Israeli Law Threatens Palestinian Authority with Bankruptcy

A press conference at the Israeli Embassy in London on March 7 for the families of Israelis detained by Hamas in the Gaza Strip (AFP)
A press conference at the Israeli Embassy in London on March 7 for the families of Israelis detained by Hamas in the Gaza Strip (AFP)

Israeli Law Threatens Palestinian Authority with Bankruptcy

A press conference at the Israeli Embassy in London on March 7 for the families of Israelis detained by Hamas in the Gaza Strip (AFP)
A press conference at the Israeli Embassy in London on March 7 for the families of Israelis detained by Hamas in the Gaza Strip (AFP)

The Israeli Knesset has completed the second and third readings of a law, which gives the opportunity for Israelis harmed by armed operations carried out by Palestinians to file compensation claims against the Palestinian Authority valued at hundreds of millions of dollars.

The law was supported by 19 representatives from the government coalition and the opposition, while only two Arab deputies voted against it. It will take effect as soon as it is published in the Official Gazette, unless the Supreme Court stops its implementation.

The law was approved despite the fact that a number of experts and representatives of the security services had warned that it “would cause great harm to the already deteriorating economy of the Palestinian Authority, and push it into bankruptcy.”

The text of the law states that its purpose is to “enable victims of terrorism to file compensation claims against those who pay salaries for terrorism, including the Palestinian Authority, which approves and encourages acts of terrorism by paying salaries to terrorists.”

The proposal aims to “regulate the issue of compensation for victims, and remove barriers that prevent filing civil compensation (damage) lawsuits against those who pay a salary for acts of terrorism.”

The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee held deliberations on the law before approving it, in the presence of the head of the Civil Department in the Unit for Coordination of Government Action in the Palestinian Territories (COGAT), Elad Goren, who warned: “The cabinet had decided, during its discussions that took place seven months ago, to maintain the Palestinian Authority, while this law creates obstacles to the decision. There are far-reaching consequences for this, and we must think about how to compensate victims of terrorism while maintaining the cabinet’s decision.”

Representatives of the Legal Advisory Department of the Israeli National Security Council and the Shin Bet Service voiced their support for Goren’s warning. Tamar Kalhora, from the Counseling and Law Department of the Ministry of Justice, warned during the session that the law cannot not pass in the Supreme Court, because it does not specify the maximum amount of compensation.

Family of Murdered Libyan Calls for Retrial of Saadi Gaddafi

File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)
File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)

Family of Murdered Libyan Calls for Retrial of Saadi Gaddafi

File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)
File photo of Saadi Gaddafi (AFP)

The family of the murdered Libyan footballer Bashir Al-Riani has vowed not to “forfeit his blood” after the country’s Supreme Court overturned the acquittal of Saadi Gaddafi in the case.

The Tripoli Court of Appeals in April 2018 had acquitted the son of the late Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi of charges related to Al-Riani’s torture and murder in 2005. Despite the acquittal, Saadi remained imprisoned until his release on Sept. 6 2021, after which he reportedly left for Turkiye.

In a video statement, Al-Riani’s son announced that the Supreme Court had overturned Saadi’s acquittal and accepted an appeal against it, returning the case to the Tripoli Court of Appeals. He asserted this decision as proof of Saadi’s guilt and vowed to pursue justice until the trial is completed.

While no comment was issued by Saadi’s supporters regarding the Supreme Court’s decision, Ahmed Nashad, a Libyan lawyer and head of the defense team for Abdullah Senussi, former intelligence chief under Gaddafi, explained that overturning Saadi’s acquittal requires a new trial before the Tripoli Court of Appeals.

Al-Riani was found dead in 2005 near Saadi’s seaside residence. Saadi was accused of torturing and killing him, though accounts of the incident vary widely.

In June 2014, former Attorney General Abdelkader Jumaa Radwan referred Saadi’s case to the indictment chamber of the North Tripoli Primary Court after concluding the investigation.

Saadi, 50, was a former football player. He tried in vain to establish a football career in the Italian League, before leading an elite military unit.

Some Libyans, who oppose the Gaddafi regime, say that Saadi heard Al-Riani saying that the man was not talented at football. Meanwhile, another unreliable story states that Al-Riani was drunk and refused to obey Saadi’s guards, so they shot him. This story is denied by the victim’s family.

A former political official close to the Government of National Unity said that Saadi’s release was likely politically motivated, part of broader efforts to free several former regime figures. He noted that many Gaddafi loyalists remain imprisoned despite court orders for their release.