Photos Likely Show Undeclared North Korea Uranium Enrichment Site, Analysts Say

13 September 2024, North Korea, ---: A photo released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on 13 September 2024, shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (C) inspecting a uranium enrichment facility. Photo: -/KCNA/KNS/dpa
13 September 2024, North Korea, ---: A photo released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on 13 September 2024, shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (C) inspecting a uranium enrichment facility. Photo: -/KCNA/KNS/dpa

Photos Likely Show Undeclared North Korea Uranium Enrichment Site, Analysts Say

13 September 2024, North Korea, ---: A photo released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on 13 September 2024, shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (C) inspecting a uranium enrichment facility. Photo: -/KCNA/KNS/dpa
13 September 2024, North Korea, ---: A photo released by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on 13 September 2024, shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (C) inspecting a uranium enrichment facility. Photo: -/KCNA/KNS/dpa

Photos of North Korea's its uranium enrichment facility may show an undeclared site for building nuclear bombs just outside of its capital, analysts said.

North Korea for the first time showed images on Friday of the centrifuges that produce fuel for its nuclear bombs, as leader Kim Jong Un visited a uranium enrichment facility and called for more weapons-grade material to boost the arsenal.

The photos showed Kim walking between long rows of metal centrifuges, the machines that enrich uranium. The report did not mention the facility's location.

North Korea watchers and analysts said the site, known as Kangson, is suspected to be a covert uranium enrichment plant.

Jeffrey Lewis, a non-proliferation expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, said five images of the inside facility, including of the "big" hall and an annex released by state media, match features of satellite imagery of the nuclear site.

The annex's odd shape and it unusual set of columns and beams are a "strong match" to the site North Korea constructed this year, he said.

"That's likely Kangson. It is an enrichment plant," Lewis added.

North Korea is believed to have several sites for enriching uranium.

Analysts say commercial satellite imagery has shown construction in recent years at the main Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center and the Kangson site, suggesting possible expansion in both places.

Colin Zwirko, a senior analytical correspondent with NK Pro, a Seoul-based website that monitors North Korea, said the photos and satellite imagery indicate the complex is Kangson.

In June, Rafael Grossi, the International Atomic Energy Agency's director general, said a new annex to the main building in the Kangson complex was being built this year, adding that the complex shared "infrastructure characteristics with the reported centrifuge enrichment facility at Yongbyon."

During the visit that was covered by North Korean media, Kim stressed the need to boost the number of centrifuges to "exponentially increase" the nuclear arsenal, and expand the use of a new type of centrifuge to strengthen the production of weapon-grade nuclear materials.

The photos that showed an advanced design of centrifuges and the hall with cascades connecting the centrifuges suggested the North Korea had made progress in uranium enrichment program, according to experts.

"The size of the cascades and hall shown also signify substantial capacity, perhaps not to the level of 'exponential growth' as Kim has mandated, but significant growth, nonetheless," 38 North, a Washington-based North Korea monitoring program, said in a note.

"It is probable that these centrifuges are North Korean designed and manufactured," it said, adding that the location showed in the photos could be Yongbyon.

The disclosure of its secretive nuclear facility could also be meant to influence the US election and send a message to the next administration that denuclearization is no longer possible, some experts said.

Pope Slams Both Harris and Trump as ‘Against Life’, Urges People to Vote for ‘Lesser Evil’

Pope Francis attends a meeting with participants in a pilgrimage promoted by the Order of Clerics Regular, Theatine, in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, September 14, 2024. (Reuters)
Pope Francis attends a meeting with participants in a pilgrimage promoted by the Order of Clerics Regular, Theatine, in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, September 14, 2024. (Reuters)

Pope Slams Both Harris and Trump as ‘Against Life’, Urges People to Vote for ‘Lesser Evil’

Pope Francis attends a meeting with participants in a pilgrimage promoted by the Order of Clerics Regular, Theatine, in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, September 14, 2024. (Reuters)
Pope Francis attends a meeting with participants in a pilgrimage promoted by the Order of Clerics Regular, Theatine, in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, September 14, 2024. (Reuters)

Pope Francis on Friday slammed both US presidential candidates for what he called anti-life policies on abortion and migration, and he advised American Catholics to choose who they think is the “lesser evil” in the upcoming US elections.

“Both are against life, be it the one who kicks out migrants, or be it the one who kills babies,″ Francis said.

The Argentine Jesuit was asked to provide counsel to American Catholic voters during an airborne news conference while he flew back to Rome from his four-nation tour through Asia. Francis stressed that he is not an American and would not be voting.

Neither Republican candidate Donald Trump nor the Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris, was mentioned by name.

But Francis nevertheless expressed himself in stark terms when asked to weigh in on their positions on two hot-button issues in the US election — abortion and migration — that are also of major concern to the Catholic Church.

Francis has made the plight of migrants a priority of his pontificate and speaks out emphatically and frequently about it. While strongly upholding church teaching forbidding abortion, Francis has not emphasized church doctrine as much as his predecessors.

Francis said migration is a right described in Scripture and that anyone who does not follow the Biblical call to welcome the stranger is committing a “grave sin.”

He was also blunt in speaking about abortion. “To have an abortion is to kill a human being. You may like the word or not, but it’s killing,” he said. “We have to see this clearly.”

Asked what voters should do at the polls, Francis recalled the civic duty to vote.

“One should vote, and choose the lesser evil,” he said. “Who is the lesser evil, the woman or man? I don’t know.

“Everyone in their conscience should think and do it,” he said.

The Harris and Trump campaigns did not immediately respond to requests for comment from The Associated Press.

US President Joe Biden, an observant Catholic, shares Harris’ strong support for abortion rights, a stance that prompted some Catholic bishops and other conservatives to call for him to be denied access to Communion.

After meeting Francis in person at the Vatican in October 2021, Biden came away saying the pope told him he was a “good Catholic” and should continue receiving Communion.

Friday's news conference was not the first time Francis has weighed in on a US election. In the run-up to the 2016 election, Francis was asked about Trump’s plan to build a wall at the US-Mexico border. Francis declared then that anyone who builds a wall to keep out migrants “is not Christian.”

In responding Friday, Francis recalled that he celebrated Mass at the US-Mexico border and “there were so many shoes of the migrants who ended up badly there.”

Trump pledges massive deportations, just as he did in his first White House bid, when there was a vast gulf between his ambitions and the legal, financial and political realities of such an undertaking.