Monitor Says Israel Hits Air Defense Bases in Syria 

Israeli missiles struck two air defense bases in southern Syria overnight, a war monitor said Tuesday. (Reuters file)
Israeli missiles struck two air defense bases in southern Syria overnight, a war monitor said Tuesday. (Reuters file)

Monitor Says Israel Hits Air Defense Bases in Syria 

Israeli missiles struck two air defense bases in southern Syria overnight, a war monitor said Tuesday. (Reuters file)
Israeli missiles struck two air defense bases in southern Syria overnight, a war monitor said Tuesday. (Reuters file)

Israeli missiles struck two air defense bases in southern Syria overnight, a war monitor said Tuesday, as tensions surge on Israel's northern border after a deadly rocket strike on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights related to the opposition, reported no casualties in the overnight strikes in Daraa province, which abuts the armistice line separating Syrian and Israeli forces on the Golan.

Syria's state-run media did not report any strikes.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed a "severe" response to Saturday's strike, which killed 12 youths in Majdal Shams, a Druze Arab town in the Golan.

Israel has accused Hezbollah of an attack on a football field in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Hezbollah has, however, denied any responsibility for the attack.

"The State of Israel will not, and cannot, let this pass. Our response will come and it will be severe," he said on a visit to the town of Majdal Shams on Monday.

He was greeted by protests during the visit, which came after mourners gathered in the town to bury the last victim, 11-year-old Guevara Ibrahim.

Lebanese caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib said a flurry of diplomatic activity has sought to contain the anticipated Israeli response.

"Israel will escalate in a limited way and Hezbollah will respond in a limited way... These are the assurances we've received," Bou Habib said in an interview with Lebanese broadcaster Al-Jadeed.

Israel Says Hit Around 10 Hezbollah Targets in Lebanon, Killed One Fighter

A picture taken from the outskirts of south Lebanon's village of Aitaroun shows smoke billowing after a raid carried out by Israeli warplanes on December 17, 2023. (Photo by AFP)
A picture taken from the outskirts of south Lebanon's village of Aitaroun shows smoke billowing after a raid carried out by Israeli warplanes on December 17, 2023. (Photo by AFP)

Israel Says Hit Around 10 Hezbollah Targets in Lebanon, Killed One Fighter

A picture taken from the outskirts of south Lebanon's village of Aitaroun shows smoke billowing after a raid carried out by Israeli warplanes on December 17, 2023. (Photo by AFP)
A picture taken from the outskirts of south Lebanon's village of Aitaroun shows smoke billowing after a raid carried out by Israeli warplanes on December 17, 2023. (Photo by AFP)

The Israeli army said Tuesday it had struck around 10 Hezbollah targets overnight in seven different areas of south Lebanon, killing one fighter from the Iran-backed militant group.

The army also "struck a Hezbollah weapons storage facility, terror infrastructure sites, military structures and a launcher in southern Lebanon", the army said, AFP reported.

The strikes came after a rocket fired from Lebanon hit a Druze Arab town in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights on Saturday and killed 12 children aged between 10 and 16.

On a visit to Majdal Shams on Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Israel would deliver a "severe response" to the strike.

Israel says the rocket that killed the children was an Iranian-made Falaq and was fired by its ally Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has denied responsibility for firing the rocket though it claimed multiple launches towards Israel on Saturday.

Israeli forces and Hezbollah have been engaged in near-daily clashes along the border since the start of the Israel-Hamas war on October 7.

The violence has so far killed 22 soldiers and 24 civilians on the Israeli side, including in the Golan, according to army figures.