Germany Urges China to Find Alternative to Coal

German vice-chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck during his visit to carmaker BMW's research and development center in Shanghai, China, on June 23. (Reuters) 
German vice-chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck during his visit to carmaker BMW's research and development center in Shanghai, China, on June 23. (Reuters) 

Germany Urges China to Find Alternative to Coal

German vice-chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck during his visit to carmaker BMW's research and development center in Shanghai, China, on June 23. (Reuters) 
German vice-chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck during his visit to carmaker BMW's research and development center in Shanghai, China, on June 23. (Reuters) 

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on Sunday that two Chinese officials he met in Beijing told him that China was expanding coal production for security reasons.

The Minister then said Beijing must find a safe alternative to coal.

“China is indispensable to achieving global climate goals and must find a safe alternative to coal, which accounted for nearly 60% of China's electricity supply in 2023,” Habeck said at the end of a four-day visit to East Asia.

Officials told Habeck that China was expanding coal production for security reasons, the minister told reporters in the southern city of Hangzhou, the day after meeting Chinese officials in Beijing.

“China also imports large amounts of gas and oil and China has already seen what has happened in Europe and Germany in the last two years,” he added, referring to the energy crisis triggered by Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

He said cooperation with China must be strengthened, adding: “Without China it would not be possible to meet the climate targets globally.”

“You don't have to teach them that CO2 emissions are bad for the climate. They've got that,” Habeck said, adding that it should be possible to achieve the same level of security with fewer coal-fired power plants.

Later, Habeck told students at the university of Zhejiang that the difficulty lay in integrating variable forms of energy such as wind and solar into a system built to work on more predictable fuels, adding: “That is basically my work.”

He said that doubling capacities was "the old way" of doing it, but not the most efficient.

Habeck said extension of the power grid and use of batteries to store energy could reduce the number of traditionally fueled power plants needed to meet China's needs, adding that economic growth and climate action were not opposites.

“Transforming the economy to a climate-neutral one is not only good for the climate but creates new opportunities for wealth and growth,” he added.

Other issues seem to overshadow curbing global warming at the moment, but it is a key challenge, so strengthening cooperation with China in this area is necessary, the minister said.

During Habeck’s visit to China on June 22, Chinese and EU officials said they agreed to start talks on the proposed imposition of tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles being imported into the European market.

IMF Says US Needs to Tackle Debt despite Robust Growth

Police officers wearing face masks guard the US Capitol Building in Washington, US, May 14, 2020. (Reuters)
Police officers wearing face masks guard the US Capitol Building in Washington, US, May 14, 2020. (Reuters)

IMF Says US Needs to Tackle Debt despite Robust Growth

Police officers wearing face masks guard the US Capitol Building in Washington, US, May 14, 2020. (Reuters)
Police officers wearing face masks guard the US Capitol Building in Washington, US, May 14, 2020. (Reuters)

The International Monetary Fund on Thursday called on the US to raise taxes to curb rising debt levels while applauding "robust, dynamic" growth in the world's largest economy and progress toward bringing inflation under control.
The IMF said in a closing statement for its "Article IV" review of US economic policies that high deficits and debt "create a growing risk to the US and global economy, potentially feeding into higher fiscal financing costs and a growing risk to the smooth rollover of maturing obligations."
The IMF's statement slightly revised down its 2024 US GDP growth forecast to 2.6% from the 2.7% forecast in the global lender's World Economic Outlook in April, reported Reuters.
The IMF forecasts US growth in 2025 to dip to 1.9% -- unchanged from the April outlook -- and remaining above 2% through the end of the decade.
"The US economy has proven itself to be robust, dynamic and adaptable to changing global conditions," the IMF said. "Activity and employment continue to expectations... and the disinflation process has been considerably less costly than many had feared."
The IMF said it expects US inflation as measured by the Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index to return to the Federal Reserve's 2% target by mid-2025, considerably sooner than the Fed's own forecast of returning to target in 2026.
IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva told reporters that the IMF's forecast is more optimistic because the current trajectory of inflation indicates a quicker return to target, partly because strong US consumer spending driven by wealth built up during the COVID-19 pandemic is subsiding and the labor market is cooling.
But the IMF chided Washington for rising deficits that if continued would bring the US debt-to-GDP ratio to a concerning level of 140% by the end of the decade. The IMF measure includes Social Security pension and Medicare healthcare obligations.
"Such high deficits and debt create a growing risk to the US and global economy, potentially feeding into higher fiscal financing costs and a growing risk to the smooth rollover of maturing obligations," the Fund said.
For the second year in a row, the Fund prescribed that the US increase income tax rates progressively, not only on the wealthiest Americans but also for households earning less than $400,000 a year -- a threshold that US President Joe Biden has vowed not to cross in his re-election campaign pledges.
The Fund said the US also should reform entitlement programs -- cuts that Biden and Republican rival Donald Trump have both vowed not to pursue -- and raise the threshold for eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit for workers without children.
Georgieva said the Fund was trying to present a policy path for the US "that in our view would serve the economy and its people well" as it would for any IMF member country.
With the US economy strong, it was a "good time" for the US to consolidate its fiscal position, she said adding: "It is in good times where you can do more to prepare yourself for risks in the future."
The IMF also said that intensifying US tariffs and other trade barriers along with the increased use of industrial policy to favor domestic firms represented a downside risk for the US and global economies, with the potential to distort investment flows and undermine the global trading system.
Instead, the Fund called for Washington to work out differences with trading partners through negotiations and strengthen the World Trade Organization.
The US Treasury sidestepped the advice over deficits and trade in a statement issued after the IMF's assessment.
In her discussion with Georgieva, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen reiterated the importance of "frank and thorough assessments" of IMF member economies and discussed the "remarkable performance of the US economy over the past few years," the Treasury said.