commanding Central Military Commission, in Beijing last month and US and Chinese theater-level commanders this week held their first-ever conference call.

On the forum sidelines, former senior Pentagon official for China Chad Sbragia said US participation in the event showed Washington was committed to engagement.

"It shows, I think, symbolically to China, to the United States and certainly to allies and partners globally that the United States is committed to listening, to participating, to joining in and not being afraid to talk," Sbragia said.

Dong is responsible for China's military diplomacy but is not part of the Central Military Commission, China's core command body.

An admiral in China's navy, he was appointed in December after an anti-corruption purge in the army's top ranks.

Report: US Preparing Criminal Charges in Iran Hack Targeting Trump 

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump pauses while speaking during a campaign event at the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024, in Tucson, Ariz. (AP)
Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump pauses while speaking during a campaign event at the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024, in Tucson, Ariz. (AP)

Report: US Preparing Criminal Charges in Iran Hack Targeting Trump 

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump pauses while speaking during a campaign event at the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024, in Tucson, Ariz. (AP)
Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump pauses while speaking during a campaign event at the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024, in Tucson, Ariz. (AP)

The Justice Department is preparing criminal charges in connection with an Iranian hack that targeted Donald Trump's presidential campaign in a bid to shape the outcome of the November election, two people familiar with the matter said Thursday.

It was not immediately clear when the charges might be announced or whom precisely they will target, but they are the result of an FBI investigation into an intrusion that investigators across multiple agencies quickly linked to an Iranian effort to influence American politics.

The prospect of criminal charges comes as the Justice Department has raised alarms about aggressive efforts by countries including Russia and Iran to meddle in the presidential election between Trump and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, including by hacking and covert social media campaigns designed to shape public opinion.

Iran “is making a greater effort to influence this year’s election than it has in prior election cycles and that Iranian activity is growing increasingly aggressive as this election nears,” Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen, the Justice Department's top national security official, said in a speech Thursday in New York City.

“Iran perceives this year’s elections to be particularly consequential in impacting Iran’s national security interests, increasing Tehran’s inclination to try to shape the outcome,” he added.

The Trump campaign disclosed on Aug. 10 that it had been hacked and said Iranian actors had stolen and distributed sensitive internal documents. At least three news outlets — Politico, The New York Times and The Washington Post — were leaked confidential material from inside the Trump campaign. So far, each has refused to reveal any details about what it received.

Politico reported that it began receiving emails on July 22 from an anonymous account. The source — an AOL email account identified only as “Robert” — passed along what appeared to be a research dossier that the campaign had apparently done on the Republican vice presidential nominee, Ohio Sen. JD Vance. The document was dated Feb. 23, almost five months before Trump selected Vance as his running mate.

The FBI, the office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency subsequently blamed that hack, as well as an attempted breach of the Biden-Harris campaign, on Iran.

Those agencies issued a statement saying that the hacking and similar activities were meant to sow discord, exploit divisions within American society and influence the outcome of elections.

The statement did not identify whether Iran has a preferred candidate, though Tehran has long appeared determined to seek retaliation for a 2020 strike Trump ordered as president that killed top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

The two people who discussed the looming criminal charges spoke on condition of anonymity to The Associated Press because they were not authorized to speak publicly about a case that had not yet been unsealed.

The Washington Post first reported that charges were being prepared.

Justice Department officials have been working to publicly call out and counter election interference efforts. The response is a contrast to 2016, when Obama administration officials were far more circumspect about Russian interference they were watching that was designed to boost Trump's campaign.

“We have learned that transparency about what we are seeing is critical,” Olsen, the Justice Department official, said Thursday.

“It helps ensure that our citizens are aware of the attempts of foreign government to sow discord and spread falsehoods — all of which promotes resilience within our electorate,” he added. “It provides warnings to our private sector so they can better protect their networks. And it sends an unmistakable message to our adversaries — we’ve gained insight into your networks, we know what you’re doing, and we are determined to hold you accountable.”

Last week, in an effort to combat disinformation ahead of the election, the Justice Department charged two employees of RT, a Russian state media company, with covertly funneling a Tennessee-based content creation company nearly $10 million to publish English-language videos on social media platforms with messages in favor of the Russia government’s interests and agenda.