Israel’s Security Minister Calls for Targeting Hamas, 'Jihad' Officials

A Palestinians protester attaches an incendiary device to a kite before trying to fly it over the border fence between Gaza and Israel on May 4, 2018. (AFP)
A Palestinians protester attaches an incendiary device to a kite before trying to fly it over the border fence between Gaza and Israel on May 4, 2018. (AFP)

Israel’s Security Minister Calls for Targeting Hamas, 'Jihad' Officials

A Palestinians protester attaches an incendiary device to a kite before trying to fly it over the border fence between Gaza and Israel on May 4, 2018. (AFP)
A Palestinians protester attaches an incendiary device to a kite before trying to fly it over the border fence between Gaza and Israel on May 4, 2018. (AFP)

As Israeli military and political officials are increasingly threatening to launch a new military operation against the Gaza Strip, Israeli tanks were seen moving from the central and southern bases to the vicinity of the coastal enclave, accompanied by trucks carrying dozens of batteries for the “Iron Dome” anti-missile defense system.

Military sources in Tel Aviv said the military move was intended to demonstrate to Hamas and “Islamic Jihad” leaders how serious the threats were, and that they had a last chance “to stop the firing of incendiary kites and explosive balloons.”

Although political sources have confirmed that Arab and international efforts were currently focused on preventing the deterioration of the situation into a war, Israeli political leaders continue to threaten Hamas and other factions.

Israeli Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan revealed on Thursday the possibility to launch a major military operation in Gaza in “the next few months” with the aim to deter Hamas.

He noted that a large-scale operation against Gaza in the next weeks or months was very likely and that it would be aimed to stop Palestinian factions from firing rockets on southern Israel.

The minister also called for returning to the policy of assassination of Hamas and “Islamic Jihad” officials, and “whoever launches incendiary kites.”

The Israeli foreign ministry has launched a global media campaign to reproach Hamas and the rest of the armed factions in order to gain international public support in the event of the deterioration of the situation and the eruption of war.

The Israeli army has also begun targeting kite launchers, while in the past it used to fire missiles in a way that does not kill any of them.

A military spokesman announced on Thursday that his forces bombed a site in the southern Gaza Strip near where a group of young men were preparing to launch incendiary kites.

Libya’s Parliament Approves Appointment of Belqasem as New Central Bank Governor

Libyan Ministry of Interior personnel stand guard in front of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 27, 2024. (Reuters)
Libyan Ministry of Interior personnel stand guard in front of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 27, 2024. (Reuters)

Libya’s Parliament Approves Appointment of Belqasem as New Central Bank Governor

Libyan Ministry of Interior personnel stand guard in front of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 27, 2024. (Reuters)
Libyan Ministry of Interior personnel stand guard in front of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, Libya, August 27, 2024. (Reuters)

Libya’s eastern parliament on Monday agreed to appoint Naji Mohamed Issa Belqasem as the new central bank governor after the former governor, Sadiq al-Kabir, was fired last month by the presidential council in the capital, Tripoli.

Parliament spokesperson Abdullah Bliheg said Monday that all 108 lawmakers voted in favor of appointing Belqasem, who previously was the central bank’s director of banking and monetary control.

The parliament also appointed Mari Muftah Rahil Barrasi as his deputy. Belqasem and Barrasi are expected to form a new board of directors for the central bank within 10 days.

The decision came as part of a UN-facilitated agreement between the parliament and the High Council of State to appoint new leadership for the country’s central bank.

Last month, the presidential council issued a decree to appoint Mohamed Abdul Salam al-Shukri, the former deputy governor, as a replacement for al-Kabir. The presidential council in Tripoli is allied with Abdul Hamid Dbeibah’s Tripoli-based Government of National Unity (GNU).

However, the country’s eastern parliament and the Supreme Council of State, an advisory body based in the capital, said removing al-Kabir was was an illegitimate move and that such a decision should have been made in coordination with both bodies. That is according to interim regulations agreed upon during UN-backed talks that help oversee the unity of the country’s institutions.

Al-Kabir served as the central bank’s governor since October 2011, the year when Libya plunged into chaos after a NATO-backed uprising overthrew the country’s longtime leader, Moammar al-Gadhafi.

During the months that led up to his removal, al-Kabir was criticized by officials from both sides of the North African nation’s political divide over the allocation of Libya’s oil money.