‘Al-Mansur’ Bust Divides Iraq

A crane lifts the bust of Abu Jafar Al-Mansur from the site of an explosion that targeted it in 2005 (AFP)
A crane lifts the bust of Abu Jafar Al-Mansur from the site of an explosion that targeted it in 2005 (AFP)

‘Al-Mansur’ Bust Divides Iraq

A crane lifts the bust of Abu Jafar Al-Mansur from the site of an explosion that targeted it in 2005 (AFP)
A crane lifts the bust of Abu Jafar Al-Mansur from the site of an explosion that targeted it in 2005 (AFP)

Iraq is debating whether to remove a statue of the Abbasid Caliph Abu Jafar Al-Mansur in central Baghdad. Some argue it’s a cherished symbol, while others say it’s divisive between Shiite and Sunni communities.

Calls to remove the statue coincide with Shiite attempts to make “Eid al-Ghadir” a national holiday, opposed by Sunni parties.

The proposal caused a rift in parliament, with Shiite and Sunni deputies disagreeing on its inclusion without consultation.

The statue of Abu Jafar Al-Mansur was unveiled in Baghdad’s Al-Karkh district in 1977. Created by Iraqi artist Khalid Al-Rahal, it has become a subject of debate over whether it should stay or go.

Calls for its removal have surfaced before, but protection measures were taken, and the voices demanding its removal faded.

However, in 2005, the statue was bombed, attributed to “unknown militants.” It was moved for safety and returned in 2008 during improved security.

Recently, analysts close to the “Coordination Framework” coalition claim the statue angers many Iraqis and argue for its removal.

Public rejection of the proposal has been strong on social media. Iraqi police have deployed around the monument, as seen in widely shared images.

Yet, social media has also seen a resurgence of sectarian tensions, highlighting divisions among Iraq’s communities.

Government representatives have firmly opposed any disrespect towards the statue, emphasizing its importance in Baghdad’s cultural heritage.

“The statue must remain in its place without any form of disrespect or infringement,” Fadel Al-Badrani of the Ministry of Culture told Asharq Al-Awsat.

Al-Badrani highlighted the statue’s significance, noting its role as a symbol cherished by Iraqis and admirers of Baghdad’s history and heritage.

Critics have labeled calls for its removal as “sectarian talk,” reflecting a lack of seriousness in Iraq’s political landscape.

International Book Fair 2024 in Madinah Unveils Online Guide for Cultural Program

The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo
The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo

International Book Fair 2024 in Madinah Unveils Online Guide for Cultural Program

The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo
The Saudi Ministry of Culture logo

The International Book Fair 2024, taking place at the Islamic University of Madinah from August 29 to September 4 under the theme "The Book Is the Window of Life," launched an online guide for its cultural program.
Organized by the Literature and Authors Association under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, the Madinah fair's cultural program stands out for its diversity and rich content, offering a wide array of intellectual and cultural activities tailored for diverse segments of society.
The cultural program features multiple panel discussions that bring together a curated group of thinkers and writers to examine contemporary cultural topics. Panels are centered around the cultural heritage of Madinah and strategies for its preservation, with titles such as "translation: a bridge of civilizations" and "intangible heritage in Madinah."
Furthermore, the program includes a series of specialized workshops on writing, publishing, and translation designed to refine participants' skills and nurture their creative talents.
Attendees can also anticipate a diverse range of lectures spanning literature, history, and sciences, along with several poetry evenings gathering poets from various Arab countries to promote constructive dialogue and foster knowledge-sharing and cultural exchange.