Shtayyeh Slams Israeli Discrimination in Distribution of Water to Palestinians

Palestinian and Israeli activists protest in the West Bank against the seizure of land and water supply cuts in Palestinian villages in October 2021.
Palestinian and Israeli activists protest in the West Bank against the seizure of land and water supply cuts in Palestinian villages in October 2021.

Shtayyeh Slams Israeli Discrimination in Distribution of Water to Palestinians

Palestinian and Israeli activists protest in the West Bank against the seizure of land and water supply cuts in Palestinian villages in October 2021.
Palestinian and Israeli activists protest in the West Bank against the seizure of land and water supply cuts in Palestinian villages in October 2021.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said on Monday that the “apartheid regime” in Israel has created a broken Palestinian legal, administrative and economic system that requires international intervention.

Speaking at the start of a weekly cabinet meeting held in Ramallah, Shtayyeh said the world should take a clear stand and the necessary steps to stop Israel’s crimes of apartheid against the Palestinian people.

The PM accused Israel of enacting several laws that serve its “racist regime”, whether it is the nation-state law or otherwise.

“This Israeli government espouses the doctrine of killing, burning, erasure and genocide,” Shtayyeh affirmed.

He highlighted the discrimination, giving the example of the distribution of water between Palestinians and Israelis. He revealed that a Palestinian receives 72 liters per day compared to 430 to one Israeli.

He also cited the denial of construction on Palestinian land, the segregation barrier, the siege on Gaza, policies in occupied East Jerusalem, and ban on family unification for Palestinians.

Shtayyeh’s comments came shortly after Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir declared: “The right of me, my wife and kids to travel around the West Bank is more important than that of the Arabs.”

Meanwhile, a recent report published by Israel’s Haaretz showed that Palestinians barely get enough water to bathe their children and wash their clothes, while in sharp contrast, neighboring Jewish settlements look like an oasis.

“Wildflowers burst through the soil. Farmed fish swim in neat rows of ponds. Children splash in community pools,” the newspaper wrote.

Across the West Bank, it said water troubles have stalked Palestinian towns and cities since interim peace accords of the 1990s gave Israel control over 80 percent of the West Bank’s water reserves — and most other aspects of Palestinian life.

Palestinians have protested in the West Bank over the water shortages that have, in some areas, stretched for around a month.

“This is the hardest summer we’ve had in nine years,” said Palestinian Water Minister Mazen Ghunaim.

The Minister accused Israel’s national water company of reducing water supplies to the Palestinian cities of Bethlehem and Hebron by 25 percent in the past nine weeks.

Ghunaim claimed the recent water cuts were a “political problem” under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ultranationalist government, which has taken a particularly hard line against the Palestinians. “If we were settlers, they would solve this problem instantly,” he said.

The 500,000 Jewish settlers who live in the West Bank are connected to the Israeli water grid through a sophisticated network that provides water continuously, compared to more than three million Palestinians who have only sporadic access to municipal water.

Food Piles Up at Gaza Crossing as Aid Agencies Say Unable to Work

Humanitarian aid for Gaza has piled up at a crucial border crossing - AFP
Humanitarian aid for Gaza has piled up at a crucial border crossing - AFP

Food Piles Up at Gaza Crossing as Aid Agencies Say Unable to Work

Humanitarian aid for Gaza has piled up at a crucial border crossing - AFP
Humanitarian aid for Gaza has piled up at a crucial border crossing - AFP

Days after Israel announced a daily pause in fighting on a key route to allow more aid into Gaza, chaos in the besieged Palestinian territory has left vital supplies piled up and undistributed in the searing summer heat, AFP reported.

More than eight months of war, sparked by Hamas's unprecedented October 7 attack on Israel, have led to dire humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip and repeated UN warnings of famine.

Desperation among Gaza's 2.4 million population has increased as fighting rages, sparking warnings from agencies that they are unable to deliver aid.

Israel says it has let supplies in and called on agencies to step up deliveries.

"The breakdown of public order and safety is increasingly endangering humanitarian workers and operations in Gaza," the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, OCHA, said in a briefing late Friday.

"Alongside the fighting, criminal activities and the risk of theft and robbery has effectively prevented humanitarian access to critical locations."

But Israel says it has allowed hundreds of trucks of aid into southern Gaza, trading blame with the United Nations over why the aid is stacking up.

It shared aerial footage of containers lined up on the Gazan side of the Kerem Shalom crossing and more trucks arriving to add to the stockpile.

With civil order breaking down in Gaza, the UN says it has been unable to pick up any supplies from Kerem Shalom since Tuesday, leaving crucial aid in limbo.

A deputy UN spokesman this week said the crossing "is operating with limited functionality, including because of fighting in the area".

William Schomburg, International Committee of the Red Cross chief in Rafah, said arranging lorries from the Egyptian side in particular was complicated.

"It's not just a question of civil order, but also the fact that you often have to cross battlefields," he said in an online briefing, adding that the area near Kerem Shalom had been hostile.

"There were even rockets fired nearby. So this whole area is particularly complicated to navigate for reasons linked to the hostilities and for reasons linked to general security."

Israel's coordinator for civilian affairs in the Palestinian territories, known as COGAT, said Thursday "the content of 1,200 aid trucks awaits collection by UN aid agencies", saying a lack of distribution was responsible.

Earlier in the week, COGAT spokesman Shimon Freedman told reporters at the crossing the daily pause on a southern road into Gaza was designed to allow the UN "to collect and distribute more aid" alongside an Israeli military presence.

He said most of the aid had not moved because "organizations have not taken sufficient steps to improve their distribution capacity".

Aid agencies have instead pointed to Israel's offensive on the southern city of Rafah, which pushed out more than a million people and closed a border crossing with Egypt, as a deepening humanitarian crisis hampered relief efforts.

Schomburg described Rafah City as a "ghost town".

"It is a ghost town in the sense that you see very few people, high levels of destruction, and really just another symbol of the unfolding tragedy that has become Gaza over the last nine months," he said.

The UN food agency has said its aid convoys have been looted inside Gaza by "desperate people".

As both sides stall, it is the civilians in Gaza who are paying the price.

"We don't see any aid. Everything we get to eat comes from our own money and it's all very expensive," said Umm Mohammad Zamlat, 66, from northern Gaza but now living in Khan Yunis in the south.

"Even agencies specialized in aid deliveries are not able to provide anything to us," she added.