1.3 Million Yemenis Depend on US Assistance

Workers load up onto the back of a truck sacks of food supplies at the Red Sea port of Hodeidah in western Yemen, April 5, 2022. (AFP)
Workers load up onto the back of a truck sacks of food supplies at the Red Sea port of Hodeidah in western Yemen, April 5, 2022. (AFP)

1.3 Million Yemenis Depend on US Assistance

Workers load up onto the back of a truck sacks of food supplies at the Red Sea port of Hodeidah in western Yemen, April 5, 2022. (AFP)
Workers load up onto the back of a truck sacks of food supplies at the Red Sea port of Hodeidah in western Yemen, April 5, 2022. (AFP)

USAID has pledged to continue distributing aid to Yemen, including to areas controlled by the Houthi militias who have increased their campaign of arrests against staff from UN agencies and international organizations.

The agency said it has provided assistance through partners to more than 1.3 million Yemenis, amid the high level of food insecurity due to economic deterioration and diminishing livelihoods.

In a recent report, USAID said its partners continue to provide emergency food assistance, including US sourced commodities and cash vouchers to shop at local markets.

For example, one partner provided cash to nearly 6,800 host community families, and some 2,000 internally displaced families, and allocated these amounts to food purchases.

In government-controlled areas, the agency also distributed aid in Abyan, Al Dhalee and Lahj governorates through the provision of life-saving food voucher assistance complemented with nutrition-related activities.

It also offered assistance to more than 1,800 households in Houthi-controlled areas in the governorates of Jawf and Marib during April.

The agency said it provides monthly support to distribute unconditional food assistance designed to meet 80% of the average daily calorie requirement for each household member.

Also, USAID partners are providing multipurpose cash assistance (MPCA) to cover other costs - including shelter and hygiene items - throughout Yemen to support food insecurity, and improve household purchasing power, according to the report.

It said while the UN World Food Program’s (WFP) general food assistance (GFA) program remains paused in the Houthi-controlled areas, USAID partners continue to provide food assistance to support vulnerable households.

With the US government support, International Organization for Migration (IOM), UNHCR, and three NGOs provide MPCA to conflict-affected households across Yemen to meet their basic needs and reduce the use of negative coping strategies, while also supporting local markets.

USAID data also reveals that Houthi-controlled areas suffer from inadequate levels of food consumption, adding that the nationwide rate of inadequate food consumption rose from 51% in April to 58% last May.

It warned that this trend significantly worsened in the Houthis-controlled areas, where it increased by 78% year-on-year, compared to 52% in government-controlled areas.

It said the overall volume of food imports via all Yemeni seaports increased by 22% during the first five months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.

Deterioration of Health

USAID said that almost a decade of conflict has led Yemen to experience devastating outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, especially among children.

It said displacement, economic deterioration, low incomes and overcrowded living conditions in internally displaced persons camps, along with a burdened health system and low immunization rates, have contributed to the resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases.

Lebanon’s Rocky Terrain Makes Tunnel Digging Easy for Hezbollah

Entrance to a border tunnel destroyed by the Israeli army at the Lebanon border in 2019 (AFP)
Entrance to a border tunnel destroyed by the Israeli army at the Lebanon border in 2019 (AFP)

Lebanon’s Rocky Terrain Makes Tunnel Digging Easy for Hezbollah

Entrance to a border tunnel destroyed by the Israeli army at the Lebanon border in 2019 (AFP)
Entrance to a border tunnel destroyed by the Israeli army at the Lebanon border in 2019 (AFP)

Hezbollah is using Lebanon’s rocky landscape to dig tunnels in mountains and valleys, aiming to hide from Israeli airstrikes and launch attacks from what are considered safe areas.

Due to limited details on how these tunnels are built or their specific purposes, experts believe Hezbollah uses this method as an alternative to open combat under Israeli aircraft.

Retired Brig. Gen. Fadi Daoud told Asharq Al-Awsat that Hezbollah’s tunnel strategy forces Israel into difficult underground warfare, a challenging type of combat in military terms.

Daoud explained that tunnel networks “take away key advantages from the enemy.”

“Even though the Israeli military has a powerful air force for reconnaissance and airstrikes, tunnels prevent them from seeing targets. This has reduced the effectiveness of the air force and limits its ability to maneuver,” said Daoud.

He also noted that the Israeli military is prepared for tunnel warfare, with weapons like the Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bomb, sponge bombs, and Bunker Buster bombs, which can destroy tunnels up to 60 meters deep. However, using these weapons depends on the situation.

Regarding Hezbollah’s tunnel network, Daoud mentioned that while there isn’t exact information, it is believed that the area from the border to seven kilometers inside Lebanon is likely covered by an underground tunnel system.

This is why Israel wants Hezbollah pushed beyond the Litani River, as it thinks there are no tunnels beyond that point. However, Daoud emphasized that these are only estimates, and no one has confirmed information.

Israeli studies suggest that Hezbollah has built a complex underground tunnel network in Lebanon, stretching for several kilometers.

These reports highlight how Hezbollah benefits from Lebanon’s natural landscape, which makes tunneling easier. Modern tunneling equipment is expensive and not widely available, even to the Lebanese government, with some tunnels taking years to complete.

Dr. Tony Nemer, a geology and seismology expert at the American University of Beirut, explained that Lebanon's rocks are mainly limestone.

When exposed to water containing carbon dioxide, the rocks form carbonic acid, which can hollow out the limestone. This natural process has led to the formation of many caves in Lebanon.

Nemer pointed out that the karstic nature of these rocks makes digging tunnels easier.

He noted that while most of Lebanon’s rocks are limestone, there are also some sandy and volcanic rocks, but these make up only 15%-20% of the country’s terrain.