Did Pentagon Chief Austin’s Secret Hospitalization Break the Rules? 

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin attends a welcome ceremony before an annual security meeting with South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik at the Defense Ministry in Seoul, South Korea on November 13, 2023. (Reuters)
US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin attends a welcome ceremony before an annual security meeting with South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik at the Defense Ministry in Seoul, South Korea on November 13, 2023. (Reuters)

Did Pentagon Chief Austin’s Secret Hospitalization Break the Rules? 

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin attends a welcome ceremony before an annual security meeting with South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik at the Defense Ministry in Seoul, South Korea on November 13, 2023. (Reuters)
US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin attends a welcome ceremony before an annual security meeting with South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik at the Defense Ministry in Seoul, South Korea on November 13, 2023. (Reuters)

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin may have violated the law by failing to report his recent hospitalization to his boss, but likely only faces a reprimand from US President Joe Biden, despite some calls for his resignation, two legal experts said on Monday.


Austin, 70, was admitted on New Year's Day to an Intensive Care Unit at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for what the Pentagon has said were "complications following a recent elective medical procedure," a fact the Defense Department kept under wraps for five days.

Austin sits just below Biden atop the chain of command of the US military, but his staff did not inform the White House of his condition for three days, and even his own top deputy was kept in the dark.


His handling of the situation appeared to be a stark breach of protocol for high-ranking cabinet officials, who typically inform the public of planned medical absences ahead of time and identify who will be filling in for them.

Austin's duties require him to be available at a moment's notice to respond to any national security crisis. He said on Saturday that he "could have done a better job" and took "full responsibility" for the secrecy over his hospitalization.

White House officials have said Biden still has "complete confidence" in Austin, who remains in the hospital but has returned to his regular duties.


Legal experts said Austin may have violated a US law on "reporting of vacancies" that requires executive agencies to report top-level absences and the names of anyone serving in an acting capacity to both houses of Congress. The law is largely procedural and does not spell out any penalties for lapses.

Legal experts said that Austin appears to have clearly violated the rule but will likely face only a reprimand and a warning from Biden. Any top deputies or staff responsible could face similar consequences.

Austin may have also violated internal US Department of Defense protocols, and officials say they are conducting a full review of the incident to determine how future lapses could be prevented.


Austin spoke to Biden, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the morning of Jan. 1 before he went to the hospital, the White House said. The "secure conference call" was about the Middle East. Biden was in St. Croix on vacation at the time.

There was then no contact with the White House or National Security Council until Jan. 4, the White House said. Biden and Austin next spoke on Jan. 6, the White House said.

White House officials said Biden continued to be briefed on national security issues by other officials during Austin's hospitalization, and the president received his daily national security briefing prepared by the intelligence community. The daily briefing includes input from the Defense Department but is not produced by them.


Congressional leaders are calling for an inquiry.

Lawmakers from both parties said they were deeply concerned that the president did not know his top civilian commander was hospitalized for three days at a time when wars are being fought in Gaza and Ukraine.

US Senator Roger Wicker, the highest-ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said on Saturday that the situation was "unacceptable" and demanded a "full accounting of the facts immediately."

Former President Donald Trump, who is Biden's likely Republican challenger in the 2024 election, said on Sunday night that Austin should be fired for his "improper professional conduct and dereliction of duty."

Democratic Senator Jack Reed, the chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said: "This lack of disclosure must never happen again."


Asked if the general counsel's office at the Defense Department believed Austin violated laws, chief Pentagon spokesperson Air Force Major General Patrick Ryder told reporters: "We are considering the impact of any statutory reporting requirements and will provide updates as appropriate."

He later added that the reporting requirements being examined would not just involve Congress. "It's to Congress, the White House or anyone else," he said.

In Beirut, Volunteers Race to Help War Displaced

People in Beirut are stepping up to help tens of thousands of Lebanese displaced by Israel's aerial bombardment © Anwar AMRO / AFP
People in Beirut are stepping up to help tens of thousands of Lebanese displaced by Israel's aerial bombardment © Anwar AMRO / AFP

In Beirut, Volunteers Race to Help War Displaced

People in Beirut are stepping up to help tens of thousands of Lebanese displaced by Israel's aerial bombardment © Anwar AMRO / AFP
People in Beirut are stepping up to help tens of thousands of Lebanese displaced by Israel's aerial bombardment © Anwar AMRO / AFP

Beirut is buzzing with activity as volunteers scramble to aid the tens of thousands displaced by Israel's intense bombardment of Lebanon this week.

Despite an economic crisis that has gripped the country for years, people in the capital are stepping up, finding shelter, cooking meals and gathering essentials.

In a cramped soup kitchen, dozens of volunteers wearing aprons and hairnets stir steaming pots of tomato bulgur and pack hundreds of meals into plastic containers.

"When people began fleeing the south, I had to help in any way possible," said Mehyeddine el Jawhary, a 33-year-old chef originally from Sidon.

"The first thing that crossed my mind was to cook meals," said Jawhary, whose parents refused to leave the southern city despite nearby air strikes.

This week Israel dramatically intensified its attacks, mostly on south Beirut and southern and eastern Lebanese areas, killing more than 700 people, according to the health ministry.

'Help each other'

The International Organization for Migration estimates that around 118,000 people have been displaced by the flare-up in just the past week.

Schools turned makeshift shelters are overflowing, and those who can afford it are renting apartments or staying with family.

"Now's not the time to say, 'It's not my problem'," said Jawhary. "The state is unable to help us, so we have to help each other."

His cooking crew delivered 1,800 meals in a single day, part of a grassroots network of community kitchens feeding those in need since the onset of the economic collapse in 2019.

Lebanon's government, strapped for cash, is offering little assistance, forcing communities to organise their own aid.

Social media is flooded with people offering free apartments or running donation drives for food and essentials.

Engineer Ziad Abichaker has raised enough money for 600 mattresses and blankets and is pushing to reach 1,000.

Helping was a "moral duty", he told AFP.

'We could all become displaced'

In Beirut's Badaro district, a group of mothers collects clothes, blankets and baby formula at Teatrino, a pre-school turned donation hub.

Sorting through piles of clothes inside the facility, paediatric dentist Mayssa Blaibel said she had stopped working at her clinic this week to become a full-time volunteer.

"It's not easy because demand is very high. We're just ordinary people trying to help, but it seems the crisis will last," said the 36-year-old.

"Because I have children, I feel it's my duty to do something. We cannot expect our society to be good if we're not giving a good example ourselves."

More than 20 kilometres (12 miles) away, in the lush Shouf mountains, Hala Zeidan has been sharing her home free of charge since Monday with a displaced family of three.

"This is our homeland and these are people who were displaced from their villages," said the 61-year-old teacher living in the Druze town of Baakline.

"We could all become displaced... we should be compassionate and work hand in hand."