From Leaf Crisps to Pudding, India’s ‘Super Food’ Millet Finds Its Way onto the G20 Dinner Menu

The International Convention Center "Bharat Mandapam" the venue for the upcoming G20 Summit scheduled to be held next month, pictured in New Delhi on August 31, 2023. (AFP)
The International Convention Center "Bharat Mandapam" the venue for the upcoming G20 Summit scheduled to be held next month, pictured in New Delhi on August 31, 2023. (AFP)

From Leaf Crisps to Pudding, India’s ‘Super Food’ Millet Finds Its Way onto the G20 Dinner Menu

The International Convention Center "Bharat Mandapam" the venue for the upcoming G20 Summit scheduled to be held next month, pictured in New Delhi on August 31, 2023. (AFP)
The International Convention Center "Bharat Mandapam" the venue for the upcoming G20 Summit scheduled to be held next month, pictured in New Delhi on August 31, 2023. (AFP)

When the leaders of the Group of 20 arrived in host country India, they were feted by a classic Indian formula of Bollywood song and dance on the tarmac. Now as they tuck into dinner, they are in for yet another cultural treat: dressed-up versions of a humble, earthy grain that's a staple for millions of Indians.

Millets are a group of grains India has been championing as a super food — versatile, climate-friendly and, if prepared right, presumably delicious enough for world leaders. And after a grueling day of discussions at the summit that saw the African Union added as a new G20 member, delicacies made from it will be rolled out in various forms.

The world leaders will gather for the meal at the Bharat Mandapam building, a sprawling exhibition center in the heart of New Delhi, which twinkled with blinking lights on Saturday night.

Among the vegetarian delicacies are oxtail millet leaf crisps topped with yoghurt and spiced chutney, Kerala red rice tossed with millet crisp and curry leaf, and a cardamom scented barnyard millet pudding with fig and peach compote, according to the menu seen by the Associated Press.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared 2023 as the Year of Millets, and so did the United Nations. Even the White House took note of the grain — in June, plant-based courses of millet were on the menu for some 400 guests invited to a White House state dinner for Modi, who is a vegetarian.

The focus on millets is seen as an effort to revive a hardy and healthy crop that has been cultivated for millennia but was largely cast aside by European colonists who favored corn, wheat and other grains.

Rich in proteins, potassium and vitamin B, and gluten-free, the grain's fans tout its flexibility — you can knead it into rotis or flatbreads, make a batter out of it for dosas or savory crepes, or just boil it, like you would rice, and serve it with spiced lentils, or dal.

Over centuries, millets have been cultivated around the world — including in Japan, Europe, the Americas and Australia — but their epicenter has traditionally been India, China and sub-Saharan Africa.

In total, there are about nine types of millet, and India — the largest producer — grows all of them. The South Asian country accounts for 80% of millet production in Asia and 20% globally, according to a report from the ORF.

Millets are more tolerant of poor soils, drought and harsh growing conditions, and can easily adapt to different environments without high levels of fertilizer and pesticide. They also don’t need as much water as other grains, making them a sustainable option especially in dry and arid regions.

Under Modi’s rule, the grain has found a resurgence of sorts. At the G20 meeting focused on agriculture in June, he said India's food and agriculture policy was a mix of “back to basics” and “march to the future.”

Millets, he said, exemplified this. They are not new, they've been cultivated for thousands of years, "but markets and marketing had influenced our choices so much that we forgot the value of traditionally grown food crops.”

After a thrust by the government to promote the grain, various startups across India have rolled out cafes — some even on wheels — that sell only millet-made snacks. On Instagram, chefs and Bollywood celebrities are promoting the grain by sharing recipes, with some focusing on millet's nutritional value and how it helps in weight loss.

Indian ministers are also making sure the humble grain is recognized by global guests.

Prominent among them is billionaire tech mogul and philanthropist Bill Gates, who during a visit to India this year tried his culinary skills at making millet khichdi, an Indian stew typically made with lentils and rice.

RCU Reaches 1st Comprehensive Description of Human Settlement Sites During Neolithic Age in NW Saudi Arabia

Several experts, including a scientific team from King Saud University, as well as the citizens of AlUla, participated in the preparation of the study. (SPA)
Several experts, including a scientific team from King Saud University, as well as the citizens of AlUla, participated in the preparation of the study. (SPA)

RCU Reaches 1st Comprehensive Description of Human Settlement Sites During Neolithic Age in NW Saudi Arabia

Several experts, including a scientific team from King Saud University, as well as the citizens of AlUla, participated in the preparation of the study. (SPA)
Several experts, including a scientific team from King Saud University, as well as the citizens of AlUla, participated in the preparation of the study. (SPA)

The Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) announced that a team of archaeologists has reached the first comprehensive description of human settlements in the northwest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the Neolithic period.

The achievement was made through a study supervised by the authority, which found evidence indicating that the region's inhabitants in the sixth and fifth millennium BC was more stable and developed than previously thought.

The research showed that the inhabitants of this area were herding cattle, and practicing the jewelry industry, and the business of trade, as their location helped them to engage in their trade with the various neighboring areas such as East Jordan and areas overlooking the Red Sea.

The results of this study were published in the scientific journal "Levant". Contributors included archaeologist Jane McMahon, from the University of Sydney, through a research team supervised by the authority.

The team provided the latest findings and observations on archaeological investigations of structures known as a stone circle; a unique type of dwelling consisting of vertically erected stone slabs with a diameter of four to eight meters.

The study said the stone slabs erected in two rows in the outer circumference of the circle appear to have been used as foundations for wooden columns (possibly Acacia) that were used to support the roof of the dwelling, with a slab in the center of the circle to support the main wooden column.

The tools and animal remains found at the site indicate that the ceilings may have been made of animal skins.

"The research tests hypotheses about how the first inhabitants of the northwest Arabia lived", said McMahon.

She noted that the inhabitants were not just shepherds living simple lives, but had distinctive architecture, dwellings, domesticated animals, ornaments, decorations and various tools.

Based on the number and size of stone circles it is likely that their numbers were enormous and much more than previously thought.

The study also revealed that the types of arrowheads found closely matched those used in southern and eastern Jordan, which is a clear indication of the interaction and interdependence between the inhabitants of the two regions.

Several experts, including a scientific team from King Saud University, as well as the citizens of AlUla, participated in the preparation of the study.