Egypt, US Reject Attempts to 'Displace Palestinians'

Sisi, the king of Jordan, and Abbas during a tripartite summit in Aqaba (Egyptian presidency)
Sisi, the king of Jordan, and Abbas during a tripartite summit in Aqaba (Egyptian presidency)

Egypt, US Reject Attempts to 'Displace Palestinians'

Sisi, the king of Jordan, and Abbas during a tripartite summit in Aqaba (Egyptian presidency)
Sisi, the king of Jordan, and Abbas during a tripartite summit in Aqaba (Egyptian presidency)

Egypt and the United States agreed to “reject the principle or attempts to displace Palestinians from their lands” and affirmed “maintaining intensive consultation” to advance efforts to calm the situation in the Gaza Strip and prevent the expansion of the conflict.

Discussions that brought together Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in Cairo on Thursday, confirmed “adherence to the path of the two-state solution as a basis for achieving stability in the region.”

Egypt’s presidential spokesman, Ahmad Fahmy, said that the US Secretary of State valued Cairo’s efforts to “calm down the situation in the region and consolidate peace and stability,” while Sisi underlined “his country’s keenness to maintain coordination with Washington in a way that serves regional security and stability.”

Blinken’s visit to Cairo came as the last stop of his Middle Eastern tour, a day after a tripartite summit that brought together Sisi, Jordanian King Abdullah II, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, which agreed to “reject any efforts, attempts, or proposals aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause” or displacing the Palestinians outside their lands.”

In this context, Sisi stressed the need for the international community to assume its responsibilities towards implementing the relevant UN resolutions to end the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

Meanwhile, 169 trucks crossed the Rafah border crossing in North Sinai on Thursday to deliver aid to the Gaza Strip.

An official Egyptian source was quoted by the Middle East News Agency as saying that the trucks were loaded with large quantities of humanitarian and relief aid, medicines and medical supplies, noting that the Rafah crossing also received 25 injured Palestinians, who were transferred from hospitals in the Gaza Strip for treatment in Egypt.

In remarks before leaving Cairo, Blinken said that rapprochement between Arab countries and Israel was “the best way to isolate Iran.”

The US top diplomat said that Israel’s integration, “with security assurances and commitments from regional countries and as well from the United States,” was linked to a pathway to establish a Palestinian state.

“That’s the single best way to isolate, to marginalize Iran and the proxies that are making so much trouble – for us and for pretty much everyone else in the region,” he stated.

In another Egyptian move to calm the situation in the Gaza Strip and ensure the flow of aid to the Palestinians, Sisi told British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, in a telephone call on Thursday, that the international community must ensure the access of relief aid to the people of the Strip to end their humanitarian suffering.

The discussion also touched on the situation in the Red Sea region and navigation security, where the two sides underlined the importance of intensified work to avoid the expansion of the conflict in the region, and to enhance security and stability factors at the regional level.

Director of Yeyha al-Houthi's Office Arrested for Allegedly Spying for US

The Houthi have intensified their crackdown on people who refuse to support them. (EPA)
The Houthi have intensified their crackdown on people who refuse to support them. (EPA)

Director of Yeyha al-Houthi's Office Arrested for Allegedly Spying for US

The Houthi have intensified their crackdown on people who refuse to support them. (EPA)
The Houthi have intensified their crackdown on people who refuse to support them. (EPA)

The Iran-backed Houthi militias continued their wave of arrests, reaching the highest ranks of the Houthi command.

Under the supervision of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) experts, they arrested Ali Abbas, the director of the office of Yehya al-Houthi – the militias’ leader – on alleged charges of spying for the United States.

Political sources in Sanaa told Asharq Al-Awsat that Houthi intelligence, which operates under the IRGC, arrested Abbas and deputy at the Ministry of Education Ahmed al-Nunu on spying charges.

The sources said the arrests were based on investigations the Houthis have carried out with dozens of detainees who used to work for United Nations offices and other international organizations, as well as former staff at the US embassy in Yemen and the Netherlands.

The legitimate Yemeni government condemned the Houthis for kidnapping Nunu.

Information Minister Moammar al-Eryani said the arrest sheds light on the ongoing oppression the Houthis practice in regions under their control.

“No one is safe from their violent practices, not even people who have worked for them since their coup,” he added.

The Houthis had kidnapped other senior Education Ministry officials, professor Mohammed al-Mekhlafi and expert Mujib al-Mekhlafi, nine months ago.

Eryani said the Houthis also executed educational expert Sabri al-Hakimi while in detention because he refused to join their effort to change curricula that would promote the militias’ goals.

He called on the international community, UN and rights organizations to speak out against these “heinous crimes.”

He also called for the designation of the Houthis as a terrorist organization and for the international community to offer real and effective support to the government so that the state can impose its control throughout the country and end the violations against the Yemeni people.