IMF Chief Sees Inflation Dropping Further in 2024

FILED - 16 June 2023, Luxembourg: Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva speaks during a press conference at the European Convention Center in Luxembourg. Photo: -/European Council/dpa
FILED - 16 June 2023, Luxembourg: Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva speaks during a press conference at the European Convention Center in Luxembourg. Photo: -/European Council/dpa

IMF Chief Sees Inflation Dropping Further in 2024

FILED - 16 June 2023, Luxembourg: Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva speaks during a press conference at the European Convention Center in Luxembourg. Photo: -/European Council/dpa
FILED - 16 June 2023, Luxembourg: Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva speaks during a press conference at the European Convention Center in Luxembourg. Photo: -/European Council/dpa

Inflation is easing faster than expected but has not been fully defeated, International Monetary Fund chief Kristalina Georgieva said on Thursday, urging central bankers to carefully calibrate their decisions on cutting interest rates to incoming data.
Georgieva said headline inflation for advanced economies was 2.3% in the final quarter of 2023, down from 9.5% just 18 months ago, and the downward trend was expected to continue in 2024.
That would create the conditions for central banks in major advanced economies to begin cutting rates in the second half of the year, although the pace and timing would vary, she told an event hosted by the Atlantic Council think tank, according to Reuters.
"On this final stretch, it is doubly important that central banks uphold their independence," Georgieva said, urging policymakers to resist calls for early rate cuts when necessary.
"Premature easing could see new inflation surprises that may even necessitate a further bout of monetary tightening. On the other side, delaying too long could pour cold water on economic activity," she said.
Georgieva said next week's World Economic Outlook would show that global growth is marginally stronger given robust activity in the United States and in many emerging market economies, but gave no specific new forecasts.
She said the global economy's resilience was being helped by strong labor markets and an expanding labor force, strong household consumption and an easing of supply chain issues, but said there were still "plenty of things to worry about."
"The global environment has become more challenging. Geopolitical tensions increase the risks of fragmentation ... and, as we learned over the past few years, we operate in a world in which we must expect the unexpected," Georgieva told an event hosted by the Atlantic Council think tank.
She said global activity was weak by historical standards and prospects for growth had been slowing since the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. The global output loss since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 was $3.3 trillion, disproportionately hitting the most vulnerable countries.
Georgieva said the US had seen the strongest rebound among advanced economies, helped by rising productivity growth. Euro area activity was recovering more gradually, given the lingering impact of high energy prices and weaker productivity growth.
Among emerging market economies, countries like Indonesia and India were faring better, but low-income countries had seen the most severe scarring.
Given a significant and broad-based slowdown in productivity growth, the IMF's five-year outlook for global growth was just above 3%, well below its historical average of 3.8%, she said.
"Without a course correction, we are ... heading for 'the Tepid Twenties' - a sluggish and disappointing decade," Georgieva said, urging continued vigilance to restore price stability, rebuild fiscal buffers and jumpstart growth.
She said foundational reforms, such as strengthening governance, cutting red tape, increasing female labor market participation and improving access to capital could lift output by 8% in four years, she said.
Even more was possible with policies to encourage economic transformation, speeding up the green and digital transition, which could offer huge opportunities for investment, jobs and growth, she said.
Artificial intelligence offered huge potential benefits but also risks, with a recent IMF study showing that AI could affect up to 40% of jobs across the world and 60% in advanced economies, Georgieva said.

Poland Looks Forward to Long-term Relations with Saudi Arabia in IT, Food Security

Robert Rostek, Polish Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, during the inauguration ceremony of the direct air line between Riyadh and Warsaw. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Robert Rostek, Polish Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, during the inauguration ceremony of the direct air line between Riyadh and Warsaw. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Poland Looks Forward to Long-term Relations with Saudi Arabia in IT, Food Security

Robert Rostek, Polish Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, during the inauguration ceremony of the direct air line between Riyadh and Warsaw. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Robert Rostek, Polish Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, during the inauguration ceremony of the direct air line between Riyadh and Warsaw. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

A senior Polish diplomat revealed growing prospects for fruitful cooperation between his country and Saudi Arabia, especially in food security, while many companies operating in information technology and the food industry have expressed their interest in establishing local offices in the Kingdom.
In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Robert Rostek, the Polish ambassador to Saudi Arabia, emphasized that the two countries’ leaderships are determined to develop bilateral economic, political and social relations.
He also said that the European 5-year Schengen visa that is provided for Saudi nationals will increase tourism and trade between the two sides.
The volume of bilateral trade reached $7.9 billion in 2023, which makes the Kingdom the largest economic partner of Poland at the level of Arab countries, the ambassador stated.
“In 2025, we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, although official contacts go back nearly 100 years... If it were not for our complex history, our diplomatic relations would have remained unhindered throughout these years”, he said.
According to Rostek, relations between Riyadh and Warsaw have developed at an unusual pace especially in the past year. He explained that senior Polish officials visited the Kingdom in 2023, including the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Minister of Finance Magdalena Rzeczkowska.
Similarly, some senior Saudi officials conducted visits to Poland, he remarked. Those include the Saudi Minister of Economy, Faisal Al-Ibrahim, in May, and the Minister Transport and Logistics, Saleh Al-Jasser, with the Chairman of the General Authority of Civil Aviation, Abdulaziz Al-Duwailej, in August, whose mission greatly contributed to the signing of the Polish-Saudi air transport agreement, which led to the establishment of a direct air line between Riyadh and Warsaw, just one month ago.
The Polish diplomat went on to say: “We have also worked together on the Ukrainian file, and supported diplomatic efforts, by participating in the Jeddah Summit in August 2023.”
Rostek told Asharq Al-Awsat that the year 2023 witnessed the entry of a number of Polish firms into the Saudi market. He pointed to the presence of Polish companies Comarch and Asseco, which specialize in IT solutions, in addition to other companies operating in the food, cosmetics and fashion industries.
He added that on June 4, 2024, direct flights were launched between Riyadh and Warsaw, operated by LOT Polish Airlines.
“We see a mutual understanding with Saudi Arabia, to develop our relationship economically, socially and politically,” he said, adding: “With the newly approved series of EU visas for Saudis, and the possibility of obtaining 5-year Schengen visas, in addition to Saudi e-visas, travel between the Kingdom and Europe has become easier than ever before.”