Iraq’s al-Sudani: Govt Is Being Undermined and Impeded

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani. (Government media)
Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani. (Government media)

Iraq’s al-Sudani: Govt Is Being Undermined and Impeded

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani. (Government media)
Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani. (Government media)

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani spoke on Saturday of attempts to undermine and impede the work of his government.

His remarks were seen as an indirect response to accusations against employees in his office of involvement in a wire-tapping scandal that has rocked Iraq.

The PM was speaking at an event marking the Prophet Mohammed’s birthday.

He stressed the need to “adhere to the Sunnah to ward dangers away from Iraq and confront suspicious behaviors.”

Al-Sudani did not discuss the wire-tapping scandal, but he underlined the government’s commitment to prioritizing public interests and reforms as it runs state affairs.

“We have achieved clear successes that have been evident in all sectors in spite of attempts to tarnish the government’s image and efforts to undermine its work. We will not heed these attempts, but rather forge ahead with determination,” he vowed.

Observers interpreted al-Sudani's comments as an indirect message to the pro-Iran ruling Coordination Framework that has confronted the government over the wire-tapping scandal.

Trusted sources had told Asharq Al-Awsat last week that the Framework is determined to wage a “grinding” battle against al-Sudani to introduce radical change in the country.

Local media has been full of reports and speculation about the scandal, while the government has not offered any tangible evidence in the affair to quell the rumors and claims.

Al-Sudani also held a meeting with head of the Hikma movement Ammar al-Hakim, a major member of the Framework, for talks on political developments, said Hakim’s office.

Meanwhile, head of the State of Law coalition former PM Nouri al-Maliki underscored cooperation between political powers to “prevent any form of collapse” in Iraq.

Maliki, another member of the Framework, remarked that the “majority of countries and governments have to deal with crises... the government is usually the main player that resolves crises but it cannot confront them alone.”

Maliki has emerged as the main rival to al-Sudani in the wire-tapping scandal, hoping to oust him from political life altogether.

Asharq Al-Awsat reported last week that Maliki had demanded from al-Sudani that the government relinquish its jurisdiction over the head of intelligence and that control over the position be transferred to the Framework.

He also demanded that all members of al-Sudani's tribe be removed from state positions, the restructuring of the prime minister’s office and that al-Sudani pledge to refrain from running in the next elections, calling on him to also dissolve his political party

In return, al-Sudani will not be pressured to resign as prime minister.

Algerian Court Certifies Tebboune's Landslide Reelection Win

People walk past posters of Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune outside his election campaign headquarters in Algiers (AFP)
People walk past posters of Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune outside his election campaign headquarters in Algiers (AFP)

Algerian Court Certifies Tebboune's Landslide Reelection Win

People walk past posters of Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune outside his election campaign headquarters in Algiers (AFP)
People walk past posters of Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune outside his election campaign headquarters in Algiers (AFP)

Algeria's constitutional court on Saturday certified the landslide victory of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune in last weekend's election after retabulating vote counts that he and his two opponents had called into question.

The court said that it had reviewed local voting data to settle questions about irregularities that Tebboune’s opponents had alleged in two appeals on Monday, according to The AP.

“After verification of the minutes of the regions and correction of the errors noted in the counting of the votes," it had lowered Tebboune's vote share and determined that his two opponents had won hundreds of thousands more votes than previously reported, said Omar Belhadj, the constitutional court's president.

The court's decision makes Tebboune the official winner of the Sept. 7 election. His government will next decide when to inaugurate him for a second term.

The court's retabulated figures showed Tebboune leading Abdellali Hassan Cherif by around 75 percentage points. With 7.7 million votes, the first-term president won 84.3% of the vote, surpassing 2019 win by millions of votes and a double-digit margin.

Cherif, running with the Movement of Society for Peace, won nearly 950,000 votes, or roughly 9.6%. The Socialist Forces Front's Youcef Aouchiche won more than 580,000 votes, or roughly 6.1%.

Notably, both challengers surpassed the threshold required to receive reimbursement for campaign expenses. Under its election laws, Algeria pays for political campaigns that receive more than a 5% vote share. The results announced by the election authority last week showed Cherif and Aouchiche with 3.2% and 2.2% of the vote, respectively. Both were criticized for participating in an election that government critics denounced as a way for Algeria's political elite to make a show of democracy amid broader political repression.

Throughout the campaign, each of the three campaigns emphasized participation, calling on voters and youth to participate and defy calls to boycott the ballot. The court announced nationwide turnout was 46.1%, surpassing the 2019 presidential election when 39.9% of the electorate participated.