Netanyahu Denies Inciting Genocide in Gaza  

Pro-Palestinian supporters gather near the ICJ in The Hague on Friday. (Reuters)
Pro-Palestinian supporters gather near the ICJ in The Hague on Friday. (Reuters)

Netanyahu Denies Inciting Genocide in Gaza  

Pro-Palestinian supporters gather near the ICJ in The Hague on Friday. (Reuters)
Pro-Palestinian supporters gather near the ICJ in The Hague on Friday. (Reuters)

Israel on Tuesday dismissed claims of genocidal intent in statements made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during Israel's war on Hamas in Gaza.

“This false and preposterous charge reflects a deep historical ignorance,” the Israeli Prime Minister office said in an official statement.

The Israeli response came after South Africa provided evidence accusing Netanyahu of inciting genocide following his use of the term “Amalek” - the eternal enemy of the Jewish people while comparing them to Hamas.

The South African legal team last week used the Israeli PM’s incitement to genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza in the first hearing before the International Court of Justice in its lawsuit against Israel.

It said that during the war on Gaza, Netanyahu twice used the term “Amalek”.

On October 28, as the military ground operation into Gaza began, the PM addressed Israeli soldiers by saying: “Remember what the Amalekites did to you. We remember, and we are fighting.”

In another message to his soldiers on November 3, Netanyahu repeated the “Amalek” narrative in a social media post, “We have always fought bitter enemies who have risen up against us to destroy us. Equipped with strength of spirit and a just cause, we have stood determined against those who seek our lives.”

He added: “The current fight against the murderers of Hamas is another chapter in the generations-long story of our national resilience. Remember what Amalek did to you.”

Also, in a nationally televised address on October 28, the PM invoked the prophecy of Isaiah, saying: “This is a war between the children of light and the children of darkness. We are the people of light, they are the people of darkness. We shall realize the prophecy of Isaiah!”

According to historians, the Amalekites are Arabs belonging to a tribe of nomadic Bedouin who inhabited the Sinai Peninsula and southern Palestine. In Jewish folklore, the Amalekites are considered to be the symbol of evil.

They are mentioned in the First Book of Samuel in the Torah, which called for their destruction. “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys,” it says.

On Tuesday, the Prime Minister’s office issued a statement, at the advice of Netanyahu’s lawyers, denying South Africa’s accusations.

“Among the absurdities leveled against Israel at The Hague was the charge that after the October 7 massacre, Netanyahu incited genocide by quoting the biblical phrase 'remember what Amalek did to you.' This false and preposterous charge reflects a deep historical ignorance,” it said.

Furthermore, the statement said this quote is used in other appropriate instances and is even displayed outside The Hague.

“That is why the words on a banner in a permanent exhibit at Yad Vashem, Israel's famed Holocaust Museum, urge visitors to 'remember what Amalek did to you.' This same phrase appears in The Hague at the memorial for Dutch Jews murdered during the Holocaust. Obviously, neither reference is an incitement to genocide of the German people,” Netanyahu’s office said.

The statement concluded with a clarification of Netanyahu’s true intent in using the quote: “So, too, the Prime Minister's reference to Amalek was not an incitement to genocide of Palestinians but a description of the utterly evil actions perpetrated by the genocidal terrorist of Hamas on October 7 and the need to confront them.”

Türkiye Again Refuses Inspection of One of its Ships Heading to Libya

IRINI said Türkiye on Sunday rejected a request to inspect the ship “MV MATILDE A”. (MarineTraffic)
IRINI said Türkiye on Sunday rejected a request to inspect the ship “MV MATILDE A”. (MarineTraffic)

Türkiye Again Refuses Inspection of One of its Ships Heading to Libya

IRINI said Türkiye on Sunday rejected a request to inspect the ship “MV MATILDE A”. (MarineTraffic)
IRINI said Türkiye on Sunday rejected a request to inspect the ship “MV MATILDE A”. (MarineTraffic)

Türkiye again refused to allow the European Maritime Operation IRINI team to inspect one of its ships heading to Libya.

“Türkiye on Sunday again rejected a request to inspect the ship MV MATILDE A in accordance with Security Council Resolution No. 2292/2016 on the arms embargo on Libya,” IRINI wrote on its official X account.

The operation was launched on March 31, 2020 following the first Berlin Conference on Libya. It was mandated by the European Council to carry out as its core task the implementation of the UN arms embargo on Libya in resolution 2292 of 2016 and resolution 2526 of 2020, which are binding for all EU Member States, including Türkiye.

This is the 12th time that Ankara has prevented an IRINI team from boarding a merchant ship. Türkiye blames IRINI of besieging the interim Government of National Unity (GNU) in Tripoli.

The operation had shared dozens of special reports with the UN Panel of Experts on Libya. Most of these reports referred to violations or possible violations of the arms embargo and oil smuggling activities in the west and in the east of the country.

Since the launch of the maritime mission, Türkiye has rejected operation IRINI, describing it as biased and of working for the benefit of the Sudanese Army.

On several occasions, Ankara has clashed with IRINI teams because of their insistence to inspect Turkish ships heading to Libya on suspicion that they were carrying weapons to the former Government of National Accord (GNA), headed by Fayez al-Sarraj and then the current GNU, headed by Abdulhamid Al-Dbeibah.

Since the beginning of operation, IRINI has examined more than 1,000 suspected ships through information via radio calls. It also carried more than 500 visits with the captain’s approval to more than 500 merchant ships and inspected several suspicious flights.

The operation aims to counter illicit arms trafficking, supporting the implementation of the arms embargo on Libya based on the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, to gather intelligence on oil smuggling, in particular its impact on the Libyan economy and its possible use to finance the arms market; to contribute to the disruption of the business model of migrant smuggling by gathering intelligence by air and sharing it with Frontex and relevant national authorities; to support the development of the search and rescue capacity of relevant Libyan institutions through training.

Türkiye has sent thousands of its troops and thousands of mercenaries from pro-Turkish armed factions in Syria, to fight alongside forces in western Libya.

To this day, Ankara maintains thousands of members of its armed forces in Libya, along with about 7,000 Syrian mercenaries from the so-called “Syrian National Army.”

Despite international demands to withdraw mercenaries and foreign forces, Türkiye says its military presence in Libya is “legitimate and its forces should not be viewed as foreign forces.”

United Nations reports had previously accused SADAT, a Turkish defense consultancy, of violating an international arms embargo by deploying thousands of Syrian fighters to Libya.

The company has denied the allegations.