Proposed Gaza Ceasefire Puts Netanyahu at a Crossroads That Could Shape His Legacy 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at a ceremony for the “Remembrance Day for the Fallen of Israel's Wars and Victims of Terrorism” at Yad LeBanim in Jerusalem, Israel, Sunday, May 12, 2024. (AP)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at a ceremony for the “Remembrance Day for the Fallen of Israel's Wars and Victims of Terrorism” at Yad LeBanim in Jerusalem, Israel, Sunday, May 12, 2024. (AP)

Proposed Gaza Ceasefire Puts Netanyahu at a Crossroads That Could Shape His Legacy 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at a ceremony for the “Remembrance Day for the Fallen of Israel's Wars and Victims of Terrorism” at Yad LeBanim in Jerusalem, Israel, Sunday, May 12, 2024. (AP)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at a ceremony for the “Remembrance Day for the Fallen of Israel's Wars and Victims of Terrorism” at Yad LeBanim in Jerusalem, Israel, Sunday, May 12, 2024. (AP)

The ceasefire proposal announced by President Joe Biden has placed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a crossroads, with either path likely to shape the legacy of Israel’s longest-serving and deeply divisive leader.

The proposal offers the possibility of ending Israel's war against Hamas, returning scores of hostages held by the armed group and quieting the northern border with Lebanon.

But it would also likely shatter Netanyahu’s governing coalition, potentially sending him into the opposition and making him more vulnerable to a conviction in his corruption trial. The full withdrawal of Israeli forces called for in the agreement could allow Hamas to claim victory and reconstitute itself.

Netanyahu’s rejection of the deal, on the other hand, could deepen Israel’s international isolation, worsen ties with an American administration eager to wind down the war and expose him to accusations of having abandoned the hostages to save his own skin.

It’s a conundrum, and that may explain the strange choreography of Biden’s Friday night address: An American president, announcing what he says is an Israeli proposal, during the Jewish sabbath, when Israel’s political class goes largely silent.

Netanyahu acknowledged the proposal, which has been shared with Hamas through mediators, but then appeared to contradict Biden’s remarks. He said Israel remains committed to dismantling Hamas’ military and governing capabilities and that any talk of a permanent ceasefire before then was a “nonstarter.”

On Monday, he said the destruction of Hamas is “part of the proposal” and was quoted as telling a closed parliamentary hearing that Israel reserves the right to return to war if its objectives are not met.

But it has never been clear what the destruction of Hamas entails or whether it's even possible. Biden said Israel had degraded Hamas to the point where it could no longer carry out an Oct. 7-style attack, and that that by continuing the war, Israel risked getting bogged down in Gaza.

But Netanyahu appears to be seeking a much bigger victory.

‘NETANYAHU’S ENDGAME IS TO SURVIVE’ Netanyahu’s critics fear he will reject any ceasefire to appease his ultranationalist governing partners, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir. They want to continue the war, fully reoccupy Gaza and rebuild Jewish settlements there.

They have already vowed to leave the government if the proposal announced by Biden comes to pass. Netanyahu’s political opponents have offered a safety net if he reaches a deal to release hostages but they are unlikely to help him stay in office long-term.

“Everything that Ben-Gvir and Smotrich demand or threaten to do, you see Netanyahu is very attentive to that,” said Tal Schneider, an Israeli political commentator. “Netanyahu’s endgame is to survive.”

Netanyahu’s current government, formed in late 2022 after five consecutive elections, is the most nationalist and religious in Israel’s history. Months before the war, it pushed policies that entrenched Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, deepened the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community’s reliance on state subsidies and set in motion an overhaul of the judicial system that tore the country apart.

The coalition initially had a slim majority of 64 seats in Israel’s 120-seat parliament - enough to govern but with a fragility that would keep Netanyahu’s fate tied to the whims of any of the smaller parties that form the government.

A VETERAN OF ‘DIFFICULT' POLITICS Shortly after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack ignited the war in Gaza, Benny Gantz, a former military chief and a top political rival of Netanyahu, joined the government in a show of unity. Netanyahu, Gantz and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant formed a three-man War Cabinet to direct the offensive.

Mazal Mualem, a Netanyahu biographer, said that effort largely succeeded in sidelining the ultranationalists and allowing Netanyahu to govern in a more pragmatic mold that has defined his 17 years in office going back to the 1990s.

She pointed to Israel’s limited response to an aerial attack by Iran in April, which Ben-Gvir criticized as “weak,” and to a ceasefire and hostage release deal reached with Hamas in November that Smotrich had initially opposed but later voted for.

“Over the years, Bibi has taught himself to do what he wants to do in difficult political environments,” she said, referring to Netanyahu by his popular nickname.

But Gantz has threatened to quit the government unless Netanyahu lays out a postwar plan by June 8, which would leave him far more reliant on Smotrich and Ben-Gvir.

Netanyahu’s decision to press ahead with Israel’s massive military campaign in Gaza as scores of hostages languish in captivity has opened him up to fierce criticism from many Israelis, including families of the captives. Thousands have joined weekly mass protests.

“The government of Israel has given up on the hostages,” Yehi Yehud, who has an adult child being held hostage in Gaza, told Israeli Army Radio. “Bibi, you don’t have the permission or the moral validity to sacrifice them on the altar of your political survival.”

OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS Netanyahu’s hard-line stance has also weighed heavily on Israel’s relations with its closest ally, the United States, which has provided crucial military support but expressed exasperation with civilian casualties and the lack of any realistic Israeli postwar plans.

Internationally, it has exposed Israel to charges of genocide, which it denies, and a potential international arrest warrant against Netanyahu himself.

