EU Concerned at Arbitrary Detention by Houthis of UN Staff

A number of European Union ambassadors during their meeting with the Chairman of the Yemeni Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, on a previous visit to Aden (Saba)
A number of European Union ambassadors during their meeting with the Chairman of the Yemeni Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, on a previous visit to Aden (Saba)

EU Concerned at Arbitrary Detention by Houthis of UN Staff

A number of European Union ambassadors during their meeting with the Chairman of the Yemeni Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, on a previous visit to Aden (Saba)
A number of European Union ambassadors during their meeting with the Chairman of the Yemeni Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, on a previous visit to Aden (Saba)

The European Union Heads of Mission to Yemen have expressed deep concern over the Houthis’ detention and disappearance for over three months of dozens of staff working for the UN, international and local organizations, calling for their unconditional release.

Thursday’s EU concern came as Yemeni Information Minister Moammar Al-Eryani condemned the Houthis’ use of torture to extract confessions from staff working for the UN and international organizations.

He said such practices are due to the international community's leniency towards the violations committed by the Iranian-backed group.

In a statement issued on social media platform X, the EU Heads of Mission to Yemen said they are deeply concerned at the arbitrary detention by the Houthis of staff working for the United Nations, international and local NGOs and diplomatic missions in Yemen.

They noted that the detainees have been held “incommunicado and now over 90 days,” which is “severely hampering the capacity of the international community” to deliver essential assistance to millions of Yemenis in urgent need of assistance.

The EU diplomats also voiced their full support for “the repeated international calls, led by UN Secretary-General (Antonio) Guterres, for their immediate and unconditional release.”

The Houthi militias have, since early June, arrested and forcibly disappeared dozens of people, including at least 13 UN staff and many employees of nongovernmental organizations operating in their controlled territories.

The militia has expanded its campaign to include more than 70 employees of international and local organizations in areas under its control in northern and western Yemen, and has accused them of spying for foreign parties.

So far, the international community and UN agencies have failed to convince the Houthi group to release the detainees, while the Yemeni government continues to call for the transferring of the headquarters of UN agencies and international organizations from Houthi-controlled Sanaa to Aden, the country's temporary capital.

Fabricated confessions

The Yemeni Information Minister on Thursday described the Houthis’ publishing and broadcasting of fabricated videos showing detainees “confessing” to espionage, as a “heinous crime.”

He said Houthis obtained the confessions after promising the detainees to release them, without any regard for their age, status, role in community service, or the feelings of their parents.

Al-Eryani said the innocent victims who have been abducted, forcibly hidden, psychologically and physically tortured by Houthis for years, and whose reputation has been tarnished by the publication of their photos and coerced confessions, were performing their routine tasks and jobs normally in their institutions, organizations and embassies.

He said the Houthi militia is bringing false espionage charges against detained people, with no material or moral basis.

Algerians to Vote as Incumbent Tebboune Poised for Easy Victory

(FILES) Algeria's President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is pictured at the Borgo Egnazia resort during the G7 Summit in Savelletri near Bari in Italy on June 14, 2024. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)
(FILES) Algeria's President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is pictured at the Borgo Egnazia resort during the G7 Summit in Savelletri near Bari in Italy on June 14, 2024. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)

Algerians to Vote as Incumbent Tebboune Poised for Easy Victory

(FILES) Algeria's President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is pictured at the Borgo Egnazia resort during the G7 Summit in Savelletri near Bari in Italy on June 14, 2024. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)
(FILES) Algeria's President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is pictured at the Borgo Egnazia resort during the G7 Summit in Savelletri near Bari in Italy on June 14, 2024. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)

Around 24 million Algerians are poised to head to the polls on Saturday for a vote in which experts say incumbent President Abdelmadjid Tebboune faces no real risk to his rule as he seeks a second term.
His main challenge, though, is achieving a higher turnout than in 2019, when he was declared president with 58 percent of the vote but with a record abstention rate of over 60 percent.
"The President is keen to have a significant turnout," Hasni Abidi, an Algeria analyst at the Geneva-based CERMAM Study Center, told AFP. "It's his main issue."
Abidi said Tebboune "has not forgotten that he was elected in 2019 with a low turnout. He wants to be a normal president and not a badly elected one", he said, referring to Tebboune's election five years ago amid the massive Hirak pro-democracy protests.
Tebboune, 78, is the clear favorite to see off moderate Abdelaali Hassani and socialist candidate Youssef Aouchiche in the race to lead the country of some 45 million people and Africa's largest exporter of natural gas.
Although he has distanced himself from political parties and is presented as an independent candidate, Tebboune's bid is backed by major political parties, including the historic FLN, which led Algeria's independence fight against France.
Hassani, a 57-year-old civil engineer, is the leader of the Movement of Society for Peace (MSP), Algeria's main party.
Aouchiche, a 41-year-old former journalist and parliamentarian, heads the Socialist Forces Front (FFS), Algeria's oldest opposition party with a historic stronghold in the Berber-majority Kabylie region. The FFS has boycotted elections in Algeria since 1999.
Voting abroad
Polling stations abroad opened on Monday, with over 800,000 Algerians set to cast their ballots overseas. Mobile stations meant to collect votes in Algeria's remote areas began their work on Wednesday.
Campaigning took place at the height of a searing hot summer, which drove down attendances.
Every candidate has courted the youth vote, with young people making up over half the population, offering promises on social and economic issues to improve purchasing power and make the economy less dependent on hydrocarbons.
Fossil fuel exports account for about 95 percent of the North African country's hard currency revenues.
Tebboune, however, says he has already succeeded in rectifying the country's past wrongs and putting Algeria -- currently Africa's third-largest economy -- back on track.
Such achievements, he says, have come despite "a war against Covid-19 and corruption".
On foreign policy, there appeared to be a consensus among the candidates on issues relating to Palestinians and Western Sahara, the disputed territory which Morocco -- Algeria's regional rival and neighbor -- claims as its own but whose independence Algiers backs.
More freedoms
Tebboune's two challengers have vowed to grant more freedoms.
Aouchiche says he is committed "to release prisoners of conscience through an amnesty and to review unjust laws", including on media and terrorism.
Hassani has advocated for "freedoms that have been reduced to nothing in recent years".