Unemployment Down, Number of Women up in Saudi Labor Market in 2023

A general view of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Getty Images)
A general view of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Getty Images)

Unemployment Down, Number of Women up in Saudi Labor Market in 2023

A general view of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Getty Images)
A general view of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Getty Images)

The Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development unveiled a series of impressive achievements in the pursuit of a more efficient and effective labor market.

The achievements align with the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and show that priority was given to achieve several key goals: protect workers’ rights, ensure safe and healthy workplaces, nurture national talent, and achieve a sustainable balance in the labor market. To achieve these goals, the ministry has in place appropriate laws and regulations, reported the Saudi Press Agency on Sunday.

The year 2023 witnessed significant progress. Over 1,000 government employees received training at international agencies, which helped improve their work effectiveness. The job engagement index for civil servants surpassed the 2022 target, reflecting a more engaged public sector workforce.

The National Training Campaign (Waad) incentivized the private sector to train workers, with over 16,000 trainees benefiting in various sectors. The skills accelerator program focused on boosting the efficiency of Saudi employees in the private sector, targeting industries with the greatest impact on the national economy.

More than 10,000 individuals benefitted from programs fostering self-employment and specialized skills development. Over 500 people with disabilities were integrated into the workforce in 2023, encouraging them to participate in and contribute to the economy.

The launch of a comprehensive program for reporting work-related accidents underlines the ministry's commitment to workers’ well-being.

The "On Time" campaign has been promoting timely wage payment, with over 700,000 establishments complying with the wage protection system for more than nine million private sector employees.

The ministry's efforts have yielded significant results. The unemployment rate dropped from 12.8% in 2017 to 8.6% in the third quarter of 2023. Working conditions for expatriate workers saw a 73% improvement in 2023 compared to 2020.

The percentage of establishments implementing safety and health measures soared from a mere 15% in 2019 to 71.27% in 2023. Compliance with the wage protection system rose significantly, from 50% in 2017 to 86.9% in the third quarter of 2023.

The percentage of employed individuals with disabilities increased from 7.7% in 2016 to 12.6% in the first half of 2024.

The ministry actively supports working women through dedicated programs. The Wusool transportation program has provided transportation to 234,344 women employed in the private sector.

The Qurrah program, establishing centers for children of working women, has enabled 26,363 women to access childcare services through accredited centers.

Over 25,000 women trainees participated in programs designed to equip them with the skills needed to thrive in the job market.

These initiatives have demonstrably increased women’s participation in the labor market. By the third quarter of 2023, the share of women in the labor market has risen to 34.2%, compared to just 21.2% in 2017. Moreover, the number of women in senior and middle management positions has also seen a significant rise, jumping from 28.6% in 2017 to 43.7% by the third quarter of 2023.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development’s commitment to a more efficient and inclusive labor market is fostering positive change in Saudi Arabia. As these efforts continue, they are expected to have an even greater impact on the Kingdom's workforce and overall economic progress.

Saudi Arabia Implements Int’l Customs System to Facilitate Temporary Import of Goods

Jeddah Islamic Port (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Jeddah Islamic Port (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia Implements Int’l Customs System to Facilitate Temporary Import of Goods

Jeddah Islamic Port (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Jeddah Islamic Port (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia has started implementing an international customs system that facilitates the temporary import of goods for up to one year without the need to pay any fees, taxes, or undergo customs procedures.

In June, the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority started accepting the ATA Carnet temporary admission document at all its land, sea, and air customs points. This step is part of the Kingdom's commitment to the Istanbul Convention on Temporary Admission, supporting the business sector and enhancing Saudi Arabia's status as a global destination for events, exhibitions, and activities.

On Thursday, the Federation of Saudi Chambers announced the issuance of the first ATA Carnet since the official adoption of this system, making Saudi Arabia the 80th country worldwide to implement this international customs system. The document was delivered to Swiss company Richemont.

Logistics expert Zaid Al-Jarba told Asharq Al-Awsat that adopting the ATA Carnet system is a pivotal step in enhancing Saudi Arabia’s logistics environment, adding that the move aligns with the Kingdom’s national transportation and logistics strategy, facilitating international trade by streamlining customs procedures.

He stressed that this system strengthens the country’s infrastructure readiness, supports the growth of the logistics services sector, increases Saudi Arabia’s global competitiveness, and boosts its ability to attract and host international events and exhibitions.

Businesses and interested parties can apply for the ATA Carnet through the Federation’s website and collect it from their headquarters in Riyadh.

The Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority clarified when announcing the start of the ATA Carnet that eligible goods include items intended for display or use in exhibitions, markets, meetings, or similar events, professional equipment, containers, pallets, packing materials, samples, and other goods related to commercial operations. Additionally, goods imported for educational, scientific, or cultural purposes can also be temporarily admitted under the system.

The Federation of Saudi Chambers has been designated as the authorized guarantor in the Kingdom for the ATA Carnet, approved by the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority. The Federation is also the issuing body, with the right to delegate others. Beneficiaries can import goods temporarily under the ATA Carnet without needing to provide financial guarantees.