Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attack in Ankara

 Members of the Turkish Police Special Forces stand guard in front of the Interior Ministry following a bomb attack in Ankara, Türkiye October 1, 2023. (Reuters)
Members of the Turkish Police Special Forces stand guard in front of the Interior Ministry following a bomb attack in Ankara, Türkiye October 1, 2023. (Reuters)

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attack in Ankara

 Members of the Turkish Police Special Forces stand guard in front of the Interior Ministry following a bomb attack in Ankara, Türkiye October 1, 2023. (Reuters)
Members of the Turkish Police Special Forces stand guard in front of the Interior Ministry following a bomb attack in Ankara, Türkiye October 1, 2023. (Reuters)

The Saudi Foreign Ministry expressed on Sunday the Kingdom’s strong condemnation of the terrorist attack that struck the Turkish capital, Ankara.

It also condemned the second failed attack that was thwarted by security forces.

A suicide bomber detonated an explosive device in Ankara on Sunday, while a second assailant was killed in a shootout with police, the interior minister said.

The attack occurred hours before Parliament was set to reopen after its three-month summer recess with an address by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Two police officers were slightly injured during the attack near an entrance to the Ministry of Interior Affairs.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry underscored the Kingdom’s rejection of all forms of violence, terrorism and extremism.

It reiterated its support to all efforts aimed at eliminating terrorism and extremism in all their forms and drying up their sources of funding.

It wished the injured a speedy recovery and hoped security and stability would prevail in Türkiye.

Saudi Arabia Condemns Israeli Approval of Settlement Expansion in West Bank

The flag of Saudi Arabia. Asharq Al-Awsat
The flag of Saudi Arabia. Asharq Al-Awsat

Saudi Arabia Condemns Israeli Approval of Settlement Expansion in West Bank

The flag of Saudi Arabia. Asharq Al-Awsat
The flag of Saudi Arabia. Asharq Al-Awsat

Saudi Arabia condemned on Saturday the approval by Israel’s security cabinet to expand settlements in the occupied West Bank.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said “the Kingdom firmly rejects the continuous Israeli violations of international law and resolutions of international legitimacy.”

It also cautioned about “the severe consequences of the practices of the Israeli occupation authorities, given the lack of international accountability.”

The ministry said the Israeli violations undermine the prospects for peace and exacerbate conflicts, destabilizing the region and the world.