In his address on Friday, Biden appeared to be offering Netanyahu a way out: Claim victory by saying a battered Hamas can no longer mount an Oct. 7-style attack, bring all the hostages home and then work with the US and Arab nations to build a new regional security architecture.

But the fear of losing power could prevail.

Netanyahu has spent years nurturing an image that only he can lead Israel through its myriad diplomatic and security challenges. That legacy suffered a major blow on Oct. 7, with many Israelis directly blaming him for the most devastating security failure in the country’s history. Public opinion polls indicate that Netanyahu is trailing behind Gantz and would struggle to form a government if elections were held today.

For all their threats, his far-right allies are in a similar predicament. They would likely join him in the opposition if early elections are held, losing the power he has granted them over the Israeli police and settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank.

If Netanyahu can hold his coalition together until the next scheduled elections in 2026, he might be able to rehabilitate his image. His poll numbers have already started to climb from the depths they hit after Oct. 7 as he has presented himself as withstanding international pressure to end the war.

Aviv Bushinsky, a former Netanyahu adviser, said Netanyahu’s wartime decision-making has less to do with immediate political survival and more with securing a legacy that would not be entirely overshadowed by Oct. 7. That requires some kind of victory over Hamas.

“From a historical perspective, Netanyahu’s only option is to go all the way,” he said. Ben-Gvir and Smotrich “are helping him reach that destination, to keep his head above water.”

Long History of Warfare on Israel-Lebanon Border

Smoke billows from the sites of an Israeli airstrike in Lebanon's southern plain of Marjeyoun along the border with Israel on September 24, 2024. (AFP)
Smoke billows from the sites of an Israeli airstrike in Lebanon's southern plain of Marjeyoun along the border with Israel on September 24, 2024. (AFP)

Long History of Warfare on Israel-Lebanon Border

Smoke billows from the sites of an Israeli airstrike in Lebanon's southern plain of Marjeyoun along the border with Israel on September 24, 2024. (AFP)
Smoke billows from the sites of an Israeli airstrike in Lebanon's southern plain of Marjeyoun along the border with Israel on September 24, 2024. (AFP)

Escalating hostilities between Israel and the Iran-backed Hezbollah group are the latest episode in decades of conflict across the Lebanese-Israeli border. Here is the history:


Lebanon fights alongside other Arab countries against the nascent state of Israel. Around 100,000 Palestinians who fled or were expelled from their homes in what had been British-ruled Palestine during the war arrive in Lebanon as refugees. Lebanon and Israel agree to an armistice in 1949.


Israeli commandos destroy a dozen passenger planes at Beirut airport in response to an attack on an Israeli airliner by a Lebanon-based Palestinian armed group.

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) relocates to Lebanon two years later after its expulsion from Jordan, leading to increased cross-border flare-ups.


Disguised Israeli special forces shoot dead three Palestinian militant leaders in Beirut in retaliation for the killing of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. Palestinian raids into Israel and Israeli military reprisals on targets in Lebanon intensify during the 1970s, leading many Lebanese to flee their country's south and aggravating sectarian tensions in Lebanon, where civil war is starting.


Israel invades south Lebanon and sets up a narrow occupation zone in an operation against Palestinian fighters after a militant attack near Tel Aviv. Israel backs a local Christian militia called the South Lebanese Army (SLA).


Israel invades Lebanon all the way to Beirut in an offensive that followed tit-for-tat border fire. Thousands of Palestinian fighters are evacuated by sea after a bloody 10-week siege of the Lebanese capital involving heavy Israeli bombardment of West Beirut. Lebanon's newly elected Maronite president is killed by a car bomb. Iran's Revolutionary Guards establish the Shiite armed group Hezbollah in Lebanon.


Israel pulled back from central Lebanon in 1983 but retained forces in the south. It establishes a formal occupation zone in southern Lebanon, about 15 km (nine miles) deep, controlling the area with its SLA ally. Hezbollah wages guerrilla war against Israeli forces.


With Hezbollah regularly attacking Israeli forces in the south and firing rockets into northern Israel, Israel mounts a 17-day "Operation Grapes of Wrath" offensive that kills more than 200 people in Lebanon, including 102 who die when Israel shells a UN base near the south Lebanon village of Qana.


Israel withdraws from southern Lebanon, ending 22 years of occupation.


In July, Hezbollah crosses the border into Israel, kidnaps two Israeli soldiers and kills others, sparking a five-week war involving heavy Israeli strikes on both Hezbollah strongholds and national infrastructure.

While Israeli ground forces move into southern Lebanon, much of the conflict is conducted by Israeli airstrikes and Hezbollah rocket fire. It ends without Israel achieving its military objectives and with Hezbollah declaring it a "divine victory".

At least 1,200 people in Lebanon, mostly civilians, and 158 Israelis, mostly soldiers, are killed.


On Oct. 8, Hezbollah begins trading fire with Israel a day after the Palestinian group Hamas attacked communities in southern Israel and sparked the Gaza war.

Hezbollah, a Hamas ally, says its attacks aim to support Palestinians under Israeli bombardment in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli airstrikes pound border areas of south Lebanon and target sites in the Bekaa valley while Hezbollah strikes northern Israel. Tens of thousands flee their homes on both sides of the border.


In July, a strike on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights kills 12 youths. Hezbollah denies involvement, but Israel kills a senior commander from the group in a strike near Beirut.

In August, Hezbollah retaliates with hundreds of rockets and drones onto Israel, saying it targeted a base north of Tel Aviv.

The conflict escalates further in September when thousands of Hezbollah's wireless communications devices explode in an apparent Israeli attack, killing dozens and wounding thousands. An Israeli strike in Beirut kills senior Hezbollah commanders.

Days later, Israel launches its biggest bombardment of the war, killing more than 500 people in a single day and driving tens of thousands to flee the south, according to Lebanese authorities.