Palestinian Teen Dies after he Was Shot by Israeli Troops in West Bank

Palestinian mourners carry the body of  Ramzi Hamed, 17, during his funeral in the village of Silwad near the West Bank city of Ramallah, 07, August 2023. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH
Palestinian mourners carry the body of Ramzi Hamed, 17, during his funeral in the village of Silwad near the West Bank city of Ramallah, 07, August 2023. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH

Palestinian Teen Dies after he Was Shot by Israeli Troops in West Bank

Palestinian mourners carry the body of  Ramzi Hamed, 17, during his funeral in the village of Silwad near the West Bank city of Ramallah, 07, August 2023. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH
Palestinian mourners carry the body of Ramzi Hamed, 17, during his funeral in the village of Silwad near the West Bank city of Ramallah, 07, August 2023. EPA/ALAA BADARNEH

A Palestinian teenager who was shot by Israeli troops last week after throwing a firebomb in the occupied West Bank died Monday, the Palestinian Health Ministry said.

The Palestinian official news agency Wafa reported that Ramzi Hamed, 17, was shot near the West Bank settlement of Ofra, near his hometown of Silwad north of Ramallah.

Fathi Hamed, the boy's father, told The Associated Press that his son was shot by Israeli troops early last Wednesday after throwing firebombs at soldiers operating near Silwad.

The Israeli military said “it appears” that Hamed had thrown the firebomb toward the settlement's front gate. It provided security camera footage of what it said was the incident, in which a young male is seen getting out of a vehicle, throwing a firebomb and speeding away in a car after an explosion. It was not immediately clear how close the explosion was to security forces or when the teen was shot.

On Monday, the Israeli military said troops arrested 17 Palestinians across the West Bank overnight. Israeli media reported that five of those arrested were suspected of involvement in clashes with Israeli settlers on Friday that left one Palestinian dead.

Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian village in the West Bank on Friday. They set fire to cars and fired on Palestinians who threw stones at them. Two Israeli settlers suspected of killing 19-year-old Palestinian Qusai Matan remained in police custody on Monday.

Israel Renews its Readiness for War... Lebanon Says Doors are Not Shut

Smoke rises from the border village of Kafr Hamam in South Lebanon following the Israeli bombing (AFP)
Smoke rises from the border village of Kafr Hamam in South Lebanon following the Israeli bombing (AFP)

Israel Renews its Readiness for War... Lebanon Says Doors are Not Shut

Smoke rises from the border village of Kafr Hamam in South Lebanon following the Israeli bombing (AFP)
Smoke rises from the border village of Kafr Hamam in South Lebanon following the Israeli bombing (AFP)

The Israeli army informed the political leadership that it has completed exercises for a major ground maneuver in Lebanon, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation announced, adding that preparations were underway for strong air operations.
Speaking from the Ramat Air base, Israeli Air Force Commander Tomer Bar, spoke of surprises, saying: “We are ready for war. The responsibility of the Air Force to implement all operational plans is full... There will be surprises," the Israeli commander said.
These threats came hours after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s escalatory stances before the US Congress, and the announcement of the army’s end of training exercises simulating battles with Hezbollah on Lebanese territory.
The Israeli authorities have also issued a decision to suspend classes in the settlements and border towns with Lebanon for the next academic year, and informed students of the necessity of enrolling in other schools.
Parliamentary sources in the Development and Liberation bloc, headed by Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, did not downplay the importance of these threats, but called for “not being overly optimistic and not giving in to pessimism.” The sources noted that this amount of threats “may indicate an escalation, but without reaching the extent of a great war.”
“The doors are not shut. There are constant communications and movement away from the spotlight. In addition, Lebanon does not need new resolutions, and International Resolution 1701 must be implemented, and pressure must be exerted on Israel to implement it,” they added.
The Israeli decision regarding the school year points to negative indicators and an expanding possibility of war, and raises the question about the fate of the next academic year in Lebanon, specifically in the border areas. A large number of Lebanese students had moved to safe areas within designated schools to complete their educational curricula.
Lebanon’s minister of education in the caretaker government, Abbas al-Halabi, will hold extensive meetings on Monday and Tuesday with the country’s educational authority to discuss preparations for the next academic year, the ministry’s sources told Asharq Al-Awsat.
Ministry of Education statistics showed that nearly 11,000 students forcibly left their schools, while 44 educational institutions permanently closed their doors in the border villages, including 12 secondary schools.
Meanwhile, confrontations continued at a varying pace between Israel and Hezbollah, which mourned a member and announced that air defense units had fired “anti-aircraft missiles at enemy warplanes inside Lebanese airspace in the southern region, forcing them to retreat.”
On Thursday, Hezbollah said it attacked and hit a building used by Israeli soldiers in the Manara settlement in response to an attack on Kafr Hamam village on Wednesday. The group said it also targeted military buildings in Shtula and Hanita, and “espionage equipment at the Birkat Risha site ... leading to its destruction.”
The party mourned Abdullah Mohammad Fakih from Rab Al-Talatheen in South Lebanon, after the Israeli bombing targeted the town. The National News Agency reported that one person was killed and two were wounded in the attack.