Movie Review: Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Get a Loaded Origin Story, One That’s Worth the Crunch

This image released by Searchlight Pictures shows Jesse Garcia in a scene from "Flamin' Hot," a tale of how a Mexican American janitor came up with the idea for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. (Searchlight Pictures via AP)
This image released by Searchlight Pictures shows Jesse Garcia in a scene from "Flamin' Hot," a tale of how a Mexican American janitor came up with the idea for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. (Searchlight Pictures via AP)

Movie Review: Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Get a Loaded Origin Story, One That’s Worth the Crunch

This image released by Searchlight Pictures shows Jesse Garcia in a scene from "Flamin' Hot," a tale of how a Mexican American janitor came up with the idea for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. (Searchlight Pictures via AP)
This image released by Searchlight Pictures shows Jesse Garcia in a scene from "Flamin' Hot," a tale of how a Mexican American janitor came up with the idea for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. (Searchlight Pictures via AP)

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos get an origin story worthy of any Marvel superhero with Hulu’s totally engrossing “Flamin’ Hot.” It’s the tale of how a struggling Mexican American janitor came up with the idea of adding spice to the cornmeal, forever saving after-school snacking.

Is it true? Probably not. Don’t let that stop you.

You’ll wish “Flaming Hot” was accurate because it’s a winning tale of perseverance, family love, proud heritage and blue-collar success, told with a wink, some Cheetos dust and a ton of love by Eva Longoria, in her directorial debut.

Jesse Garcia stars as Richard Montañez, a one-time Frito-Lay floor-sweeper in southern California who convinced his bosses to make a snack that celebrates the flavors of Mexico despite a seven-layer dip of sceptics.

“New products take years to develop, cost millions to launch and they do not get created by blue-collar hoodlums, who probably can’t spell hoodlum,” our hero is told.

Nevertheless, Montañez persists, cracking the Latino market and repairing his relationship with his abusive father along the way. “I’m the guy who helped bring the world the most popular snack it’s ever seen,” he says in a voice-over.

It’s an unlikely story, for sure. No, really. It’s unlikely. The Los Angeles Times has published allegations that Montañez fabricated his role in the snack’s creation and Frito-Lay says he “was not involved.”

But Longoria and the screenplay by Lewis Colick and Linda Yvette Chávez — based on Montañez memoir — will have you cheering when the gnarled red snacks finally zip along on an assembly line and you’ll be ready to gleefully fist-bump Montañez, played understatedly but with deep soul by Garcia.

This is more than just a snack-version “Rocky” story, with the filmmakers exploring the insecurity of factory shift workers, the stress of integrating into white culture, how hard it is for corporations to innovate and the ability to silence the voices in your head that urge you to quit.

In one heartbreaking early scene, Montañez — so poor he waters down the milk for his kids and uses chewing gum to seal holes in their shoes — is wide-eyed at the Frito-Lay factory until he notices all the overcooked chips are tossed. “People are always trying to throw away the brown ones,” he says.

The filmmakers enliven their story with wonderful flights of fancy, like when we see Montañez lose it and beat up a manager with a mop after being called Paco. “Nah, just kidding,” he says in the voice over. “What you think? It was my first week on the job.”

To show the passage of time during the Reagan administration, they’ve also cleverly got a man on the factory floor holding a box reading “1985,” the extruder pumps out “1986” and forklifts carrying boxes that read “1987” and “1988.”

There are a few references to Frito-Lay scientists in the Midwest also working on a spicy flavor, but this is strictly a fist-in-the-air portrayal of Montañez alone, set to a soundtrack of Latin artists like Santana, Los Lobos and Ozomatli.

His heroic arc is more than a little unbelievable, especially when he taps his former drug-dealing pals to start handing out free bags of chips like pushers, and for the many times he jumps up on a piece of factory equipment to deliver a “Dead Poets Society”-like speech.

Dennis Haysbert as a gruff engineer, Annie Gonzalez as Montañez’s loving wife and Tony Shalhoub as the CEO of Frito-Lay all add welcome flavor notes.

It’s the montages that really shine, like the moment in a park when Montañez, eating elote and watching everyone put hot sauce on their food, gets a vision of a spicy snack. “I had been searching for an answer. Or a door to open. And there it was all around me. It had been there the entire time,” he says.

There’s also the sequence when he and his family try every chile combo — poblano, pasilla, serrano, guajillo and habanero included — until they find the right formula, often hovering around their youngest kid as he samples a chip and gives them the green light.

The final product is credited with opening the door to cool new convenience store flavors and for US corporations to finally respect the Latino market. That’s a lot of stuff to put in a bag of chips, even if it’s all made up. But it’s so fun to watch. It burns so good.

Some Like It Not: LA Bars Demolition of Marilyn Monroe Home

View of Marilyn Monroe's Spanish Colonial-style former house in Los Angeles, California, US, September 11, 2023. (Reuters)
View of Marilyn Monroe's Spanish Colonial-style former house in Los Angeles, California, US, September 11, 2023. (Reuters)

Some Like It Not: LA Bars Demolition of Marilyn Monroe Home

View of Marilyn Monroe's Spanish Colonial-style former house in Los Angeles, California, US, September 11, 2023. (Reuters)
View of Marilyn Monroe's Spanish Colonial-style former house in Los Angeles, California, US, September 11, 2023. (Reuters)

The Los Angeles home where Marilyn Monroe died was declared a historic landmark on Wednesday, thwarting plans by its current owners to demolish the property.

The house was home to the "Some Like It Hot" screen siren for the final six months of her life up to her death from a drug overdose in 1962.

More than half a century on, Monroe remains one of the most beloved figures in US pop culture, and fans as well as conservationists have closely followed a row over the future of the home.

Property heiress Brinah Milstein and her reality TV producer husband Roy Bank bought the Spanish Colonial-style home in the swanky Brentwood neighborhood last summer for $8.35 million.

The couple owned the house next door and intended to combine the two properties. That construction would have involved razing the Monroe home.

But when a demolition permit was issued last September, a furor quickly followed, and local politicians moved quickly to designate the building protected status.

Last month, the owners sued the city of Los Angeles for "illegal and unconstitutional conduct."

Their petition noted Monroe had "occasionally" lived in the home for "a mere six months", and the couple claim that more than a dozen previous owners since 1962 have already changed the building beyond recognition.

Those objections were overruled Wednesday, as city councilors approved the designation of the house as a historic cultural monument.

Monroe bought the 3,000-square-foot single-story hacienda in 1962 just after her divorce from playwright Arthur Miller.

"There is no other person or place in the city of Los Angeles as iconic as Marilyn Monroe and her Brentwood home," said councilor Traci Park, whose district includes the house in question.

"Some of the most world-famous images ever taken of her were in that home, on those grounds and near her pool.

"There is likely no woman in history or culture who captures the imagination of the public the way Marilyn Monroe did. Even all these years later, her story still resonates and inspires many of us today."