Saudi Arabia Welcomes 3 European Countries’ Decision to Recognize State of Palestine

Saudi Arabia welcomed on Wednesday the decision of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the state of Palestine. (SPA)
Saudi Arabia welcomed on Wednesday the decision of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the state of Palestine. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia Welcomes 3 European Countries’ Decision to Recognize State of Palestine

Saudi Arabia welcomed on Wednesday the decision of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the state of Palestine. (SPA)
Saudi Arabia welcomed on Wednesday the decision of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the state of Palestine. (SPA)

Saudi Arabia welcomed on Wednesday the decision of Norway, Ireland and Spain to recognize the state of Palestine.

The move “reflects the international consensus over the right of the Palestinian people to determine their fate,” it said.

It called on remaining countries to follow in their footsteps, which should help lead the way to a “trusted irreversible path that achieves just and lasting peace that secures the rights of the Palestinian people.”

The Kingdom underscored its call on the “international community, especially permanent members of the United Nations Security Council that have not yet recognized a Palestinian state, of the importance to do so.”

It reiterated that such a state should be based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) also welcomed the recognition of the state of Palestine.

GCC Secretary General Jassem Mohamed Albudaiwi said the move is a “pivotal and strategic” step forward in implementing the two-state solution.

It also provides strong motivation for all countries to take similar steps, which will pave the way for the Palestinian people “to obtain all of their rights and live in peace after several years of oppression and dangerous violations under Israeli occupation.”

Albudaiwi called on the entire international community to “play their part in supporting the Palestinian people so that they can obtain their right of the establishment of an independent state.”

Saudi Arabia Tops Edelman’s Trust Index for National Leadership

Edelman’s 2024 Annual Trust Barometer shows that 86% of Saudi citizens trust their government to make key decisions for the country’s goals (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Edelman’s 2024 Annual Trust Barometer shows that 86% of Saudi citizens trust their government to make key decisions for the country’s goals (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia Tops Edelman’s Trust Index for National Leadership

Edelman’s 2024 Annual Trust Barometer shows that 86% of Saudi citizens trust their government to make key decisions for the country’s goals (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Edelman’s 2024 Annual Trust Barometer shows that 86% of Saudi citizens trust their government to make key decisions for the country’s goals (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Saudi Arabia has topped the global trust rankings in Edelman’s 2024 Annual Trust Barometer. The report from the global consulting and PR firm shows that 86% of Saudi citizens trust their government to make key decisions for the country’s goals.
The 24th edition of the report also finds that 78% of respondents trust the Saudi business sector, and over 80% have strong confidence in the nation's leaders and scientists to manage innovation.
Despite global worries about new regulations and tech trends, Saudi Arabia scored a high trust level of 56%, the highest among the 28 countries surveyed.
The Kingdom also leads in trust regarding AI regulations, surpassing the US at 24%, France and Japan at 23%, the UK at 18%, Germany at 27%, and South Korea at 28%.
The report highlights trust in clean energy and AI as crucial for "Saudi Vision 2030". The Kingdom has a 68% trust level in regulated AI technologies, well above the global average of 50%.
Arent Jan Hesselink, CEO of Edelman Europe, Middle East, and Africa, noted that innovation is key to Saudi Arabia’s progress, but stressed the importance of clear communication and transparency to build trust in managing new technologies.
“Innovation is the protagonist of our annual Trust Barometer study this year. The public needs assurance that emerging technologies from business have been evaluated by scientists and effectively regulated by the government,” said Hesselink.
“People need to understand and feel in control over the impact of technological innovations in their lives,” he added.
Elie Azzi, General Manager at Edelman KSA, said: “Guided by high levels of public trust and the Kingdom’s solid confidence in government and their leadership in the transformative objectives of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, there is a real opportunity to demonstrate innovation's deep impact on both the economy and society. It's important for the Kingdom to continue to demonstrate through communications and storytelling that innovation will bring us a better future.”
“Saudi Arabia's proactive approach to innovation and a strong regulatory framework have resulted in a high level of trust in new technologies. This trust is crucial as the Kingdom advances towards its Vision 2030 and demonstrates how effective management and clear communication of technological advancements can result in widespread public support that drives economic growth”, Azzi commented.
The annual Edelman Trust Barometer surveyed 32,000 people across 28 countries, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Japan, Ireland, Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, Indonesia, South Korea, Russia, Germany, Australia, the US, Singapore, China, Argentina, Malaysia, Kenya, France, Brazil, South Africa, Thailand, Spain, Colombia, Hong Kong, Italy, Mexico, and India.
The report examines trust in business leaders, media, governments, and NGOs, guiding dialogue and priorities for the year ahead.