Washington Sanctions Individuals, Entities Tied to Houthi Financier

The US Treasury Department imposed a series of sanctions on entities and individuals linked to the Houthis (Reuters)
The US Treasury Department imposed a series of sanctions on entities and individuals linked to the Houthis (Reuters)

Washington Sanctions Individuals, Entities Tied to Houthi Financier

The US Treasury Department imposed a series of sanctions on entities and individuals linked to the Houthis (Reuters)
The US Treasury Department imposed a series of sanctions on entities and individuals linked to the Houthis (Reuters)

The United States on Friday imposed new sanctions on individuals, companies, and vessels linked to the shipping network of Sa’id al-Jamal, an Iran-based Houthi financial official backed by the Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) to facilitate the smuggling of oil and arms to Houthis.
“The United States is imposing sanctions on five companies and five individuals and identifying eight vessels as blocked property for their ties to the network of Iran-based, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force-backed, US-designated Houthi financial operative Sa’id al-Jamal,” State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said in a statement.
While al-Jamal is based in Iran and his network is backed by the Quds Force, Miller stated that, “The Iranian regime’s support for regional terrorist groups continues to destabilize the Middle East.”
The spokesperson also noted that the revenue from al-Jamal’s network generates funds that enable the Houthis’ regional attacks, including their disruption of international shipping in vital waterways.
“This is the eleventh tranche of sanctions we have imposed on Sa’id al-Jamal’s network, and we will continue to use the tools at our disposal to target these illicit revenue streams,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) pledged to utilize all available tools to disrupt this key source of illicit revenue that enables the Houthis’ destabilizing activities.
Its action was taken pursuant to counterterrorism authority Executive Order 13224, as amended, the Treasury said.
Earlier on Thursday, the Treasury said it sanctioned eighteen companies, individuals, and vessels for transporting and selling Iranian oil to al-Jamal.
The sanctions are imposed on the captains of vessels transporting illicit oil as well as the companies that managed and operated these ships.
“The revenue from al-Jamal’s network continues to enable Houthi attacks in the region, including missile and unmanned aerial vehicle attacks on Israel and commercial vessels transiting the Red Sea,” the Treasury said.
“The Houthis remain reliant on Sa’id al-Jamal’s international network and affiliated facilitators to transport and sell Iranian oil, continuing their campaign of violence,” said Acting Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Bradley T. Smith.
“Treasury remains committed to utilizing all available tools to disrupt this key source of illicit revenue that enables the Houthis’ destabilizing activities,” he added.
The al-Jamal network relies on a network of front companies and willing partners in multiple jurisdictions to facilitate the sale of Iranian petroleum and petroleum products for the benefit of the Houthis, according to the Treasury.
Earlier this month, the United States imposed sanctions on one individual and three companies that have facilitated weapons procurement and smuggling operations for the Houthis.
These facilitators and suppliers have enabled the terrorist group to acquire dual-use and military grade materials and components needed to manufacture, maintain, and deploy advanced missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles that threaten the interests of the United States and its allies.
Additionally, Washington sanctioned one entity linked to illicit Houthi commercial shipments, as well as sanctioning that entity’s two vessels, including one that transported shipments on behalf of the network of Houthi financial official Sa’id al-Jamal and an affiliate of Iran’s Armed Forces General Staff.
Last June, the US also imposed new sanctions on three individuals and six entities that have facilitated weapons procurement for Yemen’s Houthis.
The sanctions targeted a ship involved in arms smuggling for the Iran-backed group, and companies based in China, the Sultanate of Oman, and the UAE.
OFAC said in a statement that the sanctions involved an individual based in China.
“Ali Abd-al-Wahhab Muhammad al-Wazir is a China-based Houthi-affiliated individual who plays a key role in procuring materials that enable Houthi forces to manufacture advanced conventional weapons inside Yemen,” it said.
The statement also noted that al-Wazir uses his China-based company, Guangzhou Tasneem Trading Company Limited (Guangzhou Tasneem), to obtain these items and ship them to Yemen.
Guangzhou Tasneem is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hong Kong-based Tasneem Trading Company Limited.
The US Treasury also imposed sanctions on another individual, Muaadh Ahmed Mohammed al-Haifi, who runs the Oman-based International Smart Digital Interface Limited Liability Company (ISDI) that has purchased and facilitated the transfer of cruise missile components, manufacturing equipment, and other dual-use materials into Yemen.
According to the Treasury, al-Haifi’s activities had played a key role in the 2020 Houthi attacks on a Saudi Aramco facility in the region using a Quds-type land attack cruise missile that contained components that ISDI had sourced from a PRC-based supplier.
Also, the Treasury imposed sanctions on the Cameroon-flagged OTARIA, which is managed by UAE-based Stellar Wave Marine L.L.C and captained by Vyacheslav Salyga.



Australia Provided Support for US Airstrikes on Houthis

Houthi footage shows the moment of attacking the sunken Greek ship “M/V Tutor” in the Red Sea (Reuters)
Houthi footage shows the moment of attacking the sunken Greek ship “M/V Tutor” in the Red Sea (Reuters)

Australia Provided Support for US Airstrikes on Houthis

Houthi footage shows the moment of attacking the sunken Greek ship “M/V Tutor” in the Red Sea (Reuters)
Houthi footage shows the moment of attacking the sunken Greek ship “M/V Tutor” in the Red Sea (Reuters)

Australian officials said on Friday that their country provided support for US strikes conducted on Thursday targeting Houthi facilities in Yemen, according to Reuters.
The US said it carried out strikes on Wednesday against five underground weapons storage facilities in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, in a strike that used long range B-2 stealth bombers against the Iran-aligned group for the first time.
“Australia provided support for US strikes conducted on 17 October 2024 targeting Houthi facilities in Yemen, through access and overflight for US aircraft in northern Australia,” an Australian defense official said in a statement.
“This support is consistent with our long-standing alliance commitment and close cooperation, demonstrating the interoperability of our militaries,” it added.
The B-2 bomber aircraft involved in the strikes on Yemen did not operate from Australia, however the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported air-to-air refueling had been conducted.
Reuters reported in July that Royal Australian Air Force bases in Tindal and Darwin in northern Australia were being upgraded to cater for US bomber and refueling aircraft with US defense funding, as Australia has re-emerged as a strategically vital Indo-Pacific location for the US amid rising tensions with China.
The US has large jet fuel stores at Tindal and Darwin, according to Reuters.

Precision Strikes
On Thursday, US defense secretary Lloyd Austin said the US military, including air force B-2 bombers, conducted precision strikes against five hardened underground weapons storage locations in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen.
He said US forces targeted several of the Houthis’ underground facilities housing various weapons components of types that the Houthis have used to target civilian and military vessels throughout the region.
“This was a unique demonstration of the United States’ ability to target facilities that our adversaries seek to keep out of reach, no matter how deeply buried underground, hardened, or fortified,” Austin said in a statement.
The Houthis later admitted that airstrikes had hit Sana’a, and the stronghold of Saada. In a statement by its politburo, the group pledged that the attacks “will not go unanswered.”
It said those airstrikes will not deter them from continuing their attacks in support of the Palestinians in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The Houthis said they received more than 700 airstrikes after the US and Western strikes on the militia group began on January 12.
Late last year, the US announced the formation of an international escort coalition code-named Operation Guardians of Prosperity in response to the Houthi attacks.
Since November 2023, the Houthis have conducted about 193 attacks in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean, aiming to disrupt Israeli-linked and other vessels, including those from the US and UK.
The strikes, they claim, are in solidarity with Palestinians in the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in Lebanon.