A new survey revealed that character is one of the most important factors that the majority of Germans take into consideration when choosing their partners.
The survey’s results showed that character topped the list of factors sought by 56 percent of women and 51 percent of men when choosing a life partner.
The survey asked the participants to arrange six traits from most to least important when choosing a life partner. The proposed characteristics were: character, sense of humor, intelligence, common interests, physical appearance, and wealth.
According to the survey, the importance of sense of humor significantly differed between both genders. It was the most important trait to look for in the partner for 17 percent of women, and 11 percent of men.
As per physical appearance, it ranked first among 7 percent of women, and 17 percent of men, while both sexes agreed that wealth was the least important feature when choosing a partner.
The survey, which was conducted by the YouGov Institute, ran from July 23 to August 30, and polled more than 2,000 Germans over 18 years old.
The institute conducted the survey in 19 other countries, founding that character is one of the most important qualities that women seek when choosing a life partner. This characteristic was of great importance to women in the Scandinavian countries: Sweden, Denmark and Norway, 73 percent, 69 percent, and 66 percent respectively.
Character and physical appearance came in the same rank, as the most sought after trait when looking for a life partner among men in Indonesia (35 percent). Overall, the survey showed that men who see appearance as one of the most important traits is greater in all countries where women named appearance as the most important characteristic when choosing a partner.
In general, appearance plays an important role in choosing a life partner. Previous studies have shown that women feel strongly attracted to men who resemble their fathers, while men had affinity for women who resemble their mothers.