Mohammed Nasser
Arab World Thanks to the support of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), WHO has made great strides in Yemen (UN)

Alarming Resurgence of Cholera Cases in Houthi-Controlled Areas in Yemen

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of an alarming resurgence of cholera cases in Houthi-held territories in the north of Yemen, with the number of…

Mohammed Nasser (Taiz)
Arab World Supporting local initiatives in Yemen to maintain rural roads (Social Fund for Development)

UN, World Bank to Fund Climate-Resilient Roads in Rural Areas in Yemen

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the World Bank are constructing climate-resilient roads in rural areas in Yemen and are enhancing…

Mohammed Nasser (Taiz)
Arab World Children wait for lunch at their hut in Sanaa, Yemen August 29, 2022 (Reuters)

Yemen: Limited Resumption of Aid Distribution in Houthi-Controlled Areas

The World Food Program (WFP) announced on Tuesday the limited resumption of aid distribution in Houthi-controlled areas, after a six-month pause of assistance…

Mohammed Nasser (Taiz)
Arab World The Belize-flagged cargo ship Rubymar damaged in a missile strike claimed by the Houthis. AFP

UN Launches Campaign to Collect Funds, Clean Pollution Caused by Sinking Ship in Red Sea

The UN has invited donor countries to contribute to the costs of cleaning up pollution caused by the sinking of the British Rubymar following a Houthi attack…

Mohammed Nasser (Taiz)
Arab World The Houthi have intensified their crackdown on people who refuse to support them. (EPA)

Director of Yeyha al-Houthi's Office Arrested for Allegedly Spying for US

The Iran-backed Houthi militias continued their wave of arrests, reaching the highest ranks of the Houthi command. Under the supervision of the Iranian…

Mohammed Nasser (Taiz)
Arab World The Houthis exploited the war in Gaza to recruit tens of thousands of fighters (AFP)

Yemen Accuses Iran’s Revolutionary Guard of Managing Houthi Military, Security Units

Sources familiar with the situation in the Houthi-run Yemeni capital, Sanaa, report that Iranian Revolutionary Guard representatives have strengthened their…

Mohammed Nasser (Taiz )
Arab World For the first time, the Houthis will face difficulties in financial transfers and foreign currency supply (local media)

UN Warns of Profound Liquidity Crisis in Yemen’s Houthi-Controlled Areas

A UN program recently warned of low foreign currency reserves and a liquidity crisis in Houthi-controlled areas if the economic conflict with the…

Mohammed Nasser (Taiz)
Arab World Houthi attacks have halted oil exports, further straining Yemen’s economy

World Bank: Yemen’s GDP Per Capita Declined by 54%

Yemen’s economy continues to face significant hurdles as ongoing conflict and regional tensions exacerbate the nation's economic and humanitarian crises,…

Mohammed Nasser (Taiz)