Israel-UN Relations Sink to New Depths

Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly on September 27. Charly TRIBALLEAU / AFP
Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly on September 27. Charly TRIBALLEAU / AFP

Israel-UN Relations Sink to New Depths

Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly on September 27. Charly TRIBALLEAU / AFP
Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly on September 27. Charly TRIBALLEAU / AFP

Israel's long-contentious relationship with the United Nations has since October 7 spiraled to new depths, amid insults and accusations and even a questioning of the country's continued UN membership.
Addressing the UN General Assembly on Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the world body of treating his country unfairly, AFP said.
"Until this anti-Semitic swamp is drained, the UN will be viewed by fair-minded people everywhere as nothing more than a contemptuous farce," he thundered.
The past year has seen repeated accusations from within the UN system that Israel is committing "genocide" in its war in Gaza, while Israeli officials have made charges of bias and have even accused the UN chief of being "an accomplice to terror".
The heat has been turned way up in a war of words that has raged between Israel and various UN bodies for decades.
And temperatures have risen further in recent days amid Israel's escalating strikes on Hezbollah in Lebanon.
"There has been a great deterioration" in the relationship, said Cyrus Schayegh, an international history and politics professor at the Geneva Graduate Institute.
"It has gone from fairly bad to really bad."
UN 'betrayal'
Since Hamas's deadly attack inside Israel nearly a year ago, UN-linked courts, councils, agencies and staff have unleashed a barrage of condemnation and criticism of Israel's devastating retaliatory operation in Gaza.
"We feel the UN has betrayed Israel," the country's ambassador to the UN in Geneva Daniel Meron told AFP.
Hamas's October 7 attack on Israel resulted in the deaths of 1,205 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures that include hostages killed in captivity.
Of the 251 hostages seized by militants, 97 are still held in Gaza, including 33 the Israeli military says are dead.
Israel's retaliatory military offensive has killed more than 41,500 people in Gaza, most of them civilians, according to the Hamas-run territory's health ministry. The UN has described the figures as reliable.
Israel has especially taken aim at UNRWA, the UN agency supporting Palestinian refugees, but its ire has been felt across the UN system, and up to the UN chief.
Israeli calls for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to resign began just weeks after October 7, when he asserted that the attack "did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation".
'Above international law'
Even before October 7, Israel complained of UN bias, pointing for instance to the towering number of resolutions targeting the country.
Since the creation of the UN Human Rights Council in 2006, more than a third of the over 300 condemnatory resolutions have targeted Israel, Meron pointed out, describing this as "mind-boggling".
Critics meanwhile highlight that from the time a General Assembly vote paved the way for Israel's establishment in 1948, the country has ignored numerous UN resolutions and international court rulings, without consequences.
Israel has always snubbed resolution 194, which guarantees the Palestinians expelled in 1948 from the territory Israel conquered the right to return or to compensation.
It has also ignored rulings condemning its forceful acquisition of territory and the annexation of East Jerusalem after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, and the continuing and expanding settlement policy in the West Bank, among others.
By allowing Israel to remain in "non-compliance with international law, the West has been basically making the Israelis believe that they are above international law", Geneva Graduate Institute political sociology professor Riccardo Bocco told AFP.
'Impunity reigns'
Ravina Shamdasani, spokeswoman for the UN rights office, also said a lack of accountability in the Middle East crisis appeared to have made "the parties to the conflict more brazen".
"We rang the alarm bells multiple times and now there is the impression that impunity reigns," she told AFP, lamenting increasing attacks on UN bodies and staff expressing concern over the situation.
"This is unacceptable."
UNRWA has faced the harshest attacks.
It saw a series of funding cuts after Israel accused more than a dozen of its 13,000 Gaza employees of involvement in the October 7 attack.
Agency chief Philippe Lazzarini has accused Israel of conducting "a concerted effort to dismantle UNRWA", which has suffered dramatic human and material losses in Gaza, with more than 220 staff killed.
Netanyahu demanded earlier this year that UNRWA, which he said "perpetuates the Palestinian refugee problem (and) whose schools indoctrinate Palestinian children with genocide and terror ... be replaced by responsible aid agencies".
Francesca Albanese, the UN independent rights expert on the Palestinian territories, who has faced harsh criticism and calls for her ousting from Israel amid her repeated accusation it is committing "genocide" in Gaza, recently suggested the country was becoming a "pariah".
"Should there be a consideration of its membership as part of this organization, which Israel seems to have zero respect for?" she rhetorically asked journalists last week.
Meron slammed Albanese as "anti-Semitic and really an embarrassment to the UN".
Other experts warned that Israel's disregard for the UN was threatening the broader respect for the organization.
Pedro Arrojo-Agudo, the UN expert on the right to drinking water, warned of the consequences when UN bodies "make decisions and nothing is respected".
"We are blowing up the United Nations if we don't react."

French Far-Right Leader Le Pen Stands Trial over Alleged Misuse of EU Funds

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen answers reporters at the Elysee Palace after a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, Aug. 26, 2024 in Paris. (AP)
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen answers reporters at the Elysee Palace after a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, Aug. 26, 2024 in Paris. (AP)

French Far-Right Leader Le Pen Stands Trial over Alleged Misuse of EU Funds

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen answers reporters at the Elysee Palace after a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, Aug. 26, 2024 in Paris. (AP)
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen answers reporters at the Elysee Palace after a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, Aug. 26, 2024 in Paris. (AP)

Marine Le Pen, the longtime leader of France's far-right National Rally (RN) party, will stand trial in a Paris criminal court on Monday alongside 26 others over alleged misappropriation of European Union funds.

Coming almost a decade after initial investigations started, the trial presents Le Pen with an opportunity to clear herself of accusations she has always denied as she keeps polishing the party's image in a bid to make it fit for government.

However, it also carries the risk of casting the spotlight on the RN's recurring troubles with the law.

Party officials and employees, former lawmakers and parliamentary assistants are accused of using money destined for EU parliamentary work to pay staff who were working for the RN, which at the time was called the National Front.

EU lawmakers are allocated funds to cover expenses, including their assistants, but are not meant to use them to cross-fund party activities.

Many European political parties - especially smaller ones eligible for less national funding - have used EU money to hire promising talent as aides to EU lawmakers.

Current RN party head Jordan Bardella, who is also a member of the European Parliament, used to work in such an assistant role. He is not part of the trial.

Le Pen's party, which sits with the main group of euro-sceptic and nationalist parties in the European Parliament and argues for "France first" policies on issues ranging from immigration, energy markets and agriculture, denies the charges.


Marine Le Pen is facing charges both for her role as party leader and as an EU lawmaker who hired allegedly fictitious assistants herself.

Prosecutors say another of the defendants, Thierry Legier, had really worked as a bodyguard to Le Pen and her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the National Front, while receiving a salary as a parliamentary assistant between 2005 and 2012.

RN lawmaker and party spokesman Laurent Jacobelli told Reuters last week that Marine Le Pen was not worried about the trial.

"She knows that what we are accused of is having a different understanding, as a French party, of what an assistant role is, compared with the European Parliament's understanding," he said.

If found guilty, Le Pen and other defendants could face a potential jail sentence of up to 10 years, a one million euro ($1.12 million) fine, and be barred for up to five years from public office.

Le Pen has lost twice to Emmanuel Macron in the second round of France’s presidential elections, in 2017 and 2022, and is widely seen as a frontrunner in the next one in 2027.

The Paris public prosecutor's office opened a probe in 2016, prompted by a 2015 report from the European Parliament president to the French justice minister, followed by a police investigation.

Investigators looked at the situation of 49 RN parliamentary assistants over the past three European Parliament terms. They charged 11 RN members of the EU assembly, including Marine Le Pen and her father, for misappropriation of EU funds, and charged 13 parliamentary assistants with receiving the funds.

Jean-Marie Le Pen, 96, will not attend the trial for health reasons.

The trial will last until November 27.

The RN is under another preliminary investigation, launched in July by the Paris prosecutor's office, into alleged illegal financing of its 2022 presidential campaign.