Kuwait Forms First Government Under New Emir and Prime Minister 

New Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal al-Ahmad Al Sabah takes the oath at the National Assembly in Kuwait City, Kuwait, Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023. (AP)
New Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal al-Ahmad Al Sabah takes the oath at the National Assembly in Kuwait City, Kuwait, Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023. (AP)

Kuwait Forms First Government Under New Emir and Prime Minister 

New Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal al-Ahmad Al Sabah takes the oath at the National Assembly in Kuwait City, Kuwait, Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023. (AP)
New Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal al-Ahmad Al Sabah takes the oath at the National Assembly in Kuwait City, Kuwait, Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023. (AP)

Kuwait on Wednesday formed a government headed by Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed Sabah al-Salem Al Sabah, the state news agency said, the country's first cabinet after the death of its previous ruler. 

Sheikh Mohammed appointed new ministers for oil, finance and foreign affairs in the first cabinet formed under Kuwait's new Emir Sheikh Meshal al-Ahmad Al Sabah, which he said would carry out reforms to comply with the emir's guidance. 

"This is a heavy responsibility of a new phase of Kuwait's history which includes challenges and aspirations, and requires further hard work and genuine accomplishment," the prime minister said, quoted by KUNA. 

The prime minister appointed Emad Mohammed al-Atiqi as oil minister, Anwar Ali al-Mudhaf as finance minister and Abdullah Ali al-Yahya as foreign minister. 

Sheikh Meshal al-Ahmad Al Sabah came to power in December after his predecessor Sheikh Nawaf died. 

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

Saudi Arabia Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Places of Worship in Russia’s Dagestan

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed on Tuesday the Kingdom’s condemnation of the terrorist attacks on places of worship in Dagestan, Russia, which resulted in the death and injury of several security personnel and civilians.

The ministry stressed the Kingdom's rejection of all forms of terrorism, extremism and targeting of civilians.

The Kingdom offered sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and the government and people of Russia and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

The Muslim World League (MWL) also condemned the attacks, saying they violate religious values, international and humanitarian laws, and social norms.  

The league reiterated its firm stance in rejecting and condemning violence and terrorism in all forms and motives for attacks.