Jordan Exerts Pressure to Obstruct Israeli Annexation Plan

Jordan Exerts Pressure to Obstruct Israeli Annexation Plan

Jordan Exerts Pressure to Obstruct Israeli Annexation Plan

Jordan Exerts Pressure to Obstruct Israeli Annexation Plan

The Jordanian Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi, conveyed a message from Jordan’s King Abdullah II to President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday.

This came during his unannounced visit to Ramallah, as part of the ongoing coordination and consultation process against Israel’s plan to annex large parts of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Following his meeting with Abbas, Safadi and his Palestinian counterpart Riyad al-Maliki held a joint press conference, in which the latter said talks focused on coordinating joint efforts and preventing Israel from implementing its annexation plan.

“Our Jordanian brothers are making strong and brave efforts all over the world to prevent Israel from going ahead with its plans,” Maliki noted.

He pointed to King Abdullah’s contacts with the US Congress and various committees, as well as Safadi’s actions at various levels, stressing that these helped mobilize an international stance against this plan.

The Minister further explained that discussions between Abbas and Safadi were important.

“Parties affirmed the State of Palestine’s readiness, under Jordan’s support, to negotiate based on the international legitimacy and UN references.”

“I conveyed Jordan’s permanent historic position to stand with our Palestinian brothers and their right to freedom and to establish their Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,” Safadi stressed.

“We have said in the past that annexation means that Israel had chosen conflict over peace and it alone bears the responsibility of its decisions,” he added, describing the annexation issue as “an unprecedented danger to the peace process.”

“Consequences [of the annexation] are not only on the Israeli-Jordanian ties but also on the entire peace regional efforts,” Safadi said.

“Annexation would kill the two-state solution and destroy all the foundations on which the peace process was based. It will deprive the residents of the region of their right to live in peace and stability.”

The Kingdom will move forward in supporting Palestinians and “protecting the region from the consequences of a long and violent conflict if Israel annexes one-third of the occupied West Bank.”

“The Palestinian cause remains our central concern, and Jordan was and shall remain committed to every possible effort and everything it can to support our Palestinian brothers,” he added.

The Foreign Minister affirmed that his country is “now concentrated on preventing annexation and creating the possibility of returning to serious and effective negotiations.”

Sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that Amman’s has expressed full support for the Palestinian Authority’s positions against the annexation, but it also demanded that the PA waits and gives more time before making irreversible decisions.

Jordan wants “more time for diplomatic efforts to prevent annexation and to resume the political process,” sources said.

Senior US Republican Demands Biden Administration Shut Gaza Aid Pier

 A US Army soldier gestures as trucks loaded with humanitarian aid arrive at the US-built floating pier Trident before reaching the beach on the coast of the Gaza Strip, Tuesday, June 25, 2024. (AP)
A US Army soldier gestures as trucks loaded with humanitarian aid arrive at the US-built floating pier Trident before reaching the beach on the coast of the Gaza Strip, Tuesday, June 25, 2024. (AP)

Senior US Republican Demands Biden Administration Shut Gaza Aid Pier

 A US Army soldier gestures as trucks loaded with humanitarian aid arrive at the US-built floating pier Trident before reaching the beach on the coast of the Gaza Strip, Tuesday, June 25, 2024. (AP)
A US Army soldier gestures as trucks loaded with humanitarian aid arrive at the US-built floating pier Trident before reaching the beach on the coast of the Gaza Strip, Tuesday, June 25, 2024. (AP)

The Republican lawmaker who leads the House Armed Services Committee has written to the Biden administration formally demanding it shut down its aid pier off the coast Gaza, calling the operation ineffective, risky and a waste of money.

The offshore floating pier, announced by Biden in March as a response to the threat of famine in the Gaza Strip, was constructed off the coast of the enclave by the US military as a way to bring in food and other aid supplies.

The US military has been authorized to operate it until the end of July, but a US Agency for International Development official said this week that the administration could seek to extend it for at least another month.

"I urge the Administration to immediately cease this failed operation before further catastrophe occurs and consider alternative means of land and air-based humanitarian aid delivery," House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers wrote in a letter seen by Reuters.

The letter, sent to White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, has not been previously reported.

Rogers has long opposed the pier and has called in the past for it to be dismantled, but he had not previously expressed that view in a formal written letter to the administration.

His armed services committee is the Pentagon's top oversight body in the House of Representatives, and formal requests from its chairman traditionally require a response from Pentagon officials.

Aid first began arriving via the US-built pier on May 17 into Gaza, where nearly all the 2.3 million residents have been displaced by Israel's campaign against the Hamas movement.

But rough seas have damaged the pier, forcing repairs, and poor weather has limited the number of days the pier has been operational. Most of the supplies that have reached the shore have yet to be distributed by UN aid agencies which say their operations have been limited by insecurity.

"As of June 19, JLOTS had only been operational about 10 days and had only moved 3,415 metric tons onto the beach in Gaza," Rogers wrote, using the US military's acronym for the pier system, known as Joint Logistics Over the Shore.

According to US military data, as of Tuesday, 8,332 pallets had been delivered via the pier. But around 84% of them have been sitting on Gaza's coast in a marshalling area waiting to be picked up by the United Nations for distribution.

The World Food Program paused deliveries earlier this month over security concerns.

Reuters was given rare access to the US military-run pier off Gaza on Tuesday and saw aid pallets being moved from a vessel onto the 1,200-foot (370 m)-long pier as it bobbed around with the incoming waves. The pallets were then taken by trucks to the coast.

The operation is complex, involving about 1,000 US military personnel. The Pentagon estimates the first 90 days of operation will cost about $230 million.

Rogers also noted that three US servicemembers suffered non-combat injuries while deployed on the operation.

"I urge the Administration to immediately cease this failed operation before further catastrophe occurs and consider alternative means of land and air-based humanitarian aid delivery," Rogers wrote.