Iraqi Kurds Keep Nervous Eye on Turkish Election Race

A Turkish citizen living in Arbil, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, casts his ballot for the presidential and parliamentary elections, at the Turkish embassy. SAFIN HAMED / AFP
A Turkish citizen living in Arbil, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, casts his ballot for the presidential and parliamentary elections, at the Turkish embassy. SAFIN HAMED / AFP

Iraqi Kurds Keep Nervous Eye on Turkish Election Race

A Turkish citizen living in Arbil, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, casts his ballot for the presidential and parliamentary elections, at the Turkish embassy. SAFIN HAMED / AFP
A Turkish citizen living in Arbil, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, casts his ballot for the presidential and parliamentary elections, at the Turkish embassy. SAFIN HAMED / AFP

As Türkiye’s presidential vote nears, Iraqi Kurds are keeping a close watch on the tightest electoral battle yet for Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the outcome of which could have major security and economic implications for their region.

For many years, fighting between Türkiye’s armed forces and Kurdish fighters has spilled over into Iraq's autonomous Kurdish north, a rugged mountain region where both sides operate military bases, AFP said.

Many Kurds in war-scarred Iraq sympathize with the ethnic minority in Türkiye, but their own region also relies on the big neighbor for business, with its crucial oil long exported via a pipeline that runs through Türkiye.

Political leaders in Arbil are not officially commenting on Türkiye’s tight electoral race between Erdogan and his challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu, who has pledged to "bring democracy to this country by changing the one-man regime".

But, whatever the outcome of the Turkish presidential vote, with the first round to be held Sunday, Iraq's Kurdish region will look to preserve its strategic partnership with Ankara, analysts say.

"The media, the political scene, everyone is highly preoccupied with the Turkish elections," said Adel Bakawan, director of the French Centre for Research on Iraq, who stressed that Ankara's role in the region is "fundamental".

Iraq's Kurdish leaders have built relationships with Erdogan, he said, adding that, if "the president changes, the whole relationship between Arbil and Ankara changes... The diplomatic world hates the unknown."

'Direction of the war'

Erdogan, after two decades in power as premier and then president, has strengthened Türkiye as a regional player that at times challenges Europe and the United States and negotiates with Russia on Syria's war.

When he first took office, Erdogan launched talks aimed at ending the Kurdish armed struggle for broader autonomy in Türkiye’s southeast. But the community, estimated to be 15 to 20 million strong, came under pressure when those talks collapsed, and violence resumed in 2015.

Türkiye’s battle against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), classified as a "terrorist" group by Ankara and its Western allies, has long since flared again across its borders into Iraqi Kurdistan.

The Turkish military maintains dozens of bases in northern Iraq and carries out air strikes and ground operations against the PKK, which operates rear bases in the region.

Iraq's regional Kurdish government rarely rebukes Ankara, despite Türkiye routinely bombarding its territory and causing civilian casualties. Instead, Arbil usually limits its public response to press releases condemning violations of Iraq's sovereignty and their impacts on the population.

Kilicdaroglu, while making no concrete proposals to resolve Türkiye’s Kurdish question, has accused Erdogan of "stigmatizing" Kurds.

He has also pledged to free the Kurdish leader of the left-wing Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), Selahattin Demirtas, who has been incarcerated since 2016 for spreading "terrorist propaganda".

According to Bakawan, given the gestures Kilicdaroglu has already made to the Kurdish community, there is "the possibility of appeasement" in the conflict should he win.

"The result of the election will directly impact the direction of this war," said Bakawan, a French-Iraqi political scientist of Kurdish origin.

'Betting on relaxation'

Political scientist Botan Tahseen argued that Türkiye's opposition is "betting on relaxation" and wants "to turn a new page" after Erdogan, at a time when the Middle East is thirsty for "political, security and economic stability".

If Erdogan is re-elected, he added, Türkiye will still "need an initiative to normalize its relations with its neighbors, especially (Iraqi) Kurdistan".

Ankara remains a strategic economic partner to Arbil. For years, all of Kurdistan's oil exports -- some 450,000 barrels per day -- were sent to Türkiye, without the approval of Iraq's federal government.

A legal dispute between Baghdad and Ankara interrupted the trade, but it is expected to resume once technical and financial details are settled.

"Whoever governs in Ankara will obviously have an influence on this issue," said Bakawan.

Illustrating the close ties between Ankara and Arbil, a Turkish HDP parliamentarian was on Sunday turned away from Arbil's airport, local media reported. The provincial government later explained he had been subject to a Baghdad-issued "travel ban".

For Iraq's Kurds, notions of ethnic solidarity and hopes for an end to discrimination of Kurds in Türkiye are tempered with caution.

"We hope that the next Turkish government will sit down at the dialogue table with the Kurds," said Nizar Soltan, 60, who works at a university in Arbil.

"Dozens of times they tricked the Kurds and used them to achieve their ends," he said, sitting in a cafe, complaining that the minority invariably ends up being "marginalized".

"This time let's hope they keep their promises, and that the Kurdish regions will regain security and stability".

Lebanon’s Relief Commission Warehouses Filled with Saudi Aid for Distribution

Lebanon’s Environment Minister Nasser Yassin, Coordinator of the National Disaster and Crisis Response Committee, oversees the delivery of aid at the “High Relief Commission” warehouse in Lebanon (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Lebanon’s Environment Minister Nasser Yassin, Coordinator of the National Disaster and Crisis Response Committee, oversees the delivery of aid at the “High Relief Commission” warehouse in Lebanon (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Lebanon’s Relief Commission Warehouses Filled with Saudi Aid for Distribution

Lebanon’s Environment Minister Nasser Yassin, Coordinator of the National Disaster and Crisis Response Committee, oversees the delivery of aid at the “High Relief Commission” warehouse in Lebanon (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Lebanon’s Environment Minister Nasser Yassin, Coordinator of the National Disaster and Crisis Response Committee, oversees the delivery of aid at the “High Relief Commission” warehouse in Lebanon (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Lebanon’s High Relief Commission has received hundreds of tons of Saudi relief aid at Rafic Hariri International Airport, delivered through an air bridge set up by Saudi Arabia to help over a million refugees displaced by the Israeli war.
The Commission deployed its staff and hundreds of volunteers to distribute the aid to more than 1.2 million refugees. Convoys have started transporting the supplies from the Commission’s warehouses in Beirut to shelters in the capital, Mount Lebanon, Bekaa, and northern regions.
Lebanon’s Environment Minister Nasser Yassin, Coordinator of the National Disaster and Crisis Response Committee, thanked Saudi King Salman, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the Saudi people for setting up the air bridge to deliver urgent aid to Lebanon.
He noted that 1.2 million people have been displaced from their homes due to the crisis.
Yassin highlighted Saudi Arabia’s long-standing support for Lebanon, from the civil war and the Taif Agreement to its key role during the 2006 war.
“Once again, Saudi Arabia is standing by Lebanon in these difficult times,” he said.
Maj. Gen. Mohammad Khair, head of the High Relief Commission, called Saudi Arabia’s quick response a testament to the strong bond between the two countries.
He told Asharq Al-Awsat that Saudi aid is the largest and most significant so far, boosting Arab and international support for Lebanon. Four out of ten aid planes have already arrived, with the last one expected next Tuesday.
Saudi Arabia's support for Lebanon extends beyond the air bridge and aid shipments.
Khair announced that a Saudi delegation, sent by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has arrived to help distribute aid and assess the urgent needs of refugees.
The Saudi aid includes medical supplies delivered to the Ministry of Health, large quantities of food and shelter items, and 110,000 packs of baby formula, which have been greatly welcomed by displaced families.
Suleiman Shahrour, Secretary-General of the High Relief Commission, praised Saudi Arabia’s solidarity with Lebanon and thanked the Kingdom for its support.
He called on other countries to continue providing aid, as thousands of people are still in desperate need of food and shelter